NSE: AVL BSE: 540205 SECTOR: Retailing 72k 329 21
₹ 470
₹ 437.5
₹ 546.6
₹ 368
₹ 5661.82 Cr.
₹ 5690.93 Cr.
12.87 Cr.
₹ 1
0.31 %
₹ 44.03
₹ 96.16 Cr.
₹ 125.27 Cr.
53.23 %
₹ 7.57
25.12 %
20.15 %
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The company is present in 4 Indices.
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Holding Value: 0 Cr.
As of December2024
Retailing sector can be divided into various categories, depending on the types of products serviced. It covers diverse products such as food, apparel, consumer goods, financial services, and leisure. Growth in the Indian retail industry has been driven by the country's economic fundamentals over the past few years.
India is a fast-evolving and dynamic consumer market which necessitates the retails industry to be constantly innovative to stay relevant in the market. The growing population and continuous demand are witnessing significant opportunities in the retail industry. Indian markets have been witnessing a change from a need-based industry to fashion, style, and fitness-oriented industry and it has also got the potential to increase its global market share in export. With changing lifestyles and increasing affluence, domestic demand is projected to grow at a faster rate.
The retail industry is also expected to witness intense competition from innovative digital platforms.
Aditya Vision stock price today is Rs 444. Below are some of the key financial parameters for a retail sector stock Aditya Vision :