Hikal Ltd. Financials: Check Share Price, Balance Sheet, Annual Report, Quarterly Results, Shareholding, Company Profile and News for Company Analysis
Hikal Ltd. is a leading Indian chemical manufacturer with a global footprint. The company was established in 1988 and is headquartered in Bangalore, India. Hikal has a strong presence in the pharmaceutical, crop protection, and specialty chemicals markets and has numerous manufacturing facilities across India, Europe, and the USA. The company is committed to sustainable growth and innovation while maintaining a high level of social and environmental responsibility.
Hikal Ltd. Share Price
Hikal Ltd. is a publicly traded company on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) in India. The share price of Hikal can be tracked on our website's stock analysis page. Our pre-built screening tools provide a real-time view of the company's share price movement and allow investors to track the stock's performance over time.
Hikal Ltd. Balance Sheet
A company's balance sheet is a snapshot of a company's financial position at a given point in time. Hikal Ltd.'s balance sheet can be found on our website, alongside our premium feature tools used for fair value calculation, including DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis. Our premium tools allow investors to do a deep dive and better understand Hikal's financial position.
Hikal Ltd. Annual Report
The annual report is an important document that provides insights into a company's performance over the year. Hikal's annual reports are available for download on our website's stock analysis page. The reports include information on the company's revenue, earnings, and overall performance, providing investors with a comprehensive understanding of Hikal's operations.
Hikal Ltd. Dividend
Hikal Ltd.'s dividend history can be found on our website's stock analysis page. Tracking a company's dividend history is important for investors who seek long-term investments as dividends are an important source of income. Our pre-built screening tools provide relevant metrics on dividend yield, payout history, and dividend growth, allowing investors to make informed decisions on Hikal Ltd.
Hikal Ltd. Quarterly Result
The quarterly results of Hikal Ltd. are available for download on our website. The reports include information on the company's revenue, earnings, and overall performance for a particular quarter. Our premium feature tools, such as DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis, allow investors to delve deeper into Hikal's quarterly results and make more informed decisions.
Hikal Ltd. Stock Price
Tracking the stock price of a company is important for investors who seek long-term investments. Our pre-built screening tools on the Hikal Ltd. stock analysis page provide real-time updates on the company's stock price movement, high and low trading volumes, and relative strength indicators.
Hikal Ltd. Price Chart
Our website's stock analysis page features the price charts of Hikal Ltd. The price charts track the company's price trend over the years, allowing investors to identify long-term price trends and patterns. It is important for investors to understand price movements before making investment decisions.
Hikal Ltd. News
Our website's stock analysis page offers up-to-date news articles related to Hikal Ltd. News articles include company announcements, industry news, and market updates that may impact Hikal Ltd's share price. Investors can stay informed on the latest news related to Hikal Ltd. and make informed investment decisions.
Hikal Ltd. Concall Transcripts
Hikal Ltd.'s concall transcripts provide investors with detailed information on the company's earnings and performance. Our website provides downloadable concall transcripts for Hikal Ltd. that allow investors to read through a transcript of the analyst call. The transcripts are helpful for investors who want to understand the analyst's queries related to the company's earnings and operations.
Hikal Ltd. Investor Presentations
Hikal Ltd.'s investor presentations are available for download on our website's stock analysis page. Investor presentations provide valuable insights into a company's operations, growth plans, and financial performance. Our website offers a complete set of investor presentations, which are essential for investors seeking a comprehensive understanding of Hikal's business.
Hikal Ltd. Promoters
Hikal Ltd.'s promoters are the individuals or entities that are responsible for the overall management and strategic vision of the company. Our website's stock analysis page provides information related to Hikal Ltd.'s shareholders, ownership structure, and promoter holdings.
Hikal Ltd. Shareholders
Shareholders are important stakeholders in a company, and their investment decisions can impact the company's operations. Our website's stock analysis page provides information on Hikal Ltd.'s shareholders, including institutional and retail investors. Understanding shareholder patterns and trends can help investors make informed investment decisions.
Overall, our website's stock analysis page provides investors with a comprehensive set of tools to analyze Hikal Ltd. and make informed investment decisions. Our pre-built screening tools provide real-time updates on the company's stock price, dividend history, and other relevant metrics, while our premium features allow investors to perform a deep dive analysis of Hikal Ltd's financial position.