Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd. Financials: Check Share price, Balance Sheet, Annual report and Quarterly Results for company analysis
Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd. has established itself as a leading company engaged in the production of long steel products such as TMT bars, wire rods, and ferro alloys, as well as ductile iron pipes and pellets. As a long-term stock investor, evaluating the company's financial health and growth potential is critical. To support this analysis, our Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd. stock analysis page offers a comprehensive evaluation of the company's share price, balance sheet, annual report, dividend, quarterly results, stock price, price chart, news, concall transcripts, investor presentations, promoters, and shareholders.
Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd. Share Price:
The share price of a company represents the financial interest of its owners or shareholders in the company. As a long-term investor, analyzing a company's share price performance over time is crucial. Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd.'s stock analysis page offers real-time information about its share price performance, enabling investors to track trends over time. Additionally, our pre-built screening tools can help investors compare the company's stock price performance with its industry competitors, making it easier to identify potential investment opportunities. A stock's share price is determined by a range of factors such as market sentiment, financial performance, and general economic conditions.
Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd. Balance Sheet:
The balance sheet is a critical financial statement that summarizes a company's assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time. Evaluating a company's balance sheet is crucial in determining its potential as a long-term investment opportunity. Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd.'s stock analysis page provides investors with valuable insights into the company's liquidity, debt levels, and other relevant ratios that can impact its growth potential. Our pre-built screening tools can also help investors analyze the company's financial performance and growth potential.
Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd. Annual Report:
Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd.'s annual report offers insights into the company's performance over the fiscal year. The report outlines the company's strategic initiatives and future goals, making it a valuable resource for investors. Ticker website provides investors access to the annual report as a downloadable document, making it easier to evaluate the company's operations and growth potential. Additionally, our premium feature tools, including DCF Analysis and BVPS Analysis, can help investors conduct an in-depth analysis of the company's financial performance and growth potential.
Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd. Dividend:
A company's dividend payout policy is an essential factor in determining its growth potential over the long term. Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd.'s consistent and stable dividend payouts make it an attractive stock option for investors seeking returns. Our Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd. stock analysis page provides investors with the company's dividend payout history, enabling them to analyze its performance and potential for growth. Our pre-built screening tool can help investors analyze the company's dividend payout trends, making it easier to stay informed about the company's growth potential.
Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd. Quarterly Results:
Analyzing Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd.'s quarterly results is crucial for long-term investors seeking to evaluate the company's financial performance, including revenue, profit & loss, and other essential financial metrics. Our website provides investors with real-time access to the company's quarterly results as downloadable documents, enabling them to conduct an in-depth analysis of Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd.'s performance. Additionally, our pre-built screening tools can help investors analyze the company's financial growth potential, making it easier to make informed investment decisions.
Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd. Stock Price:
Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd.'s stock price performance is a significant factor in evaluating its potential as a long-term investment opportunity. Our stock analysis page provides investors with real-time information about the company's stock price performance, enabling them to track trends over time. Additionally, our pre-built screening tools can help investors compare the company's stock price performance with its industry competitors, making it easier to identify potential investment opportunities. Our website provides pre-built screening tools to help investors analyze stock price and performance.
Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd. Price Chart:
The visual representation of Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd.'s share price trends over time can be a valuable tool for long-term investors. Price charts enable investors to analyze the company's share price performance, identify trends, and determine potential investment opportunities. Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd.'s price chart is available for investors to access and analyze its performance. Additionally, our pre-built screening tools enable investors to evaluate trends and compare Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd.'s share price performance with its industry competitors.
Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd. News:
Stay up-to-date with the latest news and developments related to Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd. is crucial for long-term stock investors. Our Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd. stock analysis page provides timely news articles about the company, enabling investors to stay informed about its financial performance and other essential information that may impact its growth potential. Our pre-built screening tool can also help investors track both local and global news, making it easier to analyze the company's market performance.
Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd. Concall Transcripts:
Analyzing Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd.'s concall transcripts provides investors with valuable insights into the company's future guidance, strategic initiatives, and financial performance. Our website provides access to these transcripts as downloadable documents, enabling long-term investors to stay informed about the company's financial health. Additionally, our premium feature tools, including DCF Analysis and Earnings multiple approach, can assist investors in analyzing the information provided in the transcripts, making it easier to make informed decisions about investing in the company's stock.
Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd. Investor Presentation:
Analyzing Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd.'s investor presentations can provide crucial insights into its potential as a long-term investment opportunity. Our website offers investors access to these presentations as downloadable documents, enabling them to analyze them in-depth. Additionally, our premium feature tools, including DCF Analysis and DuPont analysis, can help investors analyze the company's performance and make informed investment decisions.
Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd. Promoter and Shareholder Analysis:
Analyzing Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd.'s promoters and shareholders is essential in evaluating its potential as a long-term investment opportunity. Our Shyam Metalics And Energy Ltd. stock analysis page provides information about the company's promoters and other shareholders, enabling investors to make informed decisions about their investments. Our pre-built screening tools can also help investors analyze the company's shareholding patterns, providing valuable insights into its growth potential.
Shyam Metalics And Energy Share Capital Analysis
As of March 2024, Shyam Metalics and Energy has shown a progressive increase in its share capital from Rs 233.61 Cr in March 2020 to Rs 278.04 Cr. This indicates a strengthening equity base, vital for potential expansion and growth strategies.
Shyam Metalics And Energy Reserve Growth
The total reserves of Shyam Metalics and Energy have seen a significant upward trend from Rs 1,724.34 Cr in March 2020 to a robust Rs 5,286.88 Cr by March 2024. This substantial growth in reserves underscores the company's strong financial retention and reinvestment capabilities.
Shyam Metalics And Energy Debt Profile
Shyam Metalics and Energy's borrowing has remarkably decreased from Rs 320.19 Cr in March 2020 to Rs 1.76 Cr by March 2024, showcasing prudent financial management and a move towards minimizing debt dependency.
Shyam Metalics And Energy Asset Base
The company's total assets have grown substantially from Rs 3,310.18 Cr in March 2020 to Rs 7,888.41 Cr by March 2024. This growth is driven by increases in net block, capital work-in-progress (WIP), and especially a notable increase in current assets, indicating richer asset mobilization.
This data is an analysis for the Standalone Balance Sheet of Shyam Metalics and Energy.
Investors watching Shyam Metalics might also explore how its financial growth aligns with sector performance and market trends in the NSE and BSE.