Tata Technologies Ltd. Financials: Check Share Price, Balance Sheet, Annual Report, Quarterly Results, Shareholding, Company Profile and News for Company Analysis
Tata Technologies Ltd. is a global engineering and product development company that serves various industries including automotive, aerospace, industrial machinery, energy, and consumer goods. With a rich legacy of over 30 years, the company has established itself as a trusted partner for businesses seeking innovative and cost-effective solutions.
Tata Technologies Ltd. - Share Price
The share price of Tata Technologies Ltd. reflects the market value of the company's stock. It is influenced by various factors such as financial performance, industry trends, market sentiment, and company-specific news. Investors can monitor the share price on our website's stock analysis page, where we provide real-time updates.
Tata Technologies Ltd. - Balance Sheet
The balance sheet of Tata Technologies Ltd. provides a snapshot of the company's financial position at a specific point in time. It reflects the company's assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity. Investors can access the balance sheet on our website's stock analysis page, along with our pre-built screening tools that allow them to analyze the company's financial health.
Tata Technologies Ltd. - Annual Report
The annual report of Tata Technologies Ltd. is a comprehensive document that provides insights into the company's performance, strategy, and future prospects. It includes financial statements, management discussions, and analysis of key business activities. Investors can download the annual report from our website, enabling them to make informed investment decisions.
Tata Technologies Ltd. - Dividend
Dividends are a portion of the company's profits distributed to its shareholders. Tata Technologies Ltd. may declare dividends based on its financial performance and cash flow position. Investors can find information about the dividend history, payout ratio, and dividend yield on our stock analysis page, enabling them to evaluate the company's dividend-paying track record.
Tata Technologies Ltd. - Quarterly Result
The quarterly results of Tata Technologies Ltd. provide an update on the company's financial performance during a specific three-month period. Investors can access the quarterly results on our website's stock analysis page, along with our premium features that allow fair value calculation using tools such as DCF analysis, BVPS analysis, earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis.
Tata Technologies Ltd. - Stock Price
The stock price of Tata Technologies Ltd. fluctuates based on market demand and supply dynamics. It reflects the perceived value of the company by investors. Our website's stock analysis page provides real-time stock prices along with historical price charts, enabling investors to track the stock's performance over time.
Tata Technologies Ltd. - Price Chart
The price chart of Tata Technologies Ltd. visually represents the historical performance of the company's stock. Investors can analyze price patterns, trends, and support/resistance levels using our pre-built screening tools. This helps investors make informed decisions regarding buying, selling, or holding the stock.
Tata Technologies Ltd. - News
Our website provides the latest news and updates related to Tata Technologies Ltd. Investors can find news articles covering company announcements, financial results, strategic initiatives, and industry developments. Staying updated with relevant news helps investors stay informed and make well-informed investment decisions.
Tata Technologies Ltd. - Concall Transcripts
Concall transcripts are valuable resources that provide insights into discussions during company conference calls with analysts and investors. Investors can access con-call transcripts of Tata Technologies Ltd. on our website, enabling them to gain a deeper understanding of the company's performance, strategy, and management outlook.
Tata Technologies Ltd. - Investor Presentations
Investor presentations are informative documents prepared by Tata Technologies Ltd. management to provide detailed information about the company's operations, financials, and strategic initiatives. Investors can download investor presentations from our website, enabling them to assess the company's growth prospects, competitive advantage, and future plans.
Tata Technologies Ltd. - Promoters
Promoters of Tata Technologies Ltd. are individuals or entities that have founded or started the company. They play a crucial role in its strategic decision-making and long-term vision. Investors can find information about the company's promoters on our website, along with their background and involvement in the company's affairs.
Tata Technologies Ltd. - Shareholders
Shareholders are individuals or entities that hold shares of Tata Technologies Ltd. Investors can access information related to the company's major shareholders on our website. This includes institutional investors, mutual funds, and individual shareholders. Understanding the shareholder composition can provide insights into the ownership structure and potential influence on the company's direction.
Tata Technologies' Equity and Liabilities: A Strategic Overview
Tata Technologies has shown impressive growth in its equity and liabilities, climbing from Rs 998.61 Cr in March 2020 to Rs 2,887.72 Cr by March 2024. A significant jump in share capital in March 2023 to Rs 81.13 Cr reflects a strategic reinforcement of the company’s financial structure.
Tata Technologies' Reserves: Strengthening Financial Backbone
The company’s reserves have seen a fluctuating yet upward trend, growing from Rs 718.57 Cr in March 2020 to Rs 1,123.93 Cr in March 2024. This demonstrates Tata Technologies' capability to reinvest and strengthen its financial backbone for future ventures.
Tata Technologies: A Debt-Free Achievement
Remarkably, Tata Technologies has maintained a debt-free status throughout the observed period, showcasing prudent financial management and solidifying its position as a low-risk investment in the technology sector.
Tata Technologies' Assets: Diverse Growth
Tata Technologies’ assets expanded to Rs 2,887.72 Cr by March 2024, with significant growth in current assets and other N/C assets, indicating strategic investments in operational capabilities and future growth avenues.
Managing Current Liabilities: A Challenge and Strategy
The company’s current liabilities have seen a substantial increase, necessitating a strategic approach in balancing obligations and sustaining operational efficiency.
This analysis is based on the Standalone Balance Sheet of Tata Technologies.
Incorporating insights into the technology sector trends could complement investors' stock screening processes, offering a broader perspective on companies like Tata Technologies in the dynamic tech landscape.