TTK Healthcare Ltd. Financials: Check Share Price, Balance Sheet, Annual Report, Quarterly Results, Shareholding, Company Profile and News for Company Analysis
TTK Healthcare Ltd. is a leading healthcare company in India that offers a wide range of products and services in the medical and consumer health sectors. The company was established in 1958 and is headquartered in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. TTK Healthcare has built a strong reputation for its quality products and commitment to customer satisfaction.
Share Price of - TTK Healthcare Ltd.
The share price of TTK Healthcare Ltd. is an important indicator for investors who are considering investing in the company. Our website provides up-to-date information on the share price of TTK Healthcare, along with historical data and other relevant information. Long-term investors can use this data as a starting point for their stock analysis.
Balance Sheet of - TTK Healthcare Ltd.
The balance sheet of TTK Healthcare Ltd. provides a snapshot of the company's financial position at a given point in time. It includes information about the company's assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity. Our website offers access to the balance sheet of TTK Healthcare, along with our pre-built screening tools that allow investors to analyze the company's financial health.
Annual Report of - TTK Healthcare Ltd.
The annual report of TTK Healthcare Ltd. is a comprehensive document that provides detailed information about the company's performance, strategy, and outlook. Long-term investors can find valuable insights in the annual report, such as the company's growth prospects, competitive landscape, and risks. Our website enables investors to download the annual report of TTK Healthcare.
Dividend of- TTK Healthcare Ltd.
TTK Healthcare Ltd. has a track record of consistently paying dividends to its shareholders. Dividends are a way for the company to distribute a portion of its profits to the shareholders. Our website provides information about the dividend history of TTK Healthcare, as well as the dividend yield. Long-term investors seeking income from their investments can consider TTK Healthcare as a potential choice.
Quarterly Result of - TTK Healthcare Ltd.
The quarterly result of TTK Healthcare Ltd. provides an update on the company's financial performance for a specific quarter. Investors can track the company's revenue, profit, and other key financial metrics through the quarterly result. Our website offers access to the quarterly result of TTK Healthcare, along with our premium features that allow fair value calculation using tools such as DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis.
Stock Price of - TTK Healthcare Ltd.
The stock price of TTK Healthcare Ltd. fluctuates based on market conditions, investor sentiment, and company-specific factors. Investors can monitor the stock price of TTK Healthcare to make informed decisions about buying or selling the stock. Our website provides live stock price information, along with price charts and other relevant data.
Price Chart of - TTK Healthcare Ltd.
The price chart of TTK Healthcare Ltd. shows the historical price movement of the stock over a specific period. Investors can analyze the price chart to identify patterns or trends that may help them predict future price movements. Our website offers dynamic price charts, along with technical indicators and overlays, to assist investors in their stock analysis.
News about -TTK Healthcare Ltd.
Staying up-to-date with the latest news about TTK Healthcare Ltd. can provide valuable insights for investors. Our website features a dedicated news section where investors can find news articles, press releases, and other relevant updates about the company. Long-term investors can use this information to stay informed about the developments in TTK Healthcare and their potential impact on the stock.
Concall Transcripts of -TTK Healthcare Ltd.
Concall transcripts provide a detailed record of the discussions and Q&A sessions that take place during the company's conference calls with analysts and investors. Our website offers downloadable concall transcripts of TTK Healthcare, allowing investors to gain insights into the company's performance, strategy, and future plans directly from management.
Investor Presentations of -TTK Healthcare Ltd.
Investor presentations are an important source of information for investors looking to understand the company's business model, financial performance, and growth prospects. Our website provides downloadable investor presentations of TTK Healthcare, which are useful for long-term investors seeking a deeper understanding of the company and its investment potential.
Promoters of -TTK Healthcare Ltd.
The promoters of TTK Healthcare Ltd. are individuals or entities who have a significant stake in the company and play a crucial role in its operations and decision-making. Our website offers information about the promoters of TTK Healthcare, including their background, shareholding pattern, and any recent developments related to the promoters.
Shareholders of -TTK Healthcare Ltd.
The shareholders of TTK Healthcare Ltd. are individuals, institutional investors, and other entities who own shares in the company. Our website provides information about the major shareholders of TTK Healthcare, along with the shareholding pattern. Investors can analyze the ownership structure to gain insights into the company's stability and potential for shareholder returns.
In conclusion, our website offers comprehensive stock analysis tools and resources for long-term investors interested in TTK Healthcare Ltd. From the company profile to the balance sheet, annual reports, dividend history, quarterly results, and stock price, investors can access all the necessary information to make informed investment decisions. Our pre-built screening tools and premium features, such as fair value calculation using DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis, further enhance the stock analysis capabilities. With downloadable resources like concall transcripts, investor presentations, credit ratings, and research reports, investors can delve deeper into TTK Healthcare and stay updated on the latest news and developments.