V-Mart Retail Ltd. Financials: Check Share price, Balance Sheet, Annual report and Quarterly Results for company analysis
V-Mart Retail Ltd. is a leading fashion and apparel retailer in India. Its stock ticker symbol is VMART. It is a part of bse small cap index company. Investing in sensex small cap stocks can be rewarding as well as risky. This comprehensive guide analyzes various aspects of the company's financial performance and provides insights for long-term investors. Please note that all financial data points about the stock are excluded.
V-Mart Retail Ltd. Share Price Analysis
The share price of V-Mart Retail Ltd. has been relatively stable in recent years, with occasional dips and surges. It traded at ?3,045.40 as of March 12, 2021. The company has a market capitalization of ?6,764.01 crores. Investors can use our pre-built screening tools to monitor the share price and decide their investment strategies accordingly. A stock's share price is determined by a range of factors such as market sentiment, financial performance, and general economic conditions.
V-Mart Retail Ltd. Balance Sheet Analysis
The balance sheet of V-Mart Retail Ltd. shows that the company has steady growth in assets, such as inventories, property related assets, and receivables. The company's liabilities mainly consist of borrowings, trade and other payables. The overall liquidity position is also sound. Investors can use our premium feature tools - DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings Multiple Approach and DuPont Analysis to assess the company's performance in detail.
V-Mart Retail Ltd. Annual Report Analysis
The annual reports of V-Mart Retail Ltd. provide detailed insights into the company's operations, financial performance, and future prospects. Our website offers downloadable versions of these reports for investors' convenience. Investors can use the data and analysis to assess the company's management policies, business strategies, and financial targets.
V-Mart Retail Ltd. Dividend Analysis
V-Mart Retail Ltd. has a stable dividend policy with an average dividend yield of around 0.4%. The company typically pays dividends twice a year. Long-term investors can use ticker pre-built screening tools to track the company's dividend history and payout ratios.
V-Mart Retail Ltd. Quarterly Result Analysis
The quarterly results of V-Mart Retail Ltd. provide information on the company's revenue, net income, EPS, and other financial metrics. Investors can use our website to download the latest quarterly results and compare them with previous results. Our premium feature tools can also be used for deeper analysis of quarterly performance.
V-Mart Retail Ltd. Stock Price Chart Analysis
The stock price chart of V-Mart Retail Ltd. reveals a stable, long-term growth trend with occasional drops and rises. Investors can use the chart to assess the stock's volatility, resistance and support levels and invest accordingly. Our website provides pre-built screening tools to help investors analyze stock price and performance.
V-Mart Retail Ltd. News and Concall Analysis
Our website provides the latest news and updates on V-Mart Retail Ltd., including earnings announcements, management changes, and industry trends. Investors can use these updates to stay informed and adjust their investment strategies accordingly. We also provide transcripts of the company's concalls.
V-Mart Retail Ltd. Investor Presentations Analysis
We provide access to V-Mart Retail Ltd.'s investor presentations, which showcase the company's business models, growth plans, and financial targets. investors can use the presentations to get a better understanding of the company's vision and assess its market potential.
V-Mart Retail Ltd. Promoters and Shareholders Analysis
V-Mart Retail Ltd. has a stable promoter group with extensive industry experience. The shareholders are a mix of retail investors, institutional investors, and mutual funds. Investors can use our website to find out more about the company's promoter group and major shareholders.
V-Mart Retail Limited ROCE
The Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) of V-Mart Retail Limited indicates the company's efficiency in utilizing its capital. It is a profitability ratio that measures the returns generated from the company's investments. By analyzing the ROCE, investors can evaluate the company's ability to generate profits from its capital investments. You can find the ratio's data for V-Mart Retail Limited in the financials table or ratio section on this page.
V-Mart Retail Limited EBITDA
EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization) is a key metric that reveals the company's operating profitability. V-Mart Retail Limited's EBITDA provides insight into the company's ability to generate earnings from its core operations. By excluding certain non-cash expenses, EBITDA allows investors to assess the company's underlying profitability and compare it with other companies in the same industry. You can find the EBITDA data for V-Mart Retail Limited in the financials table or ratio section on this page.
V-Mart Retail Limited DPS
Dividends per Share (DPS) of V-Mart Retail Limited is an important indicator for investors seeking income from their investments. DPS reflects the portion of the company's earnings that is distributed to shareholders in the form of dividends on a per-share basis. By analyzing the DPS, investors can assess the company's commitment to returning value to its shareholders. You can find the DPS data for V-Mart Retail Limited in the financials table or ratio section on this page.
V-Mart Retail Limited EPS
Earnings per Share (EPS) is a fundamental metric that reveals the company's profitability on a per-share basis. V-Mart Retail Limited's EPS helps investors understand the company's ability to generate earnings for each outstanding share of stock. By analyzing the EPS, investors can assess the company's profitability over time and compare it with other companies in the same industry. You can find the EPS data for V-Mart Retail Limited in the financials table or ratio section on this page.