Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd. Financials: Check Share Price, Balance Sheet, Annual Report, Quarterly Results, Shareholding, Company Profile and News for Company Analysis
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of pharmaceuticals and specialty chemicals in India. The company was founded in 1984 and has since grown to become a major player in its industry. Aarti Pharmalabs operates across various segments, including active pharmaceutical ingredients, specialty chemicals, and pharma intermediates. Its wide product portfolio and diverse customer base provide the company with a competitive edge in the industry.
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd. Share Price
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd.'s share price is one of the critical indicators of investor sentiment towards the company. On our stock analysis page, you can find the latest share price of Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd. along with historical price charts that provide insights into the company's financial performance over time. You can also use our pre-built screening tools to compare Aarti Pharmalabs's share price with that of other companies in the same sector.
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd. Balance Sheet
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd.'s balance sheet is an essential financial document that shows the company's assets, liabilities, and equity at a given point in time. On our stock analysis page, you can access Aarti Pharmalabs's latest annual and quarterly balance sheets along with premium features like DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis. These tools can help you ascertain the fair value of Aarti Pharmalabs's stock by analyzing various financial metrics such as earnings, assets, and liabilities.
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd. Annual Report
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd.'s annual report is a comprehensive document that provides insights into the company's financial performance, business strategy, and management outlook. On our stock analysis page, you can download Aarti Pharmalabs's latest annual reports and study its financial statements, auditor reports, and management discussion and analysis (MD&A) sections. This information can help investors make informed decisions about investing in Aarti Pharmalabs's stock.
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd. Dividend
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd.'s dividend payouts are an important metric to consider for long-term stock investors. On our stock analysis page, you can access Aarti Pharmalabs's latest dividend payout details, including the dividend yield, dividend history, and payout ratio. You can also compare Aarti Pharmalabs's dividend payouts with those of its peers using our pre-built screening tools.
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd. Quarterly Result
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd.'s quarterly results provide investors with timely updates on the company's financial performance. On our stock analysis page, you can find Aarti Pharmalabs's latest quarterly results, including its revenue, net profit, and earnings per share (EPS). You can also use our premium features like DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis to analyze Aarti Pharmalabs's financial performance and estimate its fair value.
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd. Stock Price
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd.'s stock price is a key metric that reflects the company's market valuation. On our stock analysis page, you can access Aarti Pharmalabs's latest stock price and track its performance over time using historical price charts. You can also use our pre-built screening tools to compare Aarti Pharmalabs's stock price with that of its peers in the same industry.
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd. Price Chart
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd.'s price chart provides investors with a visual representation of the company's stock performance over time. On our stock analysis page, you can find Aarti Pharmalabs's latest price chart along with historical charts that cover various time periods. You can also use our pre-built screening tools to compare Aarti Pharmalabs's price chart with that of other companies in the same industry.
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd. News
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd.'s news section provides investors with the latest updates on the company's business activities, financial performance, and strategic initiatives. On our stock analysis page, you can access Aarti Pharmalabs's latest news articles and press releases, as well as news from various other sources. Our pre-built screening tools also help you stay up-to-date with the latest news on Aarti Pharmalabs and other companies in the same sector.
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd. Concall Transcripts
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd.'s concall transcripts provide investors with insights into the company's management outlook and strategy. On our stock analysis page, you can access Aarti Pharmalabs's latest concall transcripts and study the discussion between the company's management and analysts. This information can help you make informed decisions about investing in Aarti Pharmalabs's stock.
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd. Investor Presentations
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd.'s investor presentations provide investors with an overview of the company's financial and business performance. On our stock analysis page, you can download Aarti Pharmalabs's latest investor presentations and study its financial metrics, business strategy, and management outlook. This information can help you assess the company's growth potential and make informed decisions about investing in its stock.
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd. Promoters
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd.'s promoters are the individuals or entities that hold a significant stake in the company and are responsible for its management and operations. On our stock analysis page, you can access information about Aarti Pharmalabs's promoters and their shareholding patterns. This information can help you assess the company's management quality and stability and make informed decisions about investing in its stock.
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd. Shareholders
Aarti Pharmalabs Ltd.'s shareholders are the individuals or entities that hold a stake in the company through their investment in its stock. On our stock analysis page, you can access information about Aarti Pharmalabs's shareholders and their shareholding patterns. This information can help you assess the company's investor base and make informed decisions about investing in its stock.
Aarti Pharmalabs Balance Sheet Analysis
Aarti Pharmalabs Equity and Liabilities
The equity and liabilities of Aarti Pharmalabs have shown a significant uptrend from Mar 2020 to Mar 2024. The share capital experienced a dramatic increase from Rs 0.25 Cr in March 2020 to Rs 45.31 Cr by March 2023 and remained constant till March 2024. Total reserves, which initially recorded a negative figure in Mar 2020, escalated impressively to Rs 1,576.15 Cr by Mar 2024, indicating strong financial growth and retained earnings within the company.
Aarti Pharmalabs Assets Analysis
On the assets front, Aarti Pharmalabs have consistently increased their total assets from Rs 0.25 Cr in Mar 2020 to Rs 2,296.91 Cr by Mar 2024. Notably, the net block (physical assets) saw a significant hike, underlining the company’s expansion in its asset base to Rs 953.33 Cr by Mar 2024. Current assets have also seen a substantial rise, indicating an enhanced liquidity position of the company to Rs 1,134.06 Cr by Mar 2024.
Aarti Pharmalabs Investments and Advances
Investments and loans & advances by Aarti Pharmalabs have seen a steady rise, which showcases the company's strategic financial management and diversification. From having no investments in Mar 2020, the figure gently grew to Rs 43.83 Cr by Mar 2024, while loans & advances increased to Rs 28.77 Cr, suggesting prudent capital allocation towards growth avenues.
This data is an analysis for the Standalone Balance Sheet of Aarti Pharmalabs. Investors tracking the NSE and BSE indices might find Aarti Pharmalabs as an interesting entity due to its robust balance sheet growth and strategic asset allocation.