Gabriel India Ltd. Financials: Check Share Price, Balance Sheet, Annual Report, Quarterly Results, Shareholding, Company Profile and News for Company Analysis
Gabriel India Ltd. is a leading manufacturer and supplier of suspension systems for the automotive industry. With a rich history spanning several decades, the company has gained a strong foothold in the market and has established itself as a trusted brand. Our website provides a comprehensive stock analysis page for investors interested in Gabriel India Ltd.
Gabriel India Ltd. Share Price
Stay updated with the latest share prices of Gabriel India Ltd. through our user-friendly stock analysis page. Our platform provides real-time data and charts to keep investors informed about the performance of Gabriel India Ltd. in the market. Track the fluctuations in share prices and make informed decisions.
Gabriel India Ltd. Balance Sheet
Gain insights into Gabriel India Ltd.'s financial stability and position with the help of our pre-built screening tools. Our platform offers a comprehensive analysis of the balance sheet, allowing investors to assess the company's assets, liabilities, and equity. Download the annual reports to get a detailed view of Gabriel India Ltd.'s financial performance.
Gabriel India Ltd. Annual Report
Access Gabriel India Ltd.'s annual reports on our website and delve into the company's performance over the years. Our platform provides downloadable annual reports that offer valuable information about the company's operations, financial statements, and future prospects. Stay informed about Gabriel India Ltd.'s growth trajectory.
Gabriel India Ltd. Dividend
Investors interested in dividend income can find relevant information about Gabriel India Ltd.'s dividend payout on our stock analysis page. Explore the dividend history and track the company's dividend yield to make informed investment decisions. Find information about dividend announcements and payouts.
Gabriel India Ltd. Quarterly Result
Stay updated with the latest quarterly results of Gabriel India Ltd. through our stock analysis page. Our platform provides a comprehensive view of the company's financial performance in each quarter. Access the quarterly reports and transcripts of Gabriel India Ltd.'s earnings calls to remain informed about the company's progress.
Gabriel India Ltd. Stock Price
Our platform offers real-time stock price data and interactive charts to help investors track the performance of Gabriel India Ltd. in the market. Stay updated with the latest stock price movements and make well-informed investment decisions. Our platform allows users to analyze stock price trends and patterns.
Gabriel India Ltd. Price Chart
Analyze the price movements of Gabriel India Ltd. over different timeframes with the help of our interactive price charts. Our platform provides user-friendly tools to track the historical performance of the company's stock and identify potential investment opportunities. Make use of our pre-built technical indicators to gain insights into market trends.
Gabriel India Ltd. News
Stay informed about the latest news and developments related to Gabriel India Ltd. through our stock analysis page. Our platform provides curated news articles, ensuring that investors have access to relevant information that can impact their investment decisions. Make use of our pre-built screening tools to filter news based on specific parameters.
Gabriel India Ltd. Concall Transcripts
Investors seeking detailed insights into Gabriel India Ltd.'s earnings calls can access the concall transcripts on our website. These transcripts offer a verbatim record of the discussions during the earnings calls, allowing investors to gain a deeper understanding of the company's performance and future plans. Stay informed about Gabriel India Ltd.'s management discussions and strategies.
Gabriel India Ltd. Investor Presentations
Access Gabriel India Ltd.'s investor presentations on our website to gain a comprehensive understanding of the company's operations and growth prospects. These presentations provide detailed insights into Gabriel India Ltd.'s business model, market dynamics, and strategies. Stay updated with the latest investor presentations to make well-informed investment decisions.
Gabriel India Ltd. Promoters
Learn about Gabriel India Ltd.'s promoters and their contributions to the company's growth and success. Our stock analysis page provides detailed information about the promoters, their shareholding patterns, and their involvement in the company's operations. Gain insights into the key individuals behind Gabriel India Ltd.'s achievements.
Gabriel India Ltd. Shareholders
Get a comprehensive overview of Gabriel India Ltd.'s shareholders through our stock analysis page. Our platform provides information about the top shareholders, their shareholdings, and their influence on the company. Understand the stakeholder dynamics and gain insights into the investors who have placed their trust in Gabriel India Ltd.
Note: Our website also offers premium features that allow fair value calculation using tools such as DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis. These tools provide additional insights to investors interested in detailed financial analysis.
Remember to visit our website to access the downloadable annual reports, concall transcripts, investor presentations, credit ratings, and research reports for Gabriel India Ltd. Make use of our pre-built screening tools and premium features to enhance your stock analysis and make well-informed investment decisions.
Gabriel India's Growing Reserves
From the balance sheet data of Gabriel India, it’s clear that the company has been strengthening its financial base over the years. The total reserves have seen a consistent increase from Rs 637.42 Cr. in March 2020 to an impressive Rs 994.29 Cr. by March 2024. This indicates a robust internal accrual system and financial prudence.
Gabriel India's Debt Management
An extraordinary aspect of Gabriel India's financial management is its debt position. The company completely eliminated its borrowings by March 2021, moving from Rs 7.82 Cr. in March 2020 to zero, showcasing exceptional debt management and a strong balance sheet.
Assets Expansion in Gabriel India
Gabriel India's asset base has shown commendable growth from March 2020 to March 2024. The total assets increased from Rs 1,131.27 Cr. to Rs 1,910.13 Cr., highlighting continuous investment in the net block, capital work in progress, and notably in investments and loans & advances. The leap in investments from Rs 0.04 Cr. to Rs 30.51 Cr. and in loans & advances from Rs 206.63 Cr. to Rs 329.46 Cr. illustrates strategic asset allocation and expansion.
This data is an analysis for the Standalone Balance Sheet of the company. Gabriel India’s financial journey reflects a strategic focus on strengthening its asset base and maintaining a debt-free status, critical factors for investors monitoring stock performance alongside broader NSE BSE indices and market trends.