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Force Motors share price

Force Motors Ltd.

NSE: FORCEMOT BSE: 500033 SECTOR: Automobiles-Trucks/Lcv  126k   244   31

-293.85 (-4.46%)
BSE: Today, 04:01 PM

Price Summary

Today's High

₹ 6589.85

Today's Low

₹ 6250

52 Week High

₹ 10272.65

52 Week Low

₹ 4060


Ownership Stable
Ownership strength is slightly missing the benchmark.
The stock is at a premium valuation at this point.
The company seems highly inefficient in case of asset management.
FinancialsVery Stable
The company possesses stable growth history and manageable debt.
*It is just an analytical rating of the company and not an investment advice.

Company Essentials

Market Cap

8295.77 Cr.

Enterprise Value

8377.91 Cr.

No. of Shares

1.32 Cr.





Face Value

₹ 10

Div. Yield

0.32 %

Book Value (TTM)

₹  1944.52


442.36 Cr.


524.5 Cr.

Promoter Holding

61.63 %


₹  373.19

Sales Growth



18.87 %



Profit Growth

164.18 %

* Total debt includes long term borrowing, short term borrowing plus current maturities of long-term borrowing
* Ratios are based on latest Audited Financial Result.

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Price Chart 1d 1w 1m 3m 6m 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr


Volume Chart 1d 1w 1m 3m 6m 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr

* Prices are based on daily market changes.
* The chart is based on the standalone earnings of the company. * Negative values and values more than 1000x in PE chart is considered 0.

Peer Comparison

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* The Peers list includes companies operating in the same industry and having comparable market cap.

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Sales Growth

1 Year39.04%
3 Year52.08%
5 Year13.87%

Profit Growth

1 Year164.18%
3 Year77.49%
5 Year22.24%


1 Year18.87%
3 Year7.65%
5 Year4.02%


1 Year23.72%
3 Year11.18%
5 Year6.26%



Price to Cash Flow


Interest Cover Ratio


CFO/PAT (5 Yr. Avg.)


Shareholding Pattern

Promoter Pledging %

Date Promoter % Pledge %
Dec 2024 61.63 0.00
Sep 2024 61.63 0.00
Jun 2024 61.63 0.00
Mar 2024 61.63 0.00
Dec 2023 61.63 0.00
Investors List
* Figures given above are % of equity capital


  • The company has shown a good profit growth of 77.4856867692658% for the Past 3 years.
  • The company has shown a good revenue growth of 52.0777647273575% for the Past 3 years.
  • The company has significantly decreased its debt by 430.26 Cr.
  • Company has a healthy Interest coverage ratio of 10.9522.
  • Company’s PEG ratio is 0.102756988852456.
  • The company has an efficient Cash Conversion Cycle of 2.8372 days.
  • The company has a good cash flow management; CFO/PAT stands at 4.64603849860155.
  • The company has a high promoter holding of 61.63%.
  • The company has a strong degree of Operating leverage, Average Operating leverage stands at 4.61466066587633.


  • Company has a poor ROE of 7.65017911857331% over the past 3 years.

Quarterly Result (All Figures in Cr.)

PARTICULARS Sep 2023 Dec 2023 Mar 2024 Jun 2024 Sep 2024
Net Sales 1801.57 1691.56 2011.08 1884.78 1941.2
Total Expenditure 1576.72 1467.2 1732.57 1635.74 1658.71
Operating Profit 224.85 224.36 278.51 249.04 282.49
Other Income 9.06 3.97 14.6 14.97 8.57
Interest 15.84 14.11 14.29 9.06 5.43
Depreciation 66.96 68.28 68.05 69.29 68.56
Exceptional Items 0 0 0 0 0
Profit Before Tax 151.11 145.94 210.77 185.66 217.07
Tax 52.85 51.2 74.06 66.07 76.39
Profit After Tax 98.26 94.74 136.71 119.59 140.68
Adjusted EPS (Rs) 74.55 71.88 103.73 90.74 106.74

Profit & Loss (All Figures in Cr. Adjusted EPS in Rs.)

PARTICULARS Mar 2020 Mar 2021 Mar 2022 Mar 2023 Mar 2024
Net Sales 3080.13 1987.82 3240.04 5028.59 6991.65
Total Expenditure 2811.64 1975.09 3173.29 4699.17 6083.43
Operating Profit 268.49 12.73 66.75 329.42 908.22
Other Income 42.77 24.89 51.88 62.03 39.1
Interest 27.85 28.22 41.04 68.4 62.14
Depreciation 194.52 173.67 190.94 240.74 266.75
Exceptional Items -39.06 0 0 208.32 0
Profit Before Tax 49.83 -164.27 -113.35 290.63 618.43
Tax -8.36 -52.41 -38.75 138.58 216.74
Net Profit 58.19 -111.86 -74.6 152.05 401.69
Adjusted EPS (Rs.) 44.15 -84.87 -56.6 115.36 304.77

Balance Sheet (All Figures are in Crores.)

Particulars Mar 2020 Mar 2021 Mar 2022 Mar 2023 Mar 2024
Equity and Liabilities
Share Capital 13.18 13.18 13.18 13.18 13.18
Total Reserves 1962.53 1847.3 1773.76 1919.27 2312.95
Borrowings 187.5 987.56 600.55 594.97 381.77
Other N/C liabilities 25.15 -27.21 -66.15 26.06 139.62
Current liabilities 911.11 873.58 1282.59 1509.39 1635.94
Total Liabilities 3099.47 3200.63 3603.93 4062.87 4483.46
Net Block 1394.62 1218.21 2027.97 2087.3 2024.55
Capital WIP 174.84 368.73 155.65 38.66 25.79
Intangible WIP 270.23 356.12 146.5 115.01 145.06
Investments 91.84 126.31 153.79 158.9 166.39
Loans & Advances 140.72 249.84 94.02 74.52 53.07
Other N/C Assets 5.54 5.3 5.06 29.54 29.21
Current Assets 1021.68 876.12 1020.94 1558.94 2039.39
Total Assets 3099.47 3200.63 3603.93 4062.87 4483.46
* Other Non-current Liabilities include Net deferred Liabilities

Cash Flows (All Figures are in Crores.)

PARTICULARS Mar 2020 Mar 2021 Mar 2022 Mar 2023 Mar 2024
Profit from operations 49.83 -164.27 -113.35 290.63 618.43
Adjustment 204.53 219.49 228.92 435.43 323.36
Changes in Assets & Liabilities 170.75 -45.5 -99.9 -191.28 221.19
Tax Paid -16.24 -2.65 2.49 -3.32 -151.79
Operating Cash Flow 408.87 7.07 18.16 531.46 1011.19
Investing Cash Flow -327.39 -332.43 -355.74 -256.47 -197.5
Financing Cash Flow -19.73 293.45 374.77 -206.85 -509.19
Net Cash Flow 61.75 -31.91 37.19 68.14 304.5

Corporate Actions

Investors Details

PARTICULARS Dec 2023% Mar 2024% Jun 2024% Sep 2024% Dec 2024%
promoters 61.63 61.63 61.63 61.63 61.63
abhaykumar navalmal firod... 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01
indira abhaykumar firodia... 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49
jaya hind industries priv... 57.38 57.38 57.38 57.38 57.38
kamala bansilal bhandari 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06
prasan abhaykumar firodia... 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68
shyamala navalakha 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02
sunanda sudhir mehta 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
PARTICULARS Dec 2023% Mar 2024% Jun 2024% Sep 2024% Dec 2024%
investors 38.37 38.37 38.37 38.37 38.37
investor education and pr... 0.41 - - - 0.44
llp 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.05
manohar devabhaktuni 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
point break capital lp - - - 1.07 1.07
vanaja sundar iyer 1.52 1.44 1.52 1.52 1.41
investor education and pr... - 0.41 0.41 0.40 -
point break capital llp 1.07 1.07 1.07 - -

Ratings & Research Reports

Company Presentations

Currently we do not have any Presentation and Concall related to this company.Report us

Company News

Force Motors reports 20% rise in total sales during January 2025 5 Feb, 2:10 PM Force Motors informs about monthly business updates 3 Jan, 1:08 PM Force Motors reports 18% fall in total sales during December 2024 3 Jan, 12:18 PM Force Motors secures order for supply of BSVI Diesel Ambulance 2 Jan, 3:45 PM Force Motors informs about change in name of RTA 1 Jan, 3:13 PM Force Motors reports marginal rise in total sales during November 2024 5 Dec, 12:12 PM Force Motors’ Q2 consolidated net profit rises 44% to Rs 135.05 crore 30 Oct, 11:13 AM Force Motors - Quaterly Results 29 Oct, 5:37 PM Force Motors - Quaterly Results 29 Oct, 5:37 PM Force Motors reports 7.20% fall in total sales during September 2024 5 Oct, 11:15 AM Force Motors reports 23.82% fall in total sales during August 2024 5 Sep, 6:02 PM Force Motors reports marginal fall in total sales during July 6 Aug, 3:27 PM Force Motors reports 69% rise in Q1 consolidated net profit 30 Jul, 4:46 PM Force Motors - Quaterly Results 30 Jul, 2:16 PM Force Motors - Quaterly Results 30 Jul, 2:16 PM Force Motors - Quaterly Results 30 Jul, 2:16 PM Force Motors informs about certificate 11 Jul, 2:07 PM Force Motors reports 3% fall in total sales during June 2024 3 Jul, 10:30 AM Force Motors partners with EY Parthenon India for digital transformation programme 25 Jun, 12:00 PM Force Motors reports 0.65% fall in May total sales 6 Jun, 10:00 AM Force Motors reports 44% rise in April total sales 4 May, 12:05 PM Force Motors informs about newspaper advertisement 27 Apr, 3:13 PM Force Motors reports 4% fall in Q4 consolidated net profit 26 Apr, 4:28 PM Force Motors - Quaterly Results 26 Apr, 3:35 PM Force Motors - Quaterly Results 26 Apr, 3:35 PM Force Motors - Quaterly Results 26 Apr, 3:35 PM Force Motors reports 37% rise in March total sales 6 Apr, 3:33 PM Force Motors exits tractors and connected activity business 1 Apr, 4:56 PM Force Motors informs about details of loss of certificate 13 Mar, 12:33 PM Force Motors informs about loss of share certificate 13 Mar, 10:30 AM Force Motors’ SCV & LCV production stands at 2,621 units in February 6 Mar, 2:30 PM Force Motors turns black in Q3 12 Feb, 6:13 PM Force Motors - Quaterly Results 12 Feb, 2:11 PM Force Motors - Quaterly Results 12 Feb, 2:11 PM Force Motors - Quaterly Results 12 Feb, 2:11 PM Force Motors reports 21% rise in January total sales 6 Feb, 2:40 PM Force Motors planning to invest around Rs 2,000 crore in 3-4 years 5 Feb, 9:57 AM Force Motors reports 21% rise in December total sales 6 Jan, 2:42 PM Force Motors informs about compliance certificate 5 Jan, 5:05 PM Force Motors informs about outcome of board meeting 13 Dec, 3:41 PM Force Motors gets nod to acquire 12.21% stake in TP Surya 12 Dec, 5:50 PM Force Motors’ SCV & LCV production stands at 1,987 units in November 5 Dec, 6:17 PM Force Motors - Quaterly Results 9 Nov, 4:39 PM Force Motors - Quaterly Results 9 Nov, 4:39 PM Force Motors’ SCV & LCV production stands at 2,711 units in September 6 Oct, 2:31 PM Force Motors informs about updates 6 Oct, 10:42 AM Force Motors informs about closure of trading window 28 Sep, 4:44 PM Force Motors informs about newspaper advertisement 7 Sep, 10:36 AM Force Motors’ SCV & LCV production stands at 2,360 units in August 6 Sep, 5:08 PM Force Motors - Quaterly Results 9 Aug, 5:25 PM

Force Motors Stock Price Analysis and Quick Research Report. Is Force Motors an attractive stock to invest in?

The Indian Auto Industry comes in the top 5 largest auto industries of the world. India is also a prominent auto exporter and has strong export growth expectations for the near future. The support from the government is providing the auto companies with a boost needed in their development. But will it sustain?

We can look into more details and dig a little deeper into the analysis of the stock of this sector. Force Motors stock price today is Rs 6295. Let’s look at how Force Motors is performing and if it is the right time to buy the stock of Force Motors with detailed analysis.

  • The mainstream of revenue for Auto Sector is their sales, Force Motors has reported outstanding sales growth of 39.038 % and in the latest quarter sales was Rs 1941.2 Cr. To judge whether the company’s inventory is being sold or not and the sales picture is true, inventory turnover ratio plays a major role, which is 7.0277 times for Force Motors . It is managing its inventory poorly
  • Force Motors reported Profit growth of 164.1828 % over the year, where the latest year profit is Rs 401.69 Cr compared to the previous year of Rs 152.05 Cr. The new permits by governments and increasing demand will lead to an increase in profits in the coming year.
  • The operating profit of Force Motors in the latest quarter is Rs 282.49 Cr. It helps in measuring the company’s operating performance which is used to make financing decisions.
  • Force Motors has a average ROE of 18.865 %. The ROE is an important financial parameter because Auto companies work with high equity investments. Also, they have to take huge debt to incur the research and manufacturing work so their Debt to Equity ratio should be evaluated. Force Motors has a low Debt to Equity ratio of 0.2255.
  • Force Motors pays a dividend of 20 Rs per share. It tells us that a company dislikes to share profits with its shareholders. The dividend yield is low at 0.3182 %.
  • The share of promoter in Force Motors is high at 61.63 %, where the pledging is 0 %.
  • What the market is willing to pay for the company for its earnings can be determined by PE multiple. Current PE of Force Motors is 16.8682505225942 compared to the 5 year average PE of 10.1076882364293 .
  • Share Price: - The current share price of Force Motors is Rs 6295. One can use valuation calculators of ticker to know if Force Motors share price is undervalued or overvalued.
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Brief about Force Motors

Force Motors Ltd. Financials: Check Share Price, Balance Sheet, Annual Report, Quarterly Results, Shareholding, Company Profile and News for Company Analysis

Force Motors Ltd. is an Indian automotive manufacturer headquartered in Pune, Maharashtra. Founded in 1958, the company initially started as a small manufacturer of three-wheeler auto rickshaws. Over the years, Force Motors has grown into a leading manufacturer of commercial vehicles, passenger vehicles, and agricultural tractors in India.

Share Price Analysis: Force Motors Ltd.

The share price of Force Motors Ltd. reflects the market's perception of the company's financial performance and future prospects. Long-term stock investors can analyze the historical share price trends to assess the company's growth trajectory and potential investment opportunities. Our pre-built screening tools provide users with an easy way to track and analyze the share price of Force Motors Ltd.

Balance Sheet Analysis: Force Motors Ltd.

Understanding the balance sheet is crucial for long-term stock investors to evaluate the financial health of a company like Force Motors Ltd. Our website provides access to the company's annual reports, where investors can find detailed balance sheet information. Additionally, our premium features offer tools such as DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis to assist investors in calculating the fair value of the stock.

Annual Report Review: Force Motors Ltd.

Force Motors Ltd. releases an annual report each year, providing comprehensive information about its financial performance, business strategy, and future outlook. Investors can download the annual reports from our website to gain valuable insights into the company's operations and growth prospects.

Dividend History: Force Motors Ltd.

For investors seeking regular income from their investments, assessing the dividend history of Force Motors Ltd. becomes crucial. The company's dividend payment track record can shed light on its commitment to rewarding shareholders. Our website provides access to historical dividend data, enabling investors to analyze the company's dividend payout trends.

Quarterly Result Analysis: Force Motors Ltd.

Tracking the quarterly results of Force Motors Ltd. is essential to monitor the company's performance on a shorter-term basis. Investors can evaluate key financial metrics, analyze revenue growth, and assess profitability using our pre-built screening tools. Additionally, our premium features provide tools for fair value calculation that can further assist investors in their analysis.

Stock Price Chart: Force Motors Ltd.

Visualizing the stock price movements of Force Motors Ltd. through price charts can provide valuable insights for investors. Our website features interactive stock price charts that allow users to analyze historical price trends, identify support and resistance levels, and make informed investment decisions.

News and Updates: Force Motors Ltd.

Staying updated with the latest news and developments surrounding Force Motors Ltd. is crucial for investors. Our website provides a dedicated news section where users can find the latest articles, press releases, and announcements related to the company. Access to up-to-date information can help investors make informed investment decisions.

Conference Call Transcripts: Force Motors Ltd.

For investors interested in understanding the management's perspective on the company's performance and future plans, conference call transcripts are invaluable. Our website provides downloadable conference call transcripts of Force Motors Ltd., offering investors the opportunity to gain insights from the interactions between analysts and management.

Investor Presentations: Force Motors Ltd.

Force Motors Ltd. regularly prepares investor presentations to provide a comprehensive overview of the company's operations, financial performance, and growth strategies. These presentations offer valuable insights into the management's vision and can assist long-term stock investors in evaluating investment opportunities. Investors can download these presentations from our website.

Promoters and Shareholders: Force Motors Ltd.

Identifying the key promoters and shareholders of Force Motors Ltd. can provide investors with an understanding of the stakeholders' confidence in the company. Our website offers detailed information about the company's promoters and major shareholders, allowing investors to gauge the level of ownership and involvement of key individuals or entities.

By providing comprehensive stock analysis tools, access to essential documents like annual reports, concall transcripts, and investor presentations, along with the latest news and updates, our website aims to assist long-term stock investors in making informed investment decisions regarding Force Motors Ltd.

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