Eris Lifesciences Ltd. Financials: Check Share price, Balance Sheet, Annual report, and Quarterly Results for company analysis
Eris Lifesciences Ltd.'s stock analysis page provides long-term investors with the necessary tools and resources to make informed investment decisions. These tools and resources include share price, balance sheet, annual report, dividend, quarterly result, stock price, price chart, news, concall, transcripts, investor presentations, promoters, and shareholders analysis. Our website also offers pre-built screening tools to analyze the stock's performance compared to its peers and premium feature tools such as DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis. Annual reports and quarterly results are provided as downloadable documents for in-depth analysis.
Eris Lifesciences Ltd. Share Price Analysis:
When assessing long-term investment opportunities, analyzing Eris Lifesciences Ltd.'s share price is a critical factor. Our stock analysis page provides historical share price charts, which are a valuable resource for users to monitor the company's performance over time. Further analysis of this data can then be conducted using our pre-built screening tools to help investors analyze Eris Lifesciences Ltd.'s share price performance better. The analysis includes tracking the company's stock prices regularly, charting trends and assessing the future performance potential. A stock's share price is determined by a range of factors such as market sentiment, financial performance, and general economic conditions.
Eris Lifesciences Ltd. Balance Sheet Analysis:
Eris Lifesciences Ltd.'s balance sheet is a crucial indicator of the company's financial strength and stability. A thorough analysis of the balance sheet is essential for investors to understand the company's financial health and assess growth potential accurately. Our website offers access to Eris Lifesciences Ltd.'s balance sheet as a downloadable document, which users can use to perform an in-depth analysis for long-term investment decisions. Further analysis can be conducted using our premium feature tools such as DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approaches, and DuPont analysis.
Eris Lifesciences Ltd. Annual Report Analysis:
Eris Lifesciences Ltd.'s annual report provides critical information for long-term investors regarding the company's strategic initiatives and financial performance. Understanding the annual report is essential for long-term investors since it offers insights into the company's future growth trajectory. Our website offers access to Eris Lifesciences Ltd.'s annual report as a downloadable document, which investors can use for an in-depth analysis of the company's performance. Our pre-built screening tools can assist investors in analyzing the company's performance compared to its peers, which can allow for better decision-making.
Eris Lifesciences Ltd. Dividend Analysis:
Dividend payout policies are an essential factor for long-term investors considering the viability of investing in any company's stock. Eris Lifesciences Ltd.'s dividend payout trends are a factor that investors should consider when assessing the stock's potential. Ticker features insights into Eris Lifesciences Ltd.'s dividend payout trends, which can assist long-term investors in analyzing the stock's viability as a long-term investment option.
Eris Lifesciences Ltd. Quarterly Results Analysis:
Eris Lifesciences Ltd.'s quarterly results hold critical information regarding the company's financial performance, including revenue, profits, and losses. The data from these reports can be used by long-term investors to assess the company's growth potential. Our website provides a downloadable copy of Eris Lifesciences Ltd.'s quarterly results, which investors can use to make informed analysis of the company's financial health for long-term investment decisions. Further analysis of this data can be conducted using our premium feature tools such as DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis.
Eris Lifesciences Ltd. Stock Price Analysis:
Monitoring Eris Lifesciences Ltd.'s stock prices is critical to analyzing the stock's overall performance. Our stock analysis page features current stock price updates which investors can access to assess market trends and potential investment opportunities. Ticker's pre-built screening tools can help investors analyze the stock's performance compared to its peers and help investors make informed investment decisions for the long term. Our website provides pre-built screening tools to help investors analyze stock price and performance.
Eris Lifesciences Ltd. Price Chart Analysis:
A visual representation of Eris Lifesciences Ltd.'s share price trends over a period is an essential tool for long-term investors. It helps investors track the company's performance over time and make informed investment decisions. Ticker provides investors with a price chart to visualize Eris Lifesciences Ltd.'s share price trends over a specific period. Our pre-built screening tools can assist investors in analyzing the company's performance compared to its peers, which can allow for better decision-making.
Eris Lifesciences Ltd. News Analysis:
Keeping up with Eris Lifesciences Ltd.'s recent news and developments is crucial for investors. Our website provides timely news articles related to Eris Lifesciences Ltd. to provide investors with up-to-date insights into the stock's performance. The news section of our website offers reliable information on important events, regulatory changes, and other factors that may impact the stock's performance. Our pre-built screening tools can also provide investors with information about the company's global and local news.
Eris Lifesciences Ltd. Concall Transcripts Analysis:
Eris Lifesciences Ltd.'s concall transcripts provide investors with insights into the company's future guidance and outlook. Our website provides access to these critical documents, allowing long-term investors to stay informed on the company's financial health and future growth. Further analysis of this data can be conducted using our premium feature tools such as DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis.
Eris Lifesciences Ltd. Investor Presentations Analysis:
Eris Lifesciences Ltd. prepares investor presentations to provide investors with detailed information on the company's operations and performance. These presentations serve as essential resources for long-term investors to study the company's strategic initiatives, offering necessary insights that can impact the stock's value. Our website offers access to these presentations, which investors can download for an in-depth analysis. Our premium feature tools can assist investors in performing an in-depth analysis of the presented data.
Eris Lifesciences Ltd. Promoters and Shareholders Analysis:
Assessing the viability of investing in Eris Lifesciences Ltd.'s stock requires considering the company's promoters and shareholders. Our stock analysis page features essential information about the company's promoters and other shareholders. Long-term investors must consider these elements before making informed investment decisions. Further analysis of the company's shareholding patterns can be conducted using our pre-built screening tools.
Eris Lifesciences Balance Sheet Overview
Eris Lifesciences has shown significant growth on its balance sheet from March 2020 to March 2024. Particularly noteworthy is the increase in total liabilities from Rs. 1,372.59 Cr. in March 2020 to Rs. 5,106.54 Cr. by March 2024. This growth is largely attributed to a rise in current liabilities which saw an exponential increase, particularly from March 2023.
Eris Lifesciences Reserves Growth
The reserves of Eris Lifesciences have consistently increased, rising from Rs. 1,286.12 Cr. in March 2020 to Rs. 2,510.42 Cr. in March 2024. This indicates a strong retention of earnings which could signify reinvestment into the company and a robust financial health.
Eris Lifesciences Debt Analysis
The company introduced borrowings into its financial structure starting in March 2023 with Rs. 209.47 Cr., escalating to Rs. 485.94 Cr. by March 2024. This shift suggests a new leverage strategy that might be aimed at funding expansion or other significant investments.
Eris Lifesciences Asset Growth
The asset base of Eris Lifesciences has doubled over the four years, with a significant portion of the growth invested in net block and investments. From Rs. 600.64 Cr. in March 2020, the net block grew to Rs. 1,515.56 Cr. by March 2024, complemented by an increase in investments from Rs. 246.03 Cr. to Rs. 1,618.95 Cr.
This analysis is based on the Standalone Balance Sheet of Eris Lifesciences.
Investors looking into Eris Lifesciences might also consider examining more extensive market trends, including sector performance on major indices like NSE and BSE.