Ticker > Super Investors > Anil Kumar Goel

Anil Kumar Goel

Total Networth : 1769.99 Cr.

He started investing in the 90s. His investment strategy includes investing in small and micro-scale firms. These are the shares held by Anil Kumar Goel as per the information available by the exchanges. For some companies the latest quarter results might not be available as they may file it later on.

S.No. COMPANY Dec 2023% Mar 2024% Jun 2024% Sep 2024% Dec 2024% ValueCr.
1 Amarjothi Spinning Mills Ltd. 6.77 6.77 6.70 6.27 6.27 6.68
2 Austin Engineering Company Ltd. 1.95 1.04 - - - 0.00
3 Avadh Sugar & Energy Ltd. 6.89 7.20 7.10 6.83 6.84 52.29
4 Dalmia Bharat Sugar And Industries Ltd. 6.40 6.40 6.42 6.39 6.39 156.53
5 DCM Ltd. 1.02 1.04 1.07 2.20 2.20 4.12
6 DCM Nouvelle Ltd. 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 - 0.00
7 Dhampur Bio Organics Ltd. 12.74 12.74 12.74 12.74 12.74 52.42
8 Dhampur Sugar Mills Ltd. 12.72 12.63 7.98 - - 0.00
9 Dhunseri Tea & Industries Ltd. 3.05 3.05 3.06 2.81 2.79 5.33
10 Dwarikesh Sugar Industries Ltd. 6.74 4.19 - - - 0.00
11 GK Consultants Ltd. 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.05
12 Indsil Hydro Power and Manganese Ltd. 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.79
13 KG Denim Ltd. 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 0.82
14 KRBL Ltd. 4.25 4.26 4.26 4.26 4.27 246.68
15 LG Balakrishnan & Bros Ltd. 1.27 1.26 1.27 1.24 1.24 47.35
16 Magadh Sugar & Energy Ltd. 3.71 4.03 4.27 4.23 4.24 28.58
17 Nahar Capital And Financial Services Ltd. 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.44 9.38
18 Nahar Spinning Mills Ltd. 6.74 7.14 7.14 6.99 6.99 50.07
19 Omaxe Ltd. 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00
20 Panama Petrochem Ltd. 1.39 1.34 1.24 1.21 1.21 25.73
21 Precot Ltd. 5.27 5.18 3.53 3.53 Filing Due 17.13
22 Samtex Fashions Ltd. 5.70 5.50 5.11 4.30 4.30 0.84
23 Sarla Performance Fibers Ltd. - 3.33 - 2.81 2.81 16.57
24 South India Paper Mills Ltd. 9.07 9.07 9.07 9.07 9.07 14.30
25 Sri Lakshmi Saraswathi Textiles (Arni) Ltd. 5.52 5.52 5.52 5.52 5.52 0.69
26 Star Paper Mills Ltd. 1.50 1.25 1.17 1.15 1.15 2.84
27 TCPL Packaging Ltd. 10.31 10.28 10.28 9.07 9.07 348.47
28 Triveni Engineering & Industries Ltd. 3.49 3.49 4.50 4.50 4.59 362.11
29 Uttam Sugar Mills Ltd. 7.53 7.74 7.60 5.72 5.48 38.30
30 Vardhman Holdings Ltd. 6.89 6.89 6.76 6.73 6.72 64.63
31 Vardhman Special Steels Ltd. 1.19 1.18 1.01 - - 0.00
32 Crayons Advertising Ltd. - - 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.45
33 Oriana Power Ltd. - 2.09 - 2.11 Filing Due 49.28
34 Sportking India Ltd. 2.72 3.47 4.31 4.26 4.31 39.94
35 Ganesh Benzoplast Ltd. - 3.23 3.30 3.31 3.37 25.37
36 Nahar Poly Films Ltd. - - - 1.13 1.28 5.85
37 The Karnataka Bank Ltd. - - - 1.18 1.50 93.40

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Anil Kumar Goel - His Stocks, Net Worth and Journey

Anil Kumar Goel is a well-known personality in the Indian stock market and is also known as the "Sugar Baron" of Dalal Street. His investment skills and comprehensive knowledge base are legendary. He specialises in the sugar, textile and power sectors. There is no doubt that his reputation and his very impressive net worth are not only well deserved but also well earned.

Anil Kumar Goel's Early Life and Background

He was born in 1956 in a small village in Haryana, India. He wasn’t born rich; his father was a farmer. Regardless of the many financial restrictions, he never wavered in his academics. Anil Kumar Goel completed his higher education in Delhi. Early in his life, he was exposed to monetary hardships, which was a huge catalyst for his successful career in the investment world.

Anil Goel’s career began with a government office clerk position. It did not take him long to come to the conclusion that the 9-to-5 wasn't for him. So, he joined his grandfather in the steel trading business to escape the rat race. There, he learned the dynamics of successful trade practices and valuable knowledge.

Anil Goel’s Transition to the Stock Market

Anil Kumar Goel’s introduction to equities happened through investment seminars, and his investment journey started in the 1980s.  He was motivated by the potential of investing, which led him to make a huge shift in his career. In the 1990s, he switched to investing full-time in the stock market, leaving steel trading behind.

Yes, his investment journey had many setbacks, but he stayed resilient through them all, even the market crash in 1992, which caused many fortunes to be lost.

Anil Kumar Goel relied systematically on research and analysis. He was dedicated to value-based investing, researching companies and analysing their financial statements before investing. His dedication paid off well by helping him identify undervalued stocks and sectors with great potential for growth.

Anil Kumar Goel rose to prominence because of his skill in identifying sectors that were often overlooked by other investors. Over the years, this ability made him rich and popular. With his careful investment approach and sharp wit, he became the big name in investing that he is today. 

Anil Kumar Goel's Investment Philosophy

His investment philosophy is summarised in his KCPLTD mantra. As a rule, he only invests in certain sectors that he has an in-depth understanding of, then he commits to them for the long term, staying invested in them through the market trends. 

Anil Kumar Goel also follows contrarian investing. He keeps a lookout for overlooked and undervalued sectors with a strong dividend growth potential.

Investing Principles of Anil Kumar Goel

The KCPLTD mantra stands for:

  • Knowledge: Understanding the business and its value chain comprehensively.

  • Conviction: Selective investment in sectors and ideas in which he had built a strong personal conviction.

  • Patience: Timing his capital deployment perfectly to make the most of market downturns.

  • Contrarian Approach: Investing in often overlooked and undervalued sectors to maximise returns.

  • Dividend Focus: Investing in companies that have a strong potential for dividend growth for steady returns.

Anil Kumar Goel’s meticulous investment approach has led to his rise in the Indian stock market.

Anil Kumar Goel's Stock Holdings

Anil Kumar Goel's investment portfolio includes a varied range of holdings in well-known Indian companies. Notable investments include Dhampur Sugar Mills, Dwarikesh Sugar Industries, Triveni Engineering, KRBL and Nahar Spinning Mills, which have contributed greatly to Goel's success.

Anil Kumar Goel's Net Worth

Anil Kumar Goel's net worth has grown substantially. From Rs. 567.21 crore in December 2015 to Rs.2,237 crore as of August 2024, Goel's financial success is a testament to his strategic prowess and ability to identify lucrative investment opportunities.

You can track Networth of Anil Goel updated daily on this page above. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Anil Kumar Goel's Portfolio

Q. How can I find out what Anil Kumar Goel’s net worth is right now?

The Net Worth section on this page will show you Anil Kumar Goel’s estimated net worth right now. We make sure to update this section regularly to provide the most accurate and current value of Anil Kumar Goel’s publicly known investments.

Q. How can I see how Anil Kumar Goel's stock holdings have changed? 

The Portfolio Holdings section of this page will show you the shifts and changes in Anil Kumar Goel’s investment holdings over the past five quarters in the form of a table.

Q. How do you figure out Anil Kumar Goel’s net worth every day?

We examine the market value of his publicly traded investments in order to calculate Anil Kumar Goel’s net worth daily. This means we consider the daily fluctuations of stock prices and  new transactions that can potentially affect the value of his portfolio. 

Q. Is it possible to know the worth of every stock in Anil Kumar Goel’s portfolio?

Yes, the current value of each stock in Anil Kumar Goel’s investment portfolio is also available in our Portfolio Holdings section. There we have a column named next to the name of each stock that shows the current value.

Q. Is this information the latest and most accurate?

Yes, rest assured that all information you consume on Ticker is accurate and up-to-date. Our dedicated data analysts diligently gather current and reliable data from genuine sources.

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