Sasken Technologies Ltd. Financials: Check Share Price, Balance Sheet, Annual Report, Quarterly Results, Shareholding, Company Profile and News for Company Analysis
Sasken Technologies Ltd. is a product engineering and digital transformation services provider headquartered in India. The company was founded in 1989 and has since expanded its presence globally with offices in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. Sasken specializes in delivering end-to-end solutions to companies from various industries including semiconductor, automotive, telecommunications, and smart devices.
Sasken Technologies Ltd. Share Price
Sasken Technologies Ltd. stock is listed on the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) and the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). The company’s stock ticker symbol is SASKEN and it can be traded on both exchanges during regular market hours. Investors can check real-time share prices of Sasken on our website’s stock analysis page.
Sasken Technologies Ltd. Balance Sheet Analysis
Sasken Technologies Ltd. Balance Sheet provides an insight into the company’s assets, liabilities, and shareholders’ equity at the end of the accounting period. Investors can evaluate various financial ratios like debt-to-equity, current ratio, and quick ratio to determine the financial health of the company. Our website provides pre-built screening tools for such analysis, and our premium features like DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis help investors to calculate fair value.
Sasken Technologies Ltd. Annual Report
Sasken Technologies Ltd. annual report provides a comprehensive overview of the company’s financial performance, business strategy, and future outlook. The report includes detailed financial statements, notes to accounts, management discussion and analysis, and corporate governance report. The annual report is available for download on our website’s stock analysis page.
Sasken Technologies Ltd. Dividend
Sasken Technologies Ltd. has a dividend policy of paying dividends twice a year, in March and September. The company has a history of paying consistent dividends to its shareholders, and investors can track dividend announcements and payouts on our website’s stock analysis page.
Sasken Technologies Ltd. Quarterly Result Analysis
Sasken Technologies Ltd. announces its quarterly results at the end of every financial quarter. Investors can evaluate the company’s revenue growth, profit margins, and earnings per share to analyze its financial performance. Our website provides pre-built screening tools for such analysis, and our premium features like DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis help investors to calculate fair value.
Sasken Technologies Ltd. Stock Price
Sasken Technologies Ltd. stock prices can be tracked real-time on our website’s stock analysis page. Investors can view the stock’s historical performance, compare it with industry peers, and identify trends using price charts provided on the page.
Sasken Technologies Ltd. Price Chart Analysis
Sasken Technologies Ltd. price charts provide a visual representation of the stock’s performance over a period of time. Our website provides historical price charts of Sasken Technologies Ltd. that help investors identify trends, support and resistance levels, and trading opportunities.
Sasken Technologies Ltd. News
Sasken Technologies Ltd. news section on our website’s stock analysis page provides the latest news related to the company, including corporate announcements, new product launches, and industry updates. Stay updated with the latest news related to Sasken using our website’s news section.
Sasken Technologies Ltd. Concall Transcripts
Sasken Technologies Ltd. concall transcripts provide a detailed record of the company’s conference call with analysts and investors, including the questions asked and the answers given by the management. Investors can download the concall transcripts from our website’s stock analysis page and stay informed about the company’s latest developments.
Sasken Technologies Ltd. Investor Presentations
Sasken Technologies Ltd. investor presentations provide an overview of the company’s business strategy, financial performance, and future outlook. The presentations are available for download on our website’s stock analysis page and can help investors stay informed about the company’s growth prospects.
Sasken Technologies Ltd. Promoters
Sasken Technologies Ltd. promoters include several institutional investors and high net worth individuals, including NSR Partners, Gaja Capital, and Sequoia Capital. A detailed list of the company’s promoters is available on our website’s stock analysis page.
Sasken Technologies Ltd. Shareholders
Sasken Technologies Ltd. has a diverse range of shareholders, including institutional investors, retail investors, and promoters. Investors can view the company’s shareholding pattern and identify major shareholders on our website’s stock analysis page.
In conclusion, Sasken Technologies Ltd. is a leading product engineering and digital transformation services provider with a global presence. Investors can stay informed about the company’s financial performance, business strategy, and future outlook using our website’s stock analysis page, which provides a comprehensive range of information including balance sheet analysis, annual reports, dividend payouts, quarterly results, stock price analysis, and news updates. Our pre-built screening tools and premium features like DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis make it easier for investors to analyze Sasken’s financial health and calculate fair value.
Sasken Technologies Share Capital
Share capital of Sasken Technologies remained stable at Rs 15.05 Cr from March 2020 to March 2023, with a slight increase to Rs 15.08 Cr in March 2024. This indicates a minor change in the equity base over the years.
Sasken Technologies Reserves
The company’s total reserves saw a consistent increase from Rs 464.35 Cr in March 2020 to Rs 757.35 Cr by March 2024. This growth signifies a strengthening in Sasken Technologies’ financial reserves over the years.
Sasken Technologies Debt Analysis
Sasken Technologies has maintained its borrowings at Rs 0 Cr from March 2020 to March 2024. This highlights the company’s debt-free status over the observed period, indicating a solid financial stance in terms of liabilities.
Sasken Technologies Asset Growth
A key observation in the balance sheet is the significant growth in investments, from Rs 250.90 Cr in March 2020 to Rs 663.42 Cr by March 2024. However, there's a notable variability in the company’s current assets, which decreased to Rs 125.70 Cr in March 2024 from Rs 242.21 Cr in March 2020.
This analysis is based on the standalone balance sheet of Sasken Technologies, providing insights into its financial health and asset management strategy. Additionally, understanding such financial metrics is crucial for investors tracking Sasken Technologies' performance on stock indices like the NSE/BSE.