Zensar Technologies Ltd. Financials: Check Share price, Balance Sheet, Annual report and Quarterly Results for company analysis
Zensar Technologies Ltd. is a global information technology and business process services company based in India. For long-term investors seeking stock analysis, it is crucial to evaluate various critical areas of the company's financial performance to make informed investment decisions. Our Zensar Technologies Ltd., stock analysis page, provides reliable information and in-depth analysis on critical areas such as share price, balance sheet, annual report, dividend, quarterly result, stock price, price chart, news, concall, transcripts, investor presentations, promoters, and shareholders:
Zensar Technologies Ltd. Share Price:
The performance of Zensar Technologies Ltd.'s share price is a critical element to consider for long-term investors. By analyzing share price trends over time, investors can identify potential opportunities for investment. Our pre-built screening tool assists investors in comparing the company's stock price to industry peers, enabling them to evaluate the company's performance over the long term. A stock's share price is determined by a range of factors, such as market sentiment, financial performance, and general economic conditions.
Zensar Technologies Ltd. Balance Sheet:
Examining Zensar Technologies Ltd.'s balance sheet provides investors with valuable insights into the company's financial health and potential growth opportunities. Our screening tool allows investors to evaluate the company's liquidity, debt levels, and other critical metrics such as the current ratio and quick ratio. By comparing these indicators with industry peers, investors can identify potential investment opportunities that align with their long-term growth strategies.
Zensar Technologies Ltd. Annual Report:
Analyzing Zensar Technologies Ltd.'s annual reports provides critical information about the company's financial performance and potential growth opportunities. Our website offers investors access to the company's annual reports, enabling them to conduct comprehensive analysis using our premium feature tools such as DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approaches, and DuPont analysis. These features help investors gain valuable insights into the company's performance and make informed investment decisions.
Zensar Technologies Ltd. Dividend:
For long-term investors seeking stable investment returns, understanding the company's dividend payout history and consistency is crucial. Our Zensar Technologies Ltd. stock analysis page provides investors information on the company's dividend payout history, allowing them to compare payout trends with industry peers. By analyzing dividend payout trends over time, investors can identify potential investment opportunities aligned with their long-term growth strategies.
Zensar Technologies Ltd. Quarterly Result:
Examining Zensar Technologies Ltd.'s quarterly results provides investors with valuable insights into the company's financial performance and potential growth opportunities. Our analysis page provides investors with access to the company's quarterly results as downloadable documents. Using these documents in combination with our premium feature tools such as DCF Analysis and Earnings Multiple Approach, investors can analyze the information provided in the transcripts comprehensively and gain valuable insights into the company's performance. This enables investors to make informed decisions about their long-term investment strategies.
Zensar Technologies Ltd. Stock Price:
Zensar Technologies Ltd.'s stock price performance is a crucial factor for long-term investors seeking the best stock analysis options. Our stock analysis page offers real-time information on the company's stock price trends over time, enabling investors to evaluate the company's performance. Using our pre-built screening tool, investors can compare the company's share price performance to industry peers and identify potential investment opportunities based on their long-term growth strategies. Our website provides pre-built screening tools to help investors analyze stock prices and performance.
Zensar Technologies Ltd. Price Chart:
Our analysis page offers a graphical representation of Zensar Technologies Ltd.'s stock price trends over time, providing investors with valuable insights into potential investment opportunities. By analyzing these trends using our pre-built screening tools and premium feature tools such as DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approaches, and DuPont Analysis, investors can make informed long-term investment decisions.
Zensar Technologies Ltd. News:
Keeping up-to-date with the latest news and updates about Zensar Technologies Ltd. is essential for long-term investors. Ticker stock analysis page provides timely news articles and events, enabling investors to stay informed about the company's financial performance and potential growth opportunities. By tracking both local and international news, investors can gain valuable insights into the company's market performance and potential as a long-term investment opportunity.
Zensar Technologies Ltd. Concall Transcripts:
Analyzing Zensar Technologies Ltd.'s concall transcripts provides investors with valuable insights into the company's future guidance, strategic initiatives, and financial performance. Our analysis page provides investors with access to the company's concall transcripts as downloadable documents. By using our premium feature tools like DCF Analysis and Earnings Multiple Approach, investors can analyze the information provided in the transcripts comprehensively and gain valuable insights into the company's performance. This enables investors to make informed decisions about their long-term investment strategies.
Zensar Technologies Ltd. Investor Presentation:
Zensar Technologies Ltd.'s investor presentations offer valuable insights into the company's growth potential as a long-term investment opportunity. Our stock analysis page provides investors with access to the company's investors presentations as downloadable documents, enabling them to conduct a comprehensive analysis using our premium feature tools like BVPS Analysis and DuPont Analysis. By utilizing these tools, investors can gain valuable insights into the company's performance and identify potential investment opportunities aligned with their long-term growth strategies.
Zensar Technologies Ltd. Promoter and Shareholder Analysis:
Understanding Zensar Technologies Ltd.'s promoters and shareholders is critical for long-term investors. Our analysis page provides information on the company's promoters and shareholders, enabling investors to make informed decisions about their investments. Additionally, our pre-built screening tool analyzes the company's shareholding patterns and provides valuable insights into the company's potential for growth. By using these tools and analyzing the information provided about the company's promoters and shareholders, investors can make informed long-term investment decisions.
Zensar Technologies Equity and Liabilities Overview
A dive into Zensar Technologies' balance sheet reveals a progressive increase in total reserves from Rs. 1,528.59 Cr in March 2020 to Rs. 2,635.30 Cr by March 2024. The consistency in share capital at Rs. 45.30 Cr for thefiscal years 2023 and 2024 aligns with strategic financial stewarding. Noticeably, Zensar Technologies operates debt-free with zero borrowings across the observed period, showcasing a strong financial position.
Zensar Technologies Asset Growth Insights
Zensar Technologies has seen significant shifts in its asset allocations. Investments have grown remarkably from Rs. 16.60 Cr in March 2020 to Rs. 1,001.40 Cr by March 2024, hinting at a company keen on expanding or diversifying its portfolio. Although there’s a diminishing trend in Net Block, from Rs. 456.73 Cr to Rs. 254.50 Cr over the same period, the total asset value has kept up its upward trajectory, maintaining parity with total liabilities and reflecting robustness in overall asset health.
Current Financial Health of Zensar Technologies
The current liabilities of Zensar Technologies rose moderately to Rs. 347.20 Cr in March 2024 from Rs. 292.83 Cr in March 2020. This gradual increase is in balance with the growth of the company's total assets. The overall growth in total assets, aligning at Rs. 3,129.30 Cr with total liabilities, provides a snapshot of a financially stable entity.
Please note this data is an analysis for the Standalone Balance Sheet of the company. Alongside this, investors often track stock performance on leading indices such as NSE and BSE, which provide insights into sectoral movements and company standings.