IG Petrochemicals Ltd. Financials: Check Share Price, Balance Sheet, Annual Report, Quarterly Results, Shareholding, Company Profile and News for Company Analysis
IG Petrochemicals Ltd. is an Indian petrochemical company which produces and markets products like Phthalic Anhydride, Maleic Anhydride, and other plasticizers. The company is headquartered in Mumbai, India. It is a part of the Indian conglomerate, the Chatterjee Group and was incorporated in 1988.
The company has a strong market presence in India and exports its products to more than 60 countries globally. With state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, IG Petrochemicals is a leading producer of Phthalic Anhydride in India.
IG Petrochemicals Ltd. Share Price
IG Petrochemicals Ltd. stock is listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) in India. The stock trades under the symbol "IGPL". The stock price of IG Petrochemicals Ltd. is subject to fluctuations. Our pre-built screening tools help in analyzing the stock price trends and forecast future movement.
IG Petrochemicals Ltd. Balance Sheet
IG Petrochemicals Ltd. published its balance sheet annually, which provides an overview of the company's financial health. Our premium features allow fair value calculation using tools like DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis. This tool is specially designed to help long-term investors in their decision-making process.
IG Petrochemicals Ltd. Annual Report
The annual report of IG Petrochemicals Ltd. is a comprehensive document that includes the financial performance of the company, its strategic initiatives, and its achievements in the past year. The annual report is available for download on our website. This report is a great source of information for investors to understand the company's financial performance and future prospects.
IG Petrochemicals Ltd. Dividend
IG Petrochemicals Ltd. provides dividends to its shareholders annually. The dividend is paid out of the profits earned by the company in the preceding financial year. The dividend payout is decided by the board of directors of the company.
IG Petrochemicals Ltd. Quarterly Result
The quarterly result of IG Petrochemicals Ltd. is published after every three months. It provides an update to the shareholders about the company's financial performance in the last quarter. The quarterly result is an important aspect that investors consider before investing in the stock. Our pre-built screening tools help in analyzing the quarterly results of the company and compare them with its peers.
IG Petrochemicals Ltd. Stock Price
The stock price of IG Petrochemicals Ltd. is subject to market fluctuations. Investors who are looking for long-term investments must consider the stock's price movements before investing in it. Our pre-built screening tools help in analyzing the historical stock price trends of IG Petrochemicals Ltd. and help investors to make informed decisions.
IG Petrochemicals Ltd. Price Chart
The price chart of IG Petrochemicals Ltd. is a graphical representation of the company's stock price trend over a certain period. It helps investors to analyze the stock price trend and forecast future movements. Our pre-built screening tools provide customizable price charts to help investors make informed decisions.
IG Petrochemicals Ltd. News
The news section of IG Petrochemicals Ltd. provides the latest updates about the company, its initiatives, and its achievements. It helps investors to stay updated with the company's news and make informed decisions. Our pre-built screening tools provide a news feed that filters and displays the latest news about the company.
IG Petrochemicals Ltd. Concall Transcripts
The concall transcripts of IG Petrochemicals Ltd. are available for download on our website. The concall transcripts provide insights into the company's operations and financial performance discussed during the concall with stakeholders. The concall transcripts are a great source of information for investors to understand the company's future prospects.
IG Petrochemicals Ltd. Investor Presentations
The investor presentations of IG Petrochemicals Ltd. provide an overview of the company's operations and financial performance. The investor presentations are available for download on our website. The presentations are a great source of information for investors to understand the company's future prospects.
IG Petrochemicals Ltd. Promoters
IG Petrochemicals Ltd. is promoted by the Chatterjee Group, an Indian conglomerate with interests in diverse sectors like technology, life sciences, and energy. The group has a strong presence in India and has expanded its footprint globally.
IG Petrochemicals Ltd. Shareholders
IG Petrochemicals Ltd. has a diverse group of shareholders, including retail and institutional investors. The shareholders of the company include domestic and international investors who invest in the company's long-term growth prospects.
In conclusion, IG Petrochemicals Ltd. is a leading petrochemical company with a strong market presence in India and globally. Its state-of-the-art facilities and diverse product portfolio make it a trusted supplier to customers worldwide. Investors looking for long-term investments must consider the company's financial performance and future prospects before investing in its shares. Our pre-built screening tools and available financial reports make it easier for investors to analyze the stock price trends and forecast future movements. The downloadable Annual Reports, Concall Transcripts, Investor Presentations, Credit Ratings, and Research Reports on our website are a great source of information for investors to make informed decisions.