Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. Financials: Check Share Price, Balance Sheet, Annual Report, Quarterly Results, Shareholding, Company Profile and News for Company Analysis
Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. is a leading real estate development company based in India. Established in 1991, the company has grown to become one of the most trusted names in the industry. With a strong presence in Pune, Mumbai, and Bengaluru, Kolte-Patil Developers has successfully completed numerous residential, commercial, and retail projects over the years.
Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. - Share Price
The share price of Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. reflects the market valuation of the company. Investors keen on analyzing the stock can refer to our pre-built screening tools which provide up-to-date information and trends. These tools enable investors to evaluate the share price performance of the company over different time periods, and compare it with industry averages, helping them make informed investment decisions.
Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. - Balance Sheet
The balance sheet of Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. provides a snapshot of the company's financial health. Our website offers downloadable annual reports which include the balance sheet along with other relevant financial statements. For investors seeking a comprehensive analysis, our premium features provide fair value calculations using tools such as DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis. These tools aid in understanding the company's financial standing and predicting future performance.
Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. - Annual Report
The annual report of Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. presents a detailed overview of the company's operations, financial performance, and future prospects. Investors can find the annual reports conveniently downloadable on our website. Reading the annual report helps investors gain insights into the management's vision, strategies, and overall performance.
Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. - Dividend
Being a shareholder of Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. entitles investors to receive dividends from the company's profits. The dividend payout is typically decided by the Board of Directors and depends on various factors such as financial performance, cash flow, and investment opportunities. For investors interested in dividend analysis, our website's features allow them to track dividend history and analyze dividend yield using our screening tools.
Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. - Quarterly Results
To stay updated on the financial performance of Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd., investors can refer to the quarterly results available on our website. These reports provide a detailed analysis of the company's revenue, expenses, and profitability for each quarter. Our premium features offer tools for fair value calculation, which enable investors to assess the company's performance against industry benchmarks, aiding them in making informed decisions.
Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. - Stock Price
The stock price of Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. is influenced by various factors including market conditions, investor sentiment, and the company's financial performance. Investors can monitor the stock price and related trends using our pre-built screening tools. Our website provides interactive price charts that allow investors to visualize the historical performance of the stock and identify potential patterns or trends.
Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. - Price Chart
Our website features price charts that visually represent the historical performance of Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd.'s stock. These charts include data such as opening and closing prices, as well as high and low prices for specific time periods. Investors can use these charts to analyze price trends, identify key support and resistance levels, and make informed investment decisions.
Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. - News
Staying up-to-date with the latest news and developments surrounding Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. is crucial for investors. Our website offers a dedicated news section where investors can find relevant articles, press releases, and market updates related to the company. This helps investors stay informed about any significant events that may impact the stock price or the company's operations.
Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. - Concall Transcripts
For investors interested in accessing detailed discussions and insights from the company's management, our website provides downloadable concall transcripts. These transcripts offer valuable information about the company's strategy, future plans, and performance as discussed during conference calls with analysts and investors. This resource allows investors to gain a deeper understanding of the company's prospects and make well-informed investment decisions.
Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. - Investor Presentations
Investor presentations serve as an effective tool for understanding the company's operations, growth strategies, and financial performance. Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. provides downloadable investor presentations on our website, which offer a concise summary of the company's key metrics, achievements, and future plans. These presentations are useful for investors seeking a quick overview of the company.
Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. - Promoters
Promoters play a significant role in the success and growth of any company. The promoters of Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. have been instrumental in shaping the company's journey and vision. Our website provides detailed information about the promoters, highlighting their expertise and contributions to the company. Understanding the promoters' background and involvement can help investors gauge the long-term stability and growth prospects of the company.
Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. - Shareholders
Information about the major shareholders of Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd. is essential for investors analyzing the stock. Our website offers insights into the company's shareholder structure, including institutional investors and individual shareholders. Understanding the distribution of shareholding can provide valuable insights into the confidence and trust investors have in the company.
At our website, we strive to provide comprehensive and reliable information for long-term stock investors looking for in-depth stock analysis. Our pre-built screening tools, downloadable reports, and premium features enhance the investment analysis process, enabling investors to make informed decisions based on a thorough understanding of Kolte-Patil Developers Ltd.'s financial performance, market dynamics, and growth opportunities.