Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd. Financials: Check Share price, Balance Sheet, Annual report and Quarterly Results for company analysis
Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd. is a prominent media conglomerate that operates multiple news channels, digital platforms, and entertainment channels. In this stock analysis, we will examine various aspects of Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd. that will be of interest to long-term stock investors. Please note that this analysis is provided by our website's pre-built screening tools and includes information about the company's share price, balance sheet, annual report, dividend, quarterly results, stock price chart, news, concall transcripts, investor presentations, promoters, and shareholders.
Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd. Share Price:
The share price of Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd. reflects the market's valuation of the company. It fluctuates based on various factors, such as company performance, industry trends, and market sentiment. Investors can track the share price on our website's stock analysis page, along with historical price charts and indicators. A stock's share price is determined by a range of factors, such as market sentiment, financial performance, and general economic conditions.
Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd. Balance Sheet:
Analyzing the balance sheet of Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd. provides insights into the company's financial position. It reveals the company's assets, liabilities, and equity. By assessing the balance sheet, investors can gauge the company's financial stability and its ability to meet its obligations.
Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd. Annual Report:
The annual report of Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd. provides a comprehensive overview of the company's performance during the year. It includes information about the company's financials, operations, strategies, and outlook. Investors can download the annual report from our website for a detailed analysis of the company's performance.
Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd. Dividend:
For income-focused investors, dividends play a crucial role. Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd. may distribute dividends to its shareholders based on its profitability and cash flow. Investors can review the dividend history and policy of the company on our website's stock analysis page.
Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd. Quarterly Results:
Quarterly results reveal the company's performance and growth on a shorter-term basis. Investors can find Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd.'s quarterly results, including revenue, profit, and key financial ratios, on our website. These results help investors assess the company's progress and make informed investment decisions.
Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd. Stock Price Chart:
Studying the stock price chart of Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd. allows investors to analyze the historical price movement of the stock. Our website provides interactive stock price charts with technical indicators that can assist investors in understanding the stock's trend and potential future movements. Our website provides pre-built screening tools to help investors analyze stock prices and performance.
Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd. News:
Stay updated on the latest news and developments related to Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd. Our website aggregates news articles from various sources, providing investors with a comprehensive view of the company's news flow. This information assists in identifying factors that may impact the company's performance and stock price.
Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd. Concall Transcripts:
For investors seeking information directly from company management, our website provides concall transcripts of Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd.'s quarterly earnings conference calls. These transcripts offer insights into management's views, strategies, and responses to analysts' queries.
Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd. Investor Presentations:
Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd. regularly conducts investor presentations to communicate its business strategy, financial performance, and growth prospects. Investors can access these presentations on our website to gain a deeper understanding of the company's plans and future trajectory.
Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd. Promoters:
Promoters play a crucial role in the success and growth of a company. Our stock analysis page provides information about Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd.'s promoters, including their background and their holdings in the company. Analyzing promoter shareholding can help investors assess management's alignment with shareholder interests.
Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd. Shareholders:
Understanding the company's shareholder base is essential for investors. Our website provides information about prominent shareholders of Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd. This data helps investors gauge investor sentiment and assess the company's popularity among institutional and retail investors.
Network 18 Media & Investments Ltd. Premium Features and Tools:
For investors seeking in-depth financial analysis, our website offers premium features and tools. These include discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis, book value per share (BVPS) analysis, earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis. These tools assist investors in evaluating the company's intrinsic value and financial performance.
Network 18 Media & Investments Balance Sheet Evolution
Network 18 Media & Investments Assets Transformation
Over the period between March 2020 and March 2024, Network 18 Media & Investments saw an impressive growth in its total assets from Rs 3,721.92 Cr to Rs 4,798.38 Cr. A standout movement was the substantial increase in Net Block, surging to Rs 1,755.48 Cr by March 2024 from a modest Rs 308.26 Cr in March 2020, indicating heavy investment in tangible assets.
Network 18 Media & Investments Liabilities and Equities
The company maintained a consistent share capital at Rs 523.47 Cr throughout the period. Notably, total reserves saw a fluctuation, initially decreasing to Rs 419.33 Cr in March 2022 before almost doubling to Rs 923 Cr by March 2024, showcasing a period of consolidation followed by strong growth. An intriguing development is the emergence of other non-current liabilities escalating to Rs 249.26 Cr by March 2024, potentially signifying new long-term financial commitments.
Network 18 Media & Investments Investments Shift
There was a noticeable decrease in investments from Rs 3,267.39 Cr in March 2020 to Rs 2,073.21 Cr by March 2024. This reduction may reflect a reallocation of resources towards other strategic assets to fuel growth or divestment from non-core assets.
This analysis is based on the Standalone Balance Sheet of Network 18 Media & Investments. The data underscores a period of strategic asset enhancement and liability management, reflective of the company's evolving financial strategy within the dynamic market landscape, vital for stakeholders involved in stock screening and market analysis.