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BSE Momentum Index

This page shows the latest information about the BSE Momentum Index of BSE.

The BSE Momentum Index Index contains total of companies which are also called its Constituents.

 -15.83  (-.8%)
28 March 03:59 PM

BSE Momentum Index 1d 1w 1m 3m 6m 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr


Today's Gainer / Loser

Company priceRs. Change%
Muthoot Finance 2384.15 +2.88%
Solar Industries 11233.35 +2.58%
Glenmark Pharma 1540.05 +1.27%
Coromandel Interntl. 1980.05 +0.46%
Bharti Hexacom Ltd. 1457.40 +0.44%
Company priceRs. Change%
PB Fintech 1589.25 -3.53%
Dixon Technologies 13179.55 -2.57%
Mahindra & Mahindra 2666.35 -2.45%
Persistent Systems 5502.25 -2.45%
Eternal 201.70 -2.22%

Top Performer companies (Based on TTM Profit)

Company TTM ProfitCr.
Bharti Airtel 22598.10
Vedanta 17847.00
Mahindra & Mahindra 12163.48
Sun Pharma Inds. 11486.05
Indus Towers 10005.70
Interglobe Aviation 6085.72
Muthoot Finance 5090.70
Bharat Electronics 4951.80
Eicher Motors 3859.11
Lupin 2892.10

Top Return companies 1m 3m 6m 1Yr