Indigo Paints Ltd. Financials: Check Share price, Balance Sheet, Annual report and Quarterly Results for company analysis
Welcome to our comprehensive analysis of Indigo Paints Ltd., a leading company in the paint manufacturing industry. In this article, we will explore various aspects of the company's performance, including its stock price, balance sheet, annual report, dividend, quarterly results, price chart, news, concall, transcripts, investor presentations, promoters, and shareholders.
Indigo Paints Ltd. Stock Price Analysis
Indigo Paints Ltd. has shown remarkable growth in its stock price over the years, reflecting the company's strong market presence and favourable investor sentiment. Our pre-built screening tools provide long-term share investors with an opportunity to analyze the historical performance of the stock and evaluate its potential for future growth. A stock's share price is determined by a range of factors, such as market sentiment, financial performance, and general economic conditions.
Indigo Paints Ltd. Balance Sheet Evaluation
The balance sheet of Indigo Paints Ltd. offers valuable insights into the company's financial position and overall stability. By analyzing the company's assets, liabilities, and shareholder's equity, investors can assess the company's ability to meet its short-term and long-term obligations efficiently.
Indigo Paints Ltd. Annual Report Highlights
Our website offers downloadable annual reports for Indigo Paints Ltd., enabling investors to gain a deep understanding of the company's financial performance, strategic initiatives, risks, and prospects for growth. These reports serve as an essential resource for investors seeking to assess the overall performance of the company.
Indigo Paints Ltd. Dividend Analysis
Indigo Paints Ltd. has a strong track record of rewarding its shareholders through consistent dividend payments. By analyzing the dividend history and dividend yield of the company, investors can evaluate the income potential associated with their investment in Indigo Paints Ltd.
Indigo Paints Ltd. Quarterly Results Insights
Stay updated on the performance of Indigo Paints Ltd. through our website's downloadable quarterly results. These results provide investors with regular updates on the company's financial performance, allowing them to identify trends, evaluate revenue growth, and assess the company's ability to generate consistent profits.
Indigo Paints Ltd. Price Chart Analysis
Our user-friendly price charts offer a visual representation of the historical stock price movement for Indigo Paints Ltd. By analyzing the price chart; investors can identify patterns, trends, and potential entry or exit points for their investment. Our website provides pre-built screening tools to help investors analyze stock prices and performance.
Indigo Paints Ltd. Latest News Updates
Stay informed with the latest news updates about Indigo Paints Ltd. through our website. We provide regular news articles covering company announcements, market trends, and other relevant information. These updates offer valuable insights to help investors make well-informed decisions.
Indigo Paints Ltd. Concall Transcripts
Access detailed information about Indigo Paints Ltd.'s conference call transcripts on our website. The transcripts provide a comprehensive overview of the discussions held during the company's earnings calls, offering insights into the company's strategy, outlook, and market trends.
Indigo Paints Ltd. Investor Presentations
Gain access to Indigo Paints Ltd.'s investor presentations on our website. These presentations provide an overview of the company's business operations, financial highlights, growth strategies, and future plans. They serve as a valuable resource for investors seeking a detailed understanding of the company's potential.
Indigo Paints Ltd. Promoters and Shareholders
Indigo Paints Ltd. is backed by a strong network of promoters and shareholders who have played a significant role in the company's success and growth. Our website provides an in-depth analysis of the company's promoters and major shareholders, offering investors valuable insights into the key stakeholders involved in driving the company's performance.
Indigo Paints Ltd. Premium Features and Tools
Our website offers a range of premium features and tools to assist investors in their decision-making process. These tools include DCF (Discounted Cash Flow) Analysis, BVPS (Book Value per Share) Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis. These advanced analytical tools provide investors with valuable insights and help them make informed investment decisions.
In conclusion, Indigo Paints Ltd. is a leading company in the paint manufacturing industry. Our website provides long-term share investors with a comprehensive analysis of various aspects of the company's performance, including stock price, balance sheet, annual reports, dividends, quarterly results, and more. Investors can also benefit from our pre-built screening tools and premium features, such as DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis. Downloadable annual reports and quarterly results further enhance the analysis process. Visit our website to explore the vast range of resources available to help you make informed investment decisions.
Indigo Paints Equity and Liabilities
Over the years, from Mar 2020 to Mar 2024, there has been substantial growth in Indigo Paints' Total Reserves, burgeoning from Rs 149.73 Cr in Mar 2020 to Rs 867.45 Cr in Mar 2024. This reflects a strong retention of earnings and consistent internal growth. The Share Capital exhibited minor increments, suggesting a stable equity financing approach. Meanwhile, a noteworthy reduction is observed in Borrowings, diminishing entirely by Mar 2021 from Rs 24.72 Cr to zero, indicating a debt-free status that persisted up to Mar 2024.
Indigo Paints Assets
Indigo Paints showcased remarkable growth in its Net Block, escalating from Rs 200.75 Cr in Mar 2020 to Rs 548.33 Cr in Mar 2024, which reveals significant investment in tangible assets. Capital Work In Progress (WIP) soared to Rs 250.91 Cr in Mar 2023 before settling down to Rs 15.12 Cr in Mar 2024, highlighting a phase of extensive developmental activity. Additionally, the company diversified its portfolio as noted by the emergence of Investments valued at Rs 30.24 Cr in Mar 2024. Current Assets increased steadily, suggestive of robust working capital management.
Indigo Paints Reserves Growth
The consistent escalation of Indigo Paints' Total Reserves is indicative of the company’s increasing net worth and financial resilience. From Mar 2020 to Mar 2024, the reserves have seen an almost sixfold surge, enabling stronger business expansion capabilities and shareholder value.
Indigo Paints Debt-Free Status
Indigo Paints has maintained a debt-free balance sheet since Mar 2021. This feat enhances the company's financial health and reduces dependency on external financing. The absence of Borrowings from Mar 2021 to Mar 2024 underscores the company's prudent financial strategies and risk-averse approach.
Indigo Paints Total Liabilities and Total Assets
The progression of Indigo Paints' balance sheet shows a scaling Total Liabilities and Total Assets figures, both initiating from Rs 421.96 Cr in Mar 2020 to Rs 1,221.95 Cr in Mar 2024. This symmetry advocates the company’s adherence to the accounting principle that assets must always equal the sum of liabilities and equity.
This SEO content analyzes data for the Standalone Balance Sheet of the company.
Indigo Paints' financial health and strategic achievements could be of interest to investors tracking the Nifty 500 Index for diversified investment opportunities.