Ticker > IPO > Ongoing IPO

Ongoing IPO

Companies where the IPO investment process is started and will be listed soon in the stock market for regular trading.

Price Band

₹ 401 - 425





Issue Size

858.7 Cr.

Issue Type

Book Built

Listing Date


Frequently Asked questions?

Find answers to common questions that come in your mind related to IPO.

While common investment products have tonnes of resources and data on which one can build his decision, IPOs lack that bit. These asset classes offer good returns but not in the absence of risk. Hence, your risk profile should be adequately analyzed before arriving at a decision.

Given the limited subscription period that IPOs are open for, it becomes really important to keep track in order to apply on time. Investors can have a look at the IPOs that are now open for subscription at the Ongoing IPO section on Ticker.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to it. It depends on your investment objectives, risk appetite & other attributes. However, factors like demand, competition, market sentiments, industry, etc., determine their profitability. You can check and pick the one for yourself at the Ongoing IPO section on Ticker.

Yes, IPOs are profitable, provided you choose the right one. They may offer huge listing gains. In some cases, they prove to be suitable long-term investments as well.

Mostly, certain financial institutions and brokers help their clients in making pre-IPO purchases. Besides, being a prominent investor or angel investor also allows you to be a shareholder in the early phase of the company.

The answer depends on the period of your investment and intention. If you intend to make quick profits, then you should be more cautious. On the other hand, long-term investors can make a move immediately. In both cases, market and company-specific factors play a crucial role.

You can sell the shares on the listing day once the allotment has been made. At your request, the stockbroker will sell those shares on your behalf. But, should you sell or not is an important decision to think about.

An investor could buy an IPO before the actual issue by contacting the financial institutions that deal in them or simply investing in the company as an angel investor.