Sonata Software Ltd Financials: Check Share price, Balance Sheet, Annual report and Quarterly Results for company analysis
Welcome to our stock analysis page for Sonata Software Ltd. This comprehensive analysis is tailored for Indian long-term stock investors who are seeking insights into the company's performance. Here, you will find a thorough examination of various aspects such as share price, balance sheet, annual report, dividend, quarterly result, stock price, price chart, news, con call transcripts, investor presentations, promoters, and shareholders. Additionally, we will also highlight ticker pre-built screening tools and premium features that allow fair value calculation using DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis.
Sonata Software Ltd Share Price
Explore the share price analysis of Sonata Software Ltd., which provides key insights into the company's stock performance over time. Compare the stock price with industry peers to gain an understanding of its relative market performance.
Sonata Software Ltd Balance Sheet
Analyze the balance sheet of Sonata Software Ltd. to assess the company's financial health. Our pre-built screening tools assist in fair value calculation using BVPS Analysis and DuPont analysis, providing a comprehensive evaluation of the company's assets, liabilities, and equity.
Sonata Software Ltd Annual Report
Access downloadable annual reports of Sonata Software Ltd. on Ticker to gain an in-depth understanding of the company's overall performance, financial position, and future prospects. These reports provide comprehensive insights for long-term stock investors.
Sonata Software Ltd Dividend
Evaluate Sonata Software Ltd.'s dividend history, payout ratio, and frequency of dividend payments to ascertain the company's commitment to shareholders. Dig deeper into the dividend analysis to make informed investment decisions.
Sonata Software Ltd Quarterly Result
Stay updated with Sonata Software Ltd.'s quarterly results available for download on Ticker. Utilize ticker premium features, including fair value calculation using DCF Analysis and Earnings multiple approach, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the company's financial performance.
Sonata Software Ltd Stock Price
Get a detailed analysis of the stock price movements of Sonata Software Ltd. Monitor market sentiment and identify potential buying or selling opportunities. Utilize ticker comprehensive stock price charts and technical analysis tools for effective decision-making.
Sonata Software Ltd News
Stay informed about the latest news related to Sonata Software Ltd. Our platform provides a comprehensive news section covering industry updates, company-specific news, and market trends that may impact the stock's performance.
Sonata Software Ltd Concall Transcripts
Gain valuable insights into Sonata Software Ltd.'s management perspective and performance outlook through our access to con call transcripts. Dive deep into the company's strategies, future plans, and management responses to questions for a comprehensive analysis.
Sonata Software Ltd Investor Presentations
Access Sonata Software Ltd.'s investor presentations on ticker platform to obtain a structured overview of the company's operations, financial performance, and strategic goals. These presentations provide essential insights for long-term stock investors.
Sonata Software Ltd Promoters and Shareholders
Explore detailed information about Sonata Software Ltd.'s promoters and major shareholders. Assess the level of confidence and involvement of key stakeholders, incorporating this information into your stock analysis.
Sonata Software Ltd ROCE
Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) is a financial metric that evaluates a company's profitability and efficiency in utilizing its capital investments. The ROCE data for Sonata Software Ltd can be found on this stock analysis page in the financials table or ratio section. Understanding Sonata Software Ltd's ROCE can provide insights into how effectively the company is generating returns on the capital employed in its operations.
Sonata Software Ltd EBITDA
Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA) is a key indicator of a company's operating performance and profitability. By examining Sonata Software Ltd's EBITDA data available on this page in the financials table or ratio section, investors can gain a deeper understanding of the company's ability to generate operating profits before non-operating expenses and non-cash items.
Sonata Software Ltd DPS
Dividends Per Share (DPS) represents the amount of dividends distributed to shareholders on a per-share basis. You can access Sonata Software Ltd's DPS data on this stock analysis page in the financials table or ratio section. This information is essential for investors looking to understand the company's dividend distribution policy and its commitment to rewarding shareholders.
Sonata Software Ltd EPS
Earnings Per Share (EPS) is a fundamental financial metric that indicates a company's profitability per outstanding share. By referring to the EPS data of Sonata Software Ltd on this page in the financials table or ratio section, investors can evaluate the company's ability to generate earnings for each share held. Understanding Sonata Software Ltd's EPS can provide valuable insights into its profitability performance.
Sonata Software Share Capital Analysis
Sonata Software's share capital saw a notable increase from Rs. 10.39 Cr. in March 2020 to Rs. 27.75 Cr. by March 2024, indicating a strategic enhancement in equity over the four-year period.
Sonata Software Reserves Growth
The company's reserves grew from Rs. 362.89 Cr. in March 2020 to Rs. 678.93 Cr. in March 2024, showcasing a solid foundation and financial reinforcement for future ventures and stability.
Sonata Software's Approach to Debt
Remarkably, Sonata Software has maintained its borrowings at zero across the years from March 2020 to March 2024, marking a debt-free status which reflects strong financial health and strategic financial management.
Analysis of Sonata Software Assets
The total assets of Sonata Software aligned with total liabilities, maintaining a stable balance sheet from Rs. 632.37 Cr. in March 2020 to Rs. 1,068.44 Cr. in March 2024. Noteworthy is the shift towards a higher current assets base, from Rs. 423.12 Cr. in March 2020 to Rs. 818.67 Cr. in March 2024, indicating liquidity and operational agility.
This data represents an analysis for the Standalone Balance Sheet of the company.
In a broader market context, the financial health of Sonata Software contributes to its valuation and perception among investors, playing a role in the broader NSE BSE indices movements.