NSE: GENESYS BSE: 506109 SECTOR: IT - Software 46k 49 6
₹ 747.7
₹ 713
₹ 1054.8
₹ 421
₹ 2856.21 Cr.
₹ 2834.18 Cr.
3.98 Cr.
₹ 5
0 %
₹ 148.78
₹ 73.66 Cr.
₹ 51.64 Cr.
33.15 %
₹ 17.13
9.34 %
17.47 %
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These are the brands of Genesys International Corporation Ltd.
The company is present in 4 Indices.
Track the companies of Group.
Holding Value: 0 Cr.
As of December2024
Stock investing requires careful analysis of financial data to determine a company's true net worth. This is generally done by examining the company's profit and loss account, balance sheet and cash flow statement, which can be time-consuming and cumbersome.
An easier way to determine a company's performance is to examine its financial ratios, which can help to make sense of the overwhelming amount of information in its financial statements.
Genesys Intl. Corpn stock price today is Rs 720.3. Here are a few indispensable ratios that should be a part of every investor’s research process, or, in simpler words, how to analyse Genesys Intl. Corpn .
PE ratio: Price to Earnings ratio, which indicates how much an investor is willing to pay for a share for every rupee of earnings. A general rule of thumb is that shares trading at a low P/E are undervalued (it depends on other factors too). Genesys Intl. Corpn has a PE ratio of 42.0468276622944 which is high and comparatively overvalued .
Share Price: - The current share price of Genesys Intl. Corpn is Rs 720.3. One can use valuation calculators of ticker to know if Genesys Intl. Corpn share price is undervalued or overvalued.
Return on Assets (ROA): - Return on Assets measures how effectively a company can earn a return on its investment in assets. In other words, ROA shows how efficiently a company can convert the money used to purchase assets into net income or profits. Genesys Intl. Corpn has ROA of 7.5169 % which is a bad sign for future performance. (higher values are always desirable)
Current ratio: - The current ratio measures a company's ability to pay its short-term liabilities with its short-term assets. A higher current ratio is desirable so that the company could be stable to unexpected bumps in business and economy. Genesys Intl. Corpn has a Current ratio of 3.0595 .
Return on equity: - ROE measures the ability of a firm to generate profits from its shareholders' investments in the company. In other words, the return on equity ratio shows how much profit each rupee of common stockholders’ equity generates. Genesys Intl. Corpn has a ROE of 9.3389 % .(higher is better)
Debt to equity ratio: - It is a good metric to check out the capital structure along with its performance. Genesys Intl. Corpn has a Debt to Equity ratio of 0.0947 which means that the company has low proportion of debt in its capital.
Sales growth: - Genesys Intl. Corpn has reported revenue growth of 8.0893 % which is poor in relation to its growth and performance.
Operating Margin: - This will tell you about the operational efficiency of the company. The operating margin of Genesys Intl. Corpn for the current financial year is 41.158003699367 %.
Dividend Yield: - It tells us how much dividend we will receive in relation to the price of the stock. The current year dividend for Genesys Intl. Corpn is Rs 0 and the yield is 0 %.
Earnings Per Share: - It tells us how much profit is allocated to to each outstanding share of a common stock. The latest EPS of Genesys Intl. Corpn is Rs 17.1309 . The higher the EPS, the better it is for investors.
One can find all the Financial Ratios of Genesys Intl. Corpn in Ticker for free. Also, one can get the Intrinsic Value of Genesys Intl. Corpn by using Valuation Calculators available with Finology ONE subscription.