Jesons Industries IPO Valuation
The approx valuation of Jesons Industries IPO company based on its price band and DRHP (prospectus) is:
Particulars |
Value |
Upper Price Band |
Rs __ |
Existing Shares (Qty) |
5.36 Cr |
Fresh Issue |
120 Cr |
EPS (FY21) |
Rs 17.55 |
Industry PE |
54.88x |
Jesons Industries IPO Issue Size
Jesons Industries IPO issue size is not disclosed.
Issue |
Amount |
Fresh Issue |
120 Cr |
Offer For Sale (Qty) |
1.21 Cr |
Jesons Industries IPO Market Lot
An Individual can apply for a minimum 1 lot of _ shares and a maximum of 13 lots of _ shares. Find the details below:
Application |
Lot |
Shares |
Amount |
Minimum |
1 |
_ |
Rs _ |
Maximum |
13 |
_ |
Rs _ |
Jesons Industries IPO share offer
The category-wise shares offered are as follows:
Category |
% Offered |
Qualified Institutional |
Maximum 50% |
Non-Institutional |
Minimum 15% |
Retail Individual |
Minimum 35% |
The dates for the IPO is not been disclosed.