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Federal Bank share price

The Federal Bank Ltd.

NSE: FEDERALBNK BSE: 500469 SECTOR: Bank - Private  422k   2k   784

-2.25 (-1.16%)
BSE: 26 Mar 04:01 PM

Price Summary

Today's High

₹ 196.45

Today's Low

₹ 191.85

52 Week High

₹ 216.9

52 Week Low

₹ 148.25


Ownership Very Stable
High level of belief in company’s potential exhibited by insiders.
The stock is at a premium valuation at this point.
The company knows very well the utilization of its assets.
Watch out! The company might not be able to sustain any adverse condition.
*It is just an analytical rating of the company and not an investment advice.

Company Essentials

Market Cap

47262.43 Cr.



No. of Shares

245.58 Cr.





Face Value

₹ 2

Div. Yield

0.62 %

Book Value (TTM)

₹  131.96

Net Interest Income

8293.48 Cr.

Cost To Income %


Promoter Holding

0 %


₹  15.99




14.71 %



Profit Growth

23.58 %

* Total debt includes long term borrowing, short term borrowing plus current maturities of long-term borrowing
* Ratios are based on latest Audited Financial Result.

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Index Presence

The company is present in 44 Indices.

Price Chart 1d 1w 1m 3m 6m 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr


Volume Chart 1d 1w 1m 3m 6m 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr

* Prices are based on daily market changes.
* The chart is based on the standalone earnings of the company. * Negative values and values more than 1000x in PE chart is considered 0.

Peer Comparison

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* The Peers list includes companies operating in the same industry and having comparable market cap.

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1 Year14.71%
3 Year13.49%
5 Year12.39%


1 Year1.31%
3 Year1.15%
5 Year1.04%

Net NPA%

1 Year0.6%
3 Year0.75%
5 Year0.95%


1 Year2.87%
3 Year2.92%
5 Year2.89%



Cost of Liabilities %


PEG Ratio


Advances Growth %


Shareholding Pattern

Promoter Pledging %

Date Promoter % Pledge %
Dec 2024 0.00 0.00
Sep 2024 0.00 0.00
Jun 2024 0.00 0.00
Mar 2024 0.00 0.00
Dec 2023 0.00 0.00
Investors List
* Figures given above are % of equity capital


  • Company has a good Return on Equity (ROE) track record: 3 Years ROE 13.4948141760066%.
  • The Bank is prominently managing its Non-Performing Assets, Average NET NPA of last 3 years is 0.75%.
  • Good Capital Adequacy Ratio of 16.13%.
  • The company has delivered good Profit growth of 32.7531432317091% over the past 3 years.


  • CASA Growth of -3.3001% YoY, which is very low.
  • High Cost to income ratio of 54.501%.

Quarterly Result (All Figures in Cr.)

PARTICULARS Dec 2023 Mar 2024 Jun 2024 Sep 2024 Dec 2024
Interest Earned 5730.1 5978.35 6330.88 6577.28 6808.73
Other Income 862.56 753.88 915.18 963.95 916.17
Interest Expended 3606.74 3783.24 4038.9 4210.05 4377.39
Operating Expenses 1548.59 1838.64 1706.25 1765.82 1778.05
Total Provisions 91.22 -94.6 144.27 158.35 292.33
Profit Before Tax 1346.11 1204.95 1356.64 1407.01 1277.13
Tax 339.37 298.65 347.11 350.32 321.69
Net Profit 1006.74 906.3 1009.53 1056.69 955.44
Net NPA % 0.64 0.6 0.6 0.57 0.49
Gross NPA % 2.29 2.13 2.11 2.09 1.95
Return on Assets % 0.35 0.3 0.32 0.32 0.29
NPM % 17.57 15.16 15.95 16.07 14.03

Profit & Loss (All Figures in Cr. Adjusted EPS in Rs.)

PARTICULARS Mar 2020 Mar 2021 Mar 2022 Mar 2023 Mar 2024
Interest Earned 13210.75 13757.9 13660.75 16803.63 22188.26
Other Income 1931.41 1958.71 2089.09 2330 3079.27
Interest Expended 8561.85 8224.2 7698.8 9571.47 13894.78
Operating Expenses 3375.61 3691.72 4293.19 4767.77 6198.27
Total Provisions 1172.17 1663.42 1221.77 749.89 196.11
Profit Before Tax 2032.53 2137.27 2536.08 4044.5 4978.38
Taxes 489.75 546.97 646.26 1033.91 1257.78
Net Profit 1542.78 1590.3 1889.82 3010.59 3720.6
Adjusted EPS (Rs.) 7.74 7.97 8.99 14.23 15.28

Balance Sheet (All Figures are in Crores.)

Particulars Mar 2020 Mar 2021 Mar 2022 Mar 2023 Mar 2024
Equity and Liabilities
Share Capital 398.53 399.23 420.51 423.24 487.07
Total Reserves 14119.08 15724.38 18371.96 21080.52 28603.93
Deposits 152290.08 172644.48 181700.59 213386.04 252534.02
Borrowings 10372.43 9068.5 15393.12 19319.29 18026.42
Other Liabilities 3457.93 3529.94 5058.77 6130.27 8656.95
Total Liabilities 180638.05 201367.39 220946.31 260341.83 308311.8
Balance with RBI 6174.91 7647.04 16049.27 12590.85 11493.57
Balance with Banks 6399.67 11944.35 4961.07 5097.83 7469.35
Investments 35892.68 37186.21 39179.46 48983.35 60859.53
Advances 122267.91 131878.6 144928.32 174446.88 209403.33
Net Block 455.4 479.01 605.76 853.11 954.17
Other Assets 9422.89 12220.06 15194.23 18288.94 18065.97
Total Assets 180638.05 201367.39 220946.31 260341.83 308311.8
* Other Non-current Liabilities include Net deferred Liabilities

Corporate Actions

Investors Details

 No Promoters Data available for this company.
Report us
PARTICULARS Dec 2023% Mar 2024% Jun 2024% Sep 2024% Dec 2024%
investors 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
axis mutual fund - - 1.15 2.25 2.68
bank muscat india fund 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.37 1.37
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franklin india multi cap ... - - - 1.05 1.05
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icici prudential mutual f... - 2.32 2.16 1.72 1.57
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sbi life insurance co. lt... 1.33 1.21 1.15 1.37 1.52
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uti mutual fund - 1.33 - - 1.32
vanguard - 1.03 1.02 1.04 1.04
yusuffali musaliam veetti... 3.12 3.12 3.10 - 3.09
zerodha broking 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.03 1.03
tata aia life insurance - 1.41 1.42 1.41 -
yusuffali musaliam veett... - - - 3.10 -
investor education and pr... - - 0.31 - -
rakesh jhunjhunwala - 1.02 1.01 - -
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dsp - 1.66 - - -
edelweiss - 1.30 - - -
frankiln templeton - 1.08 - - -
hsbc equity savings fund - 1.25 - - -
ifc emerging asia fund, l... 1.74 1.74 - - -
ifc financial institution... 1.74 1.74 - - -
aditya birla sun life tru... 1.79 - - - -
axis mutual fund trustee ... 1.11 - - - -
canara robeco mutual fund... 1.60 - - - -
dsp nifty private bank et... 1.37 - - - -
edelweiss multi cap fund 1.20 - - - -
franklin india prima fund... 1.16 - - - -
hdfc life insurance compa... 2.36 - - - -
hdfc mutual fund - hdfc n... 6.61 - - - -
hsbc multi cap fund 1.55 - - - -
icici prudential nifty pr... 1.75 - - - -
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jhunjhunwala rakesh radhe... 1.02 - - - -
kotak funds - india midca... 1.72 - - - -
kotak mahindra trustee co... 2.35 - - - -
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mirae asset arbitrage fun... 3.49 - - - -
nippon life india trustee... 2.33 - - - -
sbi nifty midcap 150 inde... 2.22 - - - -
sundaram mutual fund a/c ... 1.28 - - - -
tata aia life insurance c... 1.35 - - - -
uti nifty 500 value 50 in... 1.26 - - - -

Ratings & Research Reports

Company Presentations

Company News

Federal Bank gets nod from RBI to acquire additional 4% stake in AFLIC 26 Mar, 6:01 PM The Federal Bank informs about change in senior management personnel 21 Mar, 4:36 PM Federal Bank informs about allotment of ESOP 21 Feb, 12:40 PM Federal Bank unveils new NRE savings account variant ‘Prospera’ 20 Feb, 9:58 AM The Federal Bank informs about allotment of equity shares 12 Feb, 12:51 PM Federal Bank reports 11% fall in Q3 consolidated net profit 28 Jan, 11:40 AM Federal Bank - Quaterly Results 27 Jan, 8:44 PM Federal Bank - Quaterly Results 27 Jan, 8:44 PM Federal Bank informs about allotment of equity shares 21 Jan, 5:08 PM The Federal Bank informs about allotment of equity shares under ESOS 14 Jan, 11:43 AM The Federal Bank informs about allotment of equity shares under ESOS 24 Dec, 12:32 PM The Federal Bank informs about allotment of equity shares 18 Dec, 1:09 PM Federal Bank informs about allotment of equity shares 29 Oct, 12:28 PM Federal Bank - Quaterly Results 28 Oct, 6:39 PM Federal Bank - Quaterly Results 28 Oct, 6:39 PM Federal Bank - Quaterly Results 28 Oct, 6:39 PM The Federal Bank informs about re-affirmation and assignment of credit rating 22 Oct, 11:15 AM Federal Bank to sell 59 lakh equity shares in Equirus Capital 11 Oct, 11:58 AM Federal Bank registers 19% rise in gross advances in second quarter of FY25 7 Oct, 3:14 PM The Federal Bank informs about issuance of letter of confirmation 29 Aug, 5:26 PM Federal Bank informs about allotment under ESOS 28 Aug, 4:35 PM Federal Bank informs about details of loss of certificate 26 Aug, 12:46 PM Federal Bank informs about press release 9 Aug, 5:56 PM The Federal Bank informs about allotment of equity shares under ESOS 30 Jul, 12:22 PM Federal Bank reports 17% rise in Q1 consolidated net profit 24 Jul, 3:42 PM Federal Bank - Quaterly Results 24 Jul, 12:45 PM Federal Bank - Quaterly Results 24 Jul, 12:45 PM Federal Bank - Quaterly Results 24 Jul, 12:45 PM The Federal Bank informs about issuance of letter of confirmation 18 Jul, 5:22 PM Federal Bank informs about allotment of equity shares 9 Jul, 12:35 PM Federal Bank launches new Life Insurance products 6 Jul, 12:09 PM Federal Bank registers 20% rise in gross advances in first quarter of FY25 3 Jul, 11:28 AM The Federal Bank informs about business updates 3 Jul, 10:12 AM Federal Bank launches UPI-enabled RuPay Wave credit card 20 Jun, 11:52 AM Federal Bank enters into strategic bancassurance partnership with Tata AIA Life Insurance 31 May, 4:41 PM The Federal Bank informs about allotment of equity shares under ESOS 20 May, 2:26 PM Federal Bank reports marginal rise in Q4 consolidated net profit 2 May, 2:30 PM Federal Bank - Quaterly Results 2 May, 12:45 PM Federal Bank - Quaterly Results 2 May, 12:45 PM Federal Bank - Quaterly Results 2 May, 12:45 PM Federal Bank informs about allotment of equity shares 20 Apr, 2:04 PM Federal Bank gets RBI’s nod to establish representative office in Saudi Arabia 19 Apr, 2:45 PM Federal Bank informs about allotment under ESOS 6 Apr, 2:02 PM Federal Bank registers 20% rise in gross advances in fourth quarter of FY24 4 Apr, 3:14 PM Federal Bank opens 600th branch in Tanur 26 Mar, 2:25 PM The Federal Bank informs about loss of share certificate 15 Mar, 5:25 PM Federal Bank informs about allotment of ESOP 11 Mar, 4:58 PM Federal Bank informs about loss of share certificates 8 Mar, 12:36 PM The Federal Bank informs about allotment of equity shares under ESOS 26 Feb, 12:33 PM Federal Bank informs about analyst meet outcome 17 Feb, 11:28 AM

Federal Bank Stock Price Analysis and Quick Research Report. Is Federal Bank an attractive stock to invest in?


The Indian Banking sector is rising rapidly due to infrastructure spending, favorable government policy, rising disposable income and increasing consumerism and easier access to credit.

The banking industry is in boom with growing demand across India. But is it the right time to invest in banking stocks is the question to be asked? We can look into more details and dig a little deeper into the analysis of the stock.

Federal Bank stock price today is Rs 192.31. Let’s look at how Federal Bank is performing and if it is the right time to buy the stock of Federal Bank with detailed analysis.

  •  For Banking companies, The primary source of Income is interest earned on various loans given to individuals and corporates. Federal Bank has earned Rs 22188.2573 Cr. revenue in the latest financial year. Federal Bank has posted outstanding revenue growth of 17.270730976502 % in last 3 Years.

  • In terms of advances, Federal Bank reported 20.0384 % YOY,  rise . If you see 3 years advance growth, it stands at 16.6638811570622 %.

  • Currently, Federal Bank has a CASA ratio of 29.5607 %. It’s overall cost of liability stands at 5.1356 %. Also, the total deposits of Federal Bank from these accounts stood at Rs 252534.0153 Cr.

  • Federal Bank has a healthy ROA track record. The ROA of Federal Bank is at 1.3086 %.

  • The Lender is efficiently  managing it’s overall asset portfolio. The Gross NPA and Net NPA stood at 2.13 % and 0.6 % respectively as on the latest financial year.

  • One other important measure of banks’ financial health is provisioning coverage ratio. The YoY change in provision and contingencies is negative at -73.8487193472118 % which means it has decreased from the previous year.

  • Non-Interest income or other incomes are very important for banks as it gives a regular source of income for bank with no additional risk. Other income of Federal Bank surged and is currently at Rs 3079.2717 Cr.

  • Federal Bank has a Good Capital Adequacy Ratio of 16.13 .

  • The best metric which provides insights about bank’s valuation is P/B ratio. Currently Federal Bank is trading at a P/B of 1.4557 . The historical average PB of Federal Bank was 1.03004064645567.

  • Share Price: - The current share price of Federal Bank is Rs 192.31. One can use valuation calculators of ticker to know if Federal Bank share price is undervalued or overvalued.

Last Updated on:
Brief about Federal Bank

Federal Bank Ltd. Financials: Check Share Price, Balance Sheet, Annual Report and Quarterly Results for Company Analysis


The Federal Bank Ltd. is a leading private sector bank in India that offers a wide range of financial services to its customers. As a long-term stock investor, it is important to analyze the company's performance before making an investment decision. In this stock analysis page, we will discuss various aspects of The Federal Bank Ltd. that will help you make an informed decision.

Share Price of Federal Bank Ltd

The Federal Bank Ltd.'s share price is an important indicator of the company's performance. It is influenced by various factors such as market conditions, company performance, and investor sentiments. 

Balance Sheet of Federal Bank Ltd

The Federal Bank Ltd.'s balance sheet is a snapshot of the company's financial position at a given point in time. It provides information about the company's assets, liabilities, and equity. Our premium feature, DCF Analysis, can help you calculate the fair value of the company based on its balance sheet.

Annual Report of Federal Bank Ltd

The Federal Bank Ltd.'s annual report provides detailed information about the company's performance over the past year. It includes financial statements, management discussion and analysis, and other important information. Ticker provides downloadable copies of the annual report that can be used for analysis.

Dividend of Federal Bank Ltd

The Federal Bank Ltd. has a consistent history of paying dividends to its shareholders. It is a sign of the company's financial stability and growth potential. 

Quarterly Result of Federal Bank Ltd

The Federal Bank Ltd.'s quarterly result provides information about the company's performance over the past quarter. It includes financial statements and other important information. Ticker premium feature, BVPS Analysis, can help you calculate the book value per share based on the quarterly result.

Stock Price of Federal Bank Ltd

The Federal Bank Ltd.'s stock price is influenced by various factors such as market conditions, company performance, and investor sentiments. 

Price Chart of Federal Bank Ltd

The Federal Bank Ltd.'s price chart provides a visual representation of the company's stock price over a period of time. It can help you identify trends and patterns in the stock price. Ticker provides an interactive price chart that can be used for analysis.

News of Federal Bank Ltd

The Federal Bank Ltd.'s news section provides information about the company's latest developments and announcements. It includes press releases, media coverage, and other important information. Ticker provides a news section that can be used for analysis.

Concall of Federal Bank Ltd

The Federal Bank Ltd.'s concall provides an opportunity for investors to interact with the company's management and ask questions about the company's performance and future plans. Ticker provides transcripts of the concall that can be used for analysis.

Transcripts of Federal Bank Ltd

The Federal Bank Ltd.'s transcripts provide a detailed account of the company's concall and other important events. It includes information about the company's performance, future plans, and other important information. Ticker provides downloadable transcripts that can be used for analysis.

Investor Presentations of Federal Bank Ltd

The Federal Bank Ltd.'s investor presentations provide information about the company's performance and future plans. It includes financial statements, management discussion and analysis, and other important information. Ticker provides downloadable copies of the investor presentations that can be used for analysis.

Promoters of Federal Bank Ltd

The Federal Bank Ltd.'s promoters are individuals or entities that hold a significant stake in the company. They play an important role in the company's decision-making process and can influence the company's performance. Ticker pre-built screening tools can help you analyze the promoter's stake and compare it with other companies in the same sector.

Shareholders of Federal Bank Ltd

The Federal Bank Ltd.'s shareholders are individuals or entities that hold a stake in the company. They have a vested interest in the company's performance and can influence the company's decision-making process. 

Federal Bank Ltd ROCE

The Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) ratio is an essential profitability metric that evaluates a company's capacity to generate profits from its capital investments. On this page, you can access the ROCE data for Federal Bank Ltd in the financials table or ratio section located above, enabling you to assess the efficiency with which the company is utilizing its capital.

Federal Bank Ltd EBITDA

Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA) is a vital metric that measures a company's operating profitability. With the EBITDA data available for Federal Bank Ltd on this page, investors can scrutinize the company's core profitability without including non-operating expenses.

Federal Bank Ltd DPS

Dividends Per Share (DPS) is a significant metric for investors looking to generate income from their investment in a company. The DPS data for Federal Bank Ltd can be accessed on this page in the financials table or ratio section above, providing an overview of the company's dividend distribution to its shareholders.

Federal Bank Ltd EPS

Earnings Per Share (EPS) is a fundamental profitability metric that indicates a company's profitability on a per-share basis. By referring to the EPS figures for Federal Bank Ltd on this page, investors can evaluate the company's earnings performance on each outstanding share of the stock. 

Federal Bank's Equity and Liabilities Growth

The Federal Bank has demonstrated consistent growth in its Equity and Liabilities over the past four years. From March 2020 to March 2024, the Share Capital increased from Rs 398.53 Cr to Rs 487.07 Cr, indicating a capital expansion and possibly more invested equity. The Total Reserves soared impressively from Rs 14,119.08 Cr to a significant Rs 28,603.93 Cr. This could signal strong internal fund accumulation and financial robustness.

Rising Deposits in Federal Bank

Deposits, a critical component of the bank's balance sheet, show a robust upward trend, escalating from Rs 1,52,290.08 Cr in March 2020 to Rs 2,52,534.02 Cr by March 2024. This substantial rise in deposits reflects growing customer trust and an expanding customer base.

Federal Bank's Borrowings Fluctuation

Borrowings by Federal Bank saw a notable fluctuation, with an initial decrease from Rs 10,372.43 Cr in March 2020 to Rs 9,068.50 Cr in March 2021, followed by a substantial increase to Rs 19,319.29 Cr in March 2023, before a slight dip to Rs 18,026.42 Cr in March 2024. This indicates a changing debt profile, which may be aligned with the bank's financing strategies.

Asset Buildup in Federal Bank

The asset side of the balance sheet displayed solid growth, particularly in Advances, which escalated from Rs 1,22,267.91 Cr in March 2020 to Rs 2,09,403.33 Cr by March 2024. Investments also grew significantly from Rs 35,892.68 Cr to Rs 60,859.53 Cr, suggesting a strategic deployment of funds into revenue-generating avenues.

The data presented is an analysis for the Standalone Balance sheet of the company.

Discovering financial trends is crucial for investors analyzing the banking sector, and this assessment points to Federal Bank's solid performance in the market.

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