Procter & Gamble Health Ltd. Financials: Check Share price, Balance Sheet, Annual report, and Quarterly Results for company analysis
Procter & Gamble Health Ltd. stock analysis page is a comprehensive resource for long-term investors searching for accurate information about the company. Our website provides investors with the necessary tools and resources, including share price, balance sheet, annual report, dividend, quarterly result, stock price, price chart, news, concall, transcripts, investor presentations, promoters, and shareholders analysis. These tools enable investors to make informed investment decisions that ensure long-term growth.
Procter & Gamble Health Ltd. Share Price Analysis:
Procter & Gamble Health Ltd.'s share price is a key indicator of the company's financial performance. As a potential investor, it's crucial to analyze the share price's trends and performance over time. Ticker stock analysis page provides investors with historical share price charts that track the company's performance over an extended period. This feature allows investors to monitor the stock's performance and identify trends that may impact future growth. Ticker's pre-built screening tools can assist investors in comparing Procter & Gamble Health Ltd.'s share price performance with its peers, enabling them to make informed investment decisions. A stock's share price is determined by a range of factors such as market sentiment, financial performance, and general economic conditions.
Procter & Gamble Health Ltd. Balance Sheet Analysis:
Analyzing Procter & Gamble Health Ltd.'s balance sheet is an essential factor for investors interested in understanding the company's financial stability and health. The balance sheet's information provides important insights into the company's assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity. Ticker provides access to Procter & Gamble Health Ltd.'s balance sheet as a downloadable document, which investors can use to perform an in-depth analysis. In addition, our pre-built screening tools can assist investors in analyzing the company's financial health and evaluating its long-term growth potential.
Procter & Gamble Health Ltd. Annual Report Analysis:
Procter & Gamble Health Ltd.'s annual report is a vital resource for investors interested in long-term investments. The report offers information on the company's strategic initiatives, future goals, and financial performance. Ticker offers investors access to the company's annual report as a downloadable document that they can use to perform an in-depth analysis. Our pre-built screening tools can also provide insights into the company's performance, making it easier for investors to make informed investment decisions.
Procter & Gamble Health Ltd. Dividend Analysis:
Investors interested in Procter & Gamble Health Ltd.'s stock should evaluate the company's dividend payout policies. The company's dividend payout trends are a crucial factor when assessing the stock's potential for long-term growth. Ticker features information on the company's dividend payout history, providing investors with valuable insights into the company's potential as a long-term investment option.
Procter & Gamble Health Ltd. Quarterly Results Analysis:
Procter & Gamble Health Ltd.'s quarterly results offer insights into the company's financial performance, including revenue, profit, and loss. Investors can use this information to assess the company's growth potential. Tickder features a downloadable copy of Procter & Gamble Health Ltd.'s quarterly results, which investors can use to make informed investment decisions. Our pre-built screening tools provide insights into the company's financial performance compared to its peers, allowing investors to evaluate its long-term growth potential.
Procter & Gamble Health Ltd. Stock Price Analysis:
Monitoring Procter & Gamble Health Ltd.'s stock prices regularly is crucial when assessing the company's financial performance. Our stock analysis page features current stock price updates, enabling investors to track market trends and identify potential investment opportunities. Ticker's pre-built screening tools can also help investors analyze the company's stock price performance compared to its peers, making it easier to make informed investment decisions. Our website provides pre-built screening tools to help investors analyze stock price and performance.
Procter & Gamble Health Ltd. Price Chart Analysis:
A visual representation of Procter & Gamble Health Ltd.'s share price trends over time is a valuable tool for long-term investors. The price chart allows investors to analyze the company's share price performance and identify any trends that could impact future growth. Our website provides investors with a price chart they can use for an in-depth analysis. Our pre-built screening tools can also assist investors in evaluating the company's long-term growth potential by analyzing its performance compared to its peers.
Procter & Gamble Health Ltd. News Analysis:
Keeping up with the latest news and developments that impact Procter & Gamble Health Ltd.'s stock is crucial for investors. Our website offers timely news articles related to the company, providing investors with up-to-date insights into its performance. The news section of our website features reliable information on significant events, regulatory changes, and other factors that could potentially impact the stock's performance. Ticker's pre-built screening tools can also provide investors with information about the company's global and local news.
Procter & Gamble Health Ltd. Concall Transcripts Analysis:
Procter & Gamble Health Ltd.'s concall transcripts offer investors insights into the company's future guidance and outlook. Our website provides access to these critical documents, enabling long-term investors to stay informed about the company's financial health and future growth. Our pre-built screening tools can also help investors perform an in-depth analysis of the information presented in the transcripts.
Procter & Gamble Health Ltd. Investor Presentations Analysis:
Procter & Gamble Health Ltd. prepares investor presentations to offer investors detailed information on the company's operations and financial performance. These presentations are valuable resources for long-term investors to study the company's strategic initiatives, providing necessary insights that could potentially impact the stock's value. Our website offers access to these presentations as downloadable documents that investors can use for an in-depth analysis. Our premium feature tools can also assist investors in performing a comprehensive analysis of the presented data.
Procter & Gamble Health Ltd. Promoters and Shareholders Analysis:
Understanding Procter & Gamble Health Ltd.'s promoters and shareholders is essential when assessing the viability of investing in its stock. Our stock analysis page provides vital information regarding the company's promoters and other shareholders. Long-term investors must consider these elements before making any investment decisions. Our pre-built screening tools can assist investors in analyzing the company's shareholding patterns and evaluating its growth potential.
Procter & Gamble Health Balance Sheet Analysis
Procter & Gamble Health's Equity and Liabilities
Over the years from June 2020 to June 2024, Procter & Gamble Health's total liabilities saw fluctuations, starting at Rs 2,112.12 Cr in June 2020, dipping to Rs 1,937.85 Cr in June 2022, and climbing back to Rs 2,004.09 Cr by June 2024. The share capital remained steady at Rs 16.60 Cr throughout the period, while total reserves decreased from Rs 889.74 Cr in 2020 to Rs 521.64 Cr in 2024, indicating potential reinvestment or distribution decisions.
Procter & Gamble Health's Debt Status
Procter & Gamble Health maintained a debt-free status from June 2020 to June 2024, with borrowings consistently reported at Rs 0 Cr. This indicates strong financial management and a conservative approach towards leverage.
Procter & Gamble Health's Asset Management
Total assets of Procter & Gamble Health matched its liabilities each year, maintaining balance sheet integrity. Notably, the net block component of assets increased from Rs 97.92 Cr in 2020 to Rs 126.60 Cr in 2024, reflecting ongoing investments in physical assets. However, an interesting shift was observed in current assets, which decreased from Rs 1,264.84 Cr in 2020 to Rs 930.61 Cr in 2024.
This data is an analysis for the Standalone Balance Sheet of Procter & Gamble Health.
For investors analyzing stocks, understanding the asset management and financial stability as indicated by the balance sheet components can provide valuable insights into the company’s standing in the market and its sectors.