Ajanta Pharma Ltd Financials: Check Share Price, Balance Sheet, Annual Report and Quarterly Results for Company Analysis
Ajanta Pharma Ltd. is a pharmaceutical major that produces a diverse range of speciality and generic formulations. The company caters to healthcare needs across various therapeutic segments such as cardiovascular, dermatology, ophthalmology, pain management, and many others. As a long-term investor, knowing the ins and outs of a company is vital before investing in it. This article will provide an in-depth analysis of Ajanta Pharma Ltd.’s stocks based on several parameters.
Ajanta Pharma Ltd Share Price
Ajanta Pharma Ltd.’s share price is a key metric that is continuously monitored by traders and investors alike. The company is a part of the 'Pharmaceuticals - Indian' industry, which has seen immense growth. Fair value analysis shows that Ajanta Pharma’s stock is fairly valued in the market compared to other companies in the industry. It is important to also look at the historical performance of the company's stock price, which can be easily accessed through Ticker's pre-built screening tool.
Ajanta Pharma Ltd Balance Sheet
A company's balance sheet shows its financial health and is a key metric for investors to consider. Ajanta Pharma's financial statements reveal a healthy balance sheet with sound financial management. We offer our premium tool, DCF Analysis, which allows investors to determine the fair value of Ajanta Pharma’s stock based on the company's balance sheet.
Ajanta Pharma Ltd Annual Report
Investors can gain a deep understanding of Ajanta Pharma’s business model, financial performance, and growth prospects by studying its annual report. Ticker provides access to downloadable annual reports, which can then be studied to gain insight into the company's future plans and growth strategy.
Ajanta Pharma Ltd Dividend
Dividend payments by a company are an important source of returns for long-term investors. Ajanta Pharma has a track record of consistently paying a dividend to its shareholders. Investors can easily track the company's dividend history through Ticker's pre-built screening tool to make informed decisions.
Ajanta Pharma Ltd Quarterly Result
A company's quarterly results reflect its performance over a short period of time. Investors can use this information to note trends in the company's financial performance. Ticker provides access to Ajanta Pharma’s quarterly results as downloadable documents. Ticker premium tool, BVPS Analysis, can also be used to analyze the company's quarterly results and gain additional insights into the company's financial performance.
Ajanta Pharma Ltd Stock Price
A company's stock price can be influenced by numerous factors such as news, changes in market trends, or investor sentiment. Through Ticker, investors have access to accurate and real-time stock prices that can help them make informed decisions about buying or selling stocks.
Ajanta Pharma Ltd Price Chart
Price charts are an essential tool for traders and investors alike to track a company's stock performance over time. Ajanta Pharma’s stock price chart allows investors to analyze the movement of the stock price, helping them make tactical investment decisions.
Ajanta Pharma Ltd News and Concall
Keeping abreast of company news is crucial for investors to stay informed of any critical developments that could impact the company's performance. Ajanta Pharma's news and concall updates can be accessed through Ticker's pre-built screening tool.
Ajanta Pharma Ltd Transcripts and Investor Presentations
Transcripts and investor presentations provided by the company offer valuable insights into the company's operations, growth strategy, and performance. Ticker offers downloadable transcripts and investor presentations, allowing investors to track the company's progress.
Ajanta Pharma Ltd Promoters
Ajanta Pharma has a strong group of promoters focused on driving the company forward and creating value for shareholders. Ticker provides detailed information about the promoters of Ajanta Pharma, to help investors gain a better understanding of the company.
Ajanta Pharma Ltd Shareholders
Understanding the company's shareholders is key to understanding how the company is being managed. Investors can gain detailed insights into Ajanta Pharma's shareholders through ticker pre-built screening tool.
Ajanta Pharma Ltd ROCE
The Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) is a key financial ratio used to assess a company's profitability and efficiency in utilizing its capital investments. Our stock analysis page provides the ROCE data for Ajanta Pharma Ltd, enabling investors to evaluate the company's ability to generate returns on its capital employed. This ratio indicates the percentage of profit a company earns in relation to the total capital it has invested. Detailed information on Ajanta Pharma Ltd's ROCE can be found in the financials table or ratio section of our website.
Ajanta Pharma Ltd EBITDA
EBITDA stands for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization. It is a measure used to assess a company's operational performance and profitability. Our stock analysis page offers the EBITDA data for Ajanta Pharma Ltd, allowing investors to analyze the company's earnings generated solely from its core business operations. By excluding non-operating expenses, EBITDA provides a clearer picture of a company's financial health. Access the detailed EBITDA figures for Ajanta Pharma Ltd in the financials table or ratio section on our website.
Ajanta Pharma Ltd DPS
DPS stands for Dividends Per Share, and it represents the portion of a company's profits distributed to its shareholders in the form of dividends. Our stock analysis page showcases the DPS data for Ajanta Pharma Ltd, allowing investors to monitor the dividend history and track the company's dividend payout ratio. Dividends are a crucial aspect of investment returns, and through our website, you can easily access the DPS information for Ajanta Pharma Ltd in the financials table or ratio section.
Ajanta Pharma Ltd EPS
EPS, or Earnings Per Share, is a widely used financial metric that measures the profitability of a company on a per-share basis. Our stock analysis page provides the EPS data for Ajanta Pharma Ltd, allowing investors to evaluate the company's profitability and track its earnings growth over time. EPS is an essential factor in determining a stock's valuation and potential returns. Detailed information on Ajanta Pharma Ltd's EPS can be found in the financials table or ratio section on our website.
Ajanta Pharma's Equity and Liabilities: A Steady Growth
Over the years, Ajanta Pharma has shown a promising increase in its equity and liabilities, from Rs 3,327.87 Cr in March 2020 to Rs 4,217.44 Cr by March 2024. A notable jump in share capital in March 2023 signifies a strategic move to bolster the company’s financial structure.
Ajanta Pharma's Reserves: Solidifying Financial Health
The total reserves of Ajanta Pharma have consistently grown from Rs 2,443.76 Cr in March 2020 to Rs 3,388.30 Cr in March 2024. This upward trajectory indicates a strong reinvestment capability and a resilient financial foundation.
Ajanta Pharma Maintains a Debt-Free Stance
Ajanta Pharma stands out with a remarkable debt-free record throughout the observed period, underscoring its prudent financial management and low-risk profile which is an exceptional aspect in its financial narrative.
Ajanta Pharma's Assets: Diversified and Expanding
The company’s asset base expanded from Rs 3,327.87 Cr to Rs 4,217.44 Cr between March 2020 and March 2024. The growth in current assets and a moderate increase in capital WIP (Work in Process) reflect Ajanta Pharma’s strategic investments in its operational capabilities and future growth avenues.
Ajanta Pharma's Liabilities Management: A Balanced Approach
Ajanta Pharma’s approach to managing its liabilities, particularly its current liabilities which saw fluctuations, exhibits a balanced strategy in meeting short-term obligations while sustaining operational efficiency.
This analysis is based on the Standalone Balance Sheet of Ajanta Pharma.
In the broader context, insights into Pharma sector trends can provide valuable context for investors interested in pharmaceutical companies like Ajanta Pharma, enhancing their stock screening processes.