Ticker > Super Investors > 3P India Equity Fund 1

3P India Equity Fund 1

Total Networth : 1128.46 Cr.

3P India Equity Fund 1 is an open-ended Category III Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) launched on May 4, 2023, by 3P Investment Managers. The fund is managed by Prashant Jain, Founder and Chief Investment Officer of 3P Investment Managers, who previously served as CIO at HDFC Asset Management Company for 18 years. These are the shares held by 3P India Equity Fund 1 as per the information available by the exchanges. For some companies the latest quarter results might not be available as they may file it later on.

S.No. COMPANY Dec 2023% Mar 2024% Jun 2024% Sep 2024% Dec 2024% ValueCr.
1 Ashoka Buildcon Ltd. 1.14 1.14 1.14 - - 0.00
2 Centum Electronics Ltd. 2.19 2.31 2.34 2.34 2.00 41.16
3 J Kumar Infraprojects Ltd. 1.48 1.48 1.62 1.41 - 0.00
4 Landmark Cars Ltd. 1.16 1.16 1.15 - - 0.00
5 Senco Gold Ltd. 1.24 1.24 1.24 - - 0.00
6 Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India Ltd. - 1.04 1.21 1.21 1.21 69.73
7 Time Technoplast Ltd. - - 1.13 1.48 - 0.00
8 Can Fin Homes Ltd. - - - 1.04 1.53 136.36
9 Interarch Building Solutions Ltd. - - - 1.00 - 0.00
10 Popular Vehicles & Services Ltd. - - - 1.17 - 0.00
11 Technocraft Industries (India) Ltd. - - - 1.11 1.11 66.25
12 Wockhardt Ltd. - - - 1.47 1.39 321.01
13 Diffusion Engineers Ltd. - - - - 5.33 52.44
14 Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd. - - - - 1.02 441.51

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