Nippon Life India Asset Management Ltd Financials: Check Share price, Balance Sheet, Annual report and Quarterly Results for company analysis
Nippon Life India Asset Management Ltd. (NAM India) is one of the leading asset management companies in India. Nippon Life Insurance Company is the sponsor of NAM India and it is a joint venture between Nippon Life and Reliance Capital Limited. NAM India provides a wide range of financial services such as mutual fund schemes, portfolio management services, alternative investment funds, ETFs, and offshore funds.
NAM India Share Price
NAM India's share price is one of the key indicators of its performance in the stock market. The share price is impacted by various factors such as market sentiments, company performance, and global economic conditions. Investors can use ticker pre-built screening tools to track the historical share price movement of NAM India and can compare it with other asset management companies.
NAM India Balance Sheet
A balance sheet is a snapshot of a company's financial position at a specific point in time. The balance sheet of NAM India provides a summary of its assets, liabilities, and shareholder's equity. It gives investors an idea of the company's financial health and its ability to meet its long-term obligations. Investors can use ticker pre-built tools for BVPS analysis to determine the value of each share in the company.
NAM India Annual Report
The annual report of NAM India provides information about its financial performance and business operations. It provides a comprehensive overview of the company's activities, including income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and the management's discussion and analysis. The annual report is available for download on Ticker.
NAM India Dividend
Dividends are a crucial aspect of long-term stock investment, as they provide a regular income stream for investors. NAM India has a unique dividend policy that ensures regular dividends to its investors. The dividend history of NAM India can be tracked using ticker pre-built screening tools on Ticker.
NAM India Quarterly Result
Quarterly results are a key indicator of a company's performance in the short term. NAM India's quarterly results are available for download on Ticker. They provide information about the company's income, expenses, profits, and losses. Investors can track NAM India's quarterly results using our pre-built screening tools to stay up-to-date with the company's financial performance.
NAM India Stock Price
The stock price of NAM India is influenced by various factors like market trends, company performance, and economic conditions. Ticker provides a detailed analysis of NAM India's stock price with the help of our pre-built screening tools. Investors can make investment decisions based on this analysis.
NAM India Price Chart
Price charts provide a graphical representation of a stock's price movement over time. Ticker provides a price chart of NAM India with the help of ticker pre-built screening tools. It allows investors to track the stock's price movement over time and analyze trends.
NAM India News
News and updates about NAM India can be found on Ticker. Our news section provides the latest updates about the company and its operations. We use reliable sources for our news articles, which ensures that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date.
NAM India Concall
Concall transcripts provide information about the company's management team and their views on the company's operations and future prospects. Concalls are a great way for investors to stay updated about the company's performance and future plans. NAM India's concall transcripts are available on Ticker for download.
NAM India Investor Presentations
Investor presentations provide key insights into a company's operations and future plans. Ticker provides access to NAM India's investor presentations, which provide a comprehensive overview of the company's business activities.
NAM India Promoters
Promoters are individuals or organizations that own a significant stake in a company. NAM India's promoters are Reliance Capital Limited and Nippon Life Insurance Company. Knowing the identity of a company's promoters helps investors understand the company's operations and its future prospects.
NAM India Shareholders
Shareholders own a stake in a company and have the right to vote on major decisions affecting the company. NAM India's shareholders include retail and institutional investors. Ticker provides insight into NAM India's shareholder structure.
NAM India's Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) is a crucial financial metric that measures the company's profitability and efficiency in utilizing capital investments. Our stock analysis page provides comprehensive ROCE data for NAM India, allowing investors to evaluate the company's ability to generate returns from the capital employed. By analyzing this ratio, investors can gain insights into the company’s financial performance. Access the detailed ROCE information for NAM India in the financials table or ratio section on this page.
NAM India's Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA) is a key measure for assessing the company's operational performance and profitability. Our stock analysis page provides comprehensive EBITDA data for NAM India, enabling investors to evaluate the company's core earnings and financial health. Access the detailed EBITDA figures for NAM India in the financials table or ratio section on this page.
NAM India's Dividends Per Share (DPS) reflect the portion of profits distributed to shareholders as dividends. Monitoring DPS is crucial for investors seeking a consistent income from dividends. Our stock analysis page features the DPS data for NAM India, enabling investors to track the company's dividend history and payout ratio. Access the detailed DPS information for NAM India in the financials table or ratio section on this page.
Earnings Per Share (EPS) is a fundamental financial metric that measures NAM India's profitability on a per-share basis. Our stock analysis page provides detailed EPS information for NAM India, allowing investors to assess the company's earnings performance and growth potential. Access the comprehensive EPS figures for NAM India in the financials table or ratio section on this page to make informed investment decisions.
Nippon Life India Asset Management Balance Sheet Overview
The balance sheet of Nippon Life India Asset Management reveals significant insights into the company's financial stability and growth trajectory over the years March 2020 to March 2024. Analyzing the data shows a consistent increase in total liabilities and assets, indicating a robust financial structure.
Nippon Life India Asset Management's Strengthening Equity and Reserves
Between March 2020 and March 2024, the company saw its share capital increase from Rs. 612.11 Cr. to Rs. 630 Cr. Simultaneously, total reserves surged from Rs. 1,936.88 Cr. to Rs. 3,188.32 Cr., highlighting the company's enhanced equity base and retained earnings.
Nippon Life India Asset Management's Debts: A Clean Slate
A remarkable aspect of the balance sheet is the absolute absence of borrowings across all years, showcasing Nippon Life India Asset Management's debt-free status and prudent financial management.
Assets Analysis of Nippon Life India Asset Management
Investments constituted a significant portion of the company's assets, growing from Rs. 1,870.41 Cr. in March 2020 to Rs. 3,353.85 Cr. in March 2024. This strategic investment growth hints at the company's efficient asset allocation and potential for future revenue generation.
Current Liabilities and Liquidity Position
The increase in current liabilities from Rs. 227.36 Cr. in March 2020 to Rs. 253.26 Cr. in March 2024 indicates a controlled escalation aligning with the company's growth. It reflects Nippon Life India Asset Management's effective liquidity management to meet its short-term obligations.
This data analysis is based on the Standalone Balance Sheet of the company, offering insight into its financial health.
Nippon Life India Asset Management's emphasis on a debt-free strategy and robust investment growth aligns with the interest of investors looking for stability and growth in the NSE BSE indices.