GM Breweries Limited Financials: Check Share Price, Balance Sheet, Annual Report, Quarterly Results, Shareholding, Company Profile and News for Company Analysis
GM Breweries Limited was incorporated in the year 1981 and is headquartered in Mumbai, India. The company produces and distributes alcoholic beverages, including beer, whiskey, and rum. It operates primarily in India and has a strong presence in the states of Maharashtra, Goa, and Rajasthan. GM Breweries Limited is listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and has a market capitalization of INR XX.
GM Breweries Limited - Share Price
GM Breweries Limited's share price has been on an upward trajectory in recent years. The company's share price has increased by XX% over the past year and has outperformed the industry average. The stock has a P/E ratio of XX and a P/B ratio of XX, which is above the industry average. The company's competitive position and growth prospects play a crucial role in the stock's valuation.
Investors can use our pre-built screening tools to identify stocks with similar characteristics as GM Breweries Limited and make informed investment decisions.
GM Breweries Limited - Balance Sheet
GM Breweries Limited reported a strong balance sheet with assets worth INR XX and liabilities worth INR XX as of its latest annual report. The company's debt-equity ratio is XX, which is below the industry average. The company's cash flow position is also strong, with positive cash flows from operating activities.
Using our premium features, investors can perform fair value calculations using tools like DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis.
GM Breweries Limited - Annual Report
GM Breweries Limited's annual report is an important document that outlines the company's performance over a financial year. The report provides an in-depth analysis of the company's financial performance, growth drivers, risks, and opportunities. Investors can use the annual report to gain insights into the company's financial health, competitive position, and strategies.
At our website, investors can download GM Breweries Limited's annual reports and use the information to make informed investment decisions.
GM Breweries Limited - Dividend
GM Breweries Limited has a history of paying dividends to its shareholders. The company's dividend payout ratio is XX, which is in line with the industry average. The company's dividend yield is XX%, which is above the industry average.
Investors interested in dividend-paying stocks can use our pre-built screening tools to identify stocks with similar dividend characteristics as GM Breweries Limited.
GM Breweries Limited - Quarterly Result
GM Breweries Limited's quarterly results are an important indicator of the company's short-term performance. The company's revenue has grown by XX% YoY, and the company has reported a net profit of INR XX for the latest quarter. The company's earnings per share (EPS) is INR XX, which is above the industry average.
Using our premium features, investors can perform fair value calculations using tools like DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis.
GM Breweries Limited - Stock Price
GM Breweries Limited's stock price is influenced by various factors, including the company's financial performance, competitive position, and market trends. Investors should monitor the stock price regularly to identify any potential opportunities or risks.
At our website, investors can access the latest stock price information and price charts for GM Breweries Limited.
GM Breweries Limited - Price Chart
GM Breweries Limited's price chart provides a visual representation of the company's stock price over time. The chart includes various indicators like moving averages, volume, and trend lines, which can help investors identify potential buying or selling opportunities.
Investors can use our pre-built screening tools to identify stocks with similar price chart characteristics as GM Breweries Limited.
GM Breweries Limited - News
GM Breweries Limited's news section provides the latest updates on the company's financial performance, growth prospects, and industry trends. Investors can use the news section to stay informed about the company's performance and identify potential opportunities or risks.
GM Breweries Limited - Concall Transcripts
GM Breweries Limited's concall transcripts are an important source of information for investors. The transcripts provide an in-depth analysis of the company's financial performance, management's outlook, and industry trends. Investors can use the transcripts to gain insights into the company's strategies, strengths, and weaknesses.
At our website, investors can access GM Breweries Limited's concall transcripts and use the information to make informed investment decisions.
GM Breweries Limited - Investor Presentations
GM Breweries Limited's investor presentations provide an overview of the company's financial performance, growth drivers, and strategies. The presentations are an important source of information for potential investors and can help them understand the company's prospects and risks.
At our website, investors can access GM Breweries Limited's investor presentations and use the information to make informed investment decisions.
GM Breweries Limited - Promoters
GM Breweries Limited's promoters play a crucial role in the company's management and growth prospects. The promoters have a significant stake in the company's equity capital and are responsible for setting the company's strategic direction.
Investors can use our pre-built screening tools to identify companies with strong promoter backing and make informed investment decisions.
GM Breweries Limited - Shareholders
GM Breweries Limited's shareholders are an important stakeholder group for the company. The shareholders provide capital to the company and have a vested interest in the company's growth and financial performance.
Investors interested in shareholder-friendly companies can use our pre-built screening tools to identify companies with similar characteristics as GM Breweries Limited.
In conclusion, GM Breweries Limited is a leading alcoholic beverage company in the Indian market. The company has a strong presence in key states and has a history of providing returns to its shareholders. Investors can use the information and tools available on our website to make informed investment decisions.