JSW Holdings Ltd. Financials: Check Share Price, Balance Sheet, Annual Report, Quarterly Results, Shareholding, Company Profile and News for Company Analysis
JSW Holdings Ltd. is a financial holding company in India that specializes in long-term investments in equity shares of JSW group companies. It was incorporated in 1994 and is a subsidiary of JSW Steel Ltd. The company is focused on unlocking long-term value for shareholders through strategic investments and portfolio management.
JSW Holdings Ltd. - Share Price
As a long-term stock investor, it is important to keep an eye on the share price of JSW Holdings Ltd. Our website provides real-time updates on the share price, allowing you to track the performance of the stock over time. Our pre-built screening tools also enable you to compare the share price of JSW Holdings Ltd. with its peers and industry benchmarks.
JSW Holdings Ltd. - Balance Sheet
Understanding the financial health of JSW Holdings Ltd. is crucial for long-term stock investors. Our website provides access to the company's balance sheet, enabling you to analyze its assets, liabilities, and shareholder's equity. In addition, our premium features offer tools like DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis to help you calculate the fair value of the company's stock.
JSW Holdings Ltd. - Annual Report
The annual report of JSW Holdings Ltd. offers a comprehensive overview of the company's performance, strategies, and future outlook. Our website provides downloadable annual reports of the company, giving you in-depth insights into its operations, financial statements, and management commentary. These reports are valuable resources for conducting a thorough stock analysis.
JSW Holdings Ltd. - Dividend
For long-term stock investors, dividends play a significant role in generating a passive income stream. JSW Holdings Ltd. has a track record of paying consistent dividends to its shareholders. Our website provides information on the dividend history of the company, allowing you to assess its dividend policy and dividend yield. This information can help you make informed investment decisions.
JSW Holdings Ltd. - Quarterly Results
Staying updated with the quarterly results of JSW Holdings Ltd. is essential for understanding its financial performance on a periodic basis. Our website offers access to the company's quarterly results, enabling you to analyze key financial metrics such as revenue, net profit, and earnings per share. This data, along with our premium features, can assist you in evaluating the company's growth potential.
JSW Holdings Ltd. - Stock Price
Analyzing the historical stock price movement of JSW Holdings Ltd. is crucial for gauging its past performance and identifying potential trends. Our website provides price charts that showcase the stock's historical price movement over different time periods. This information can assist you in making informed decisions based on technical analysis.
JSW Holdings Ltd. - News
Keeping track of the latest news and developments related to JSW Holdings Ltd. is vital for staying informed about the company's operations and market dynamics. Our website offers a dedicated news section where you can find the latest updates, articles, and analysis related to JSW Holdings Ltd. This information can help you stay ahead and make informed investment decisions.
JSW Holdings Ltd. - Concall Transcripts
Concall transcripts provide valuable insights into the discussions and disclosures made by the management of JSW Holdings Ltd. during their conference calls with analysts and investors. Our website provides downloadable concall transcripts, allowing you to understand the company's strategic initiatives, outlook, and responses to questions from analysts. These transcripts can help you gain a deeper understanding of the company's performance and prospects.
JSW Holdings Ltd. - Investor Presentations
Investor presentations by JSW Holdings Ltd. offer a concise summary of the company's financial performance, business strategy, and future prospects. Our website provides access to downloadable investor presentations, enabling you to gain insights into the company's growth plans, investment opportunities, and competitive landscape. These presentations can help you evaluate the company's potential as a long-term investment.
JSW Holdings Ltd. - Promoters
Promoters play a crucial role in the success and stability of a company. JSW Holdings Ltd. has a strong promoter group that includes JSW Steel Ltd., one of India's leading steel companies. Our website provides detailed information about the promoters of JSW Holdings Ltd., including their shareholding patterns and contributions to the company's growth. This information can help you assess the credibility and expertise of the company's promoters.
JSW Holdings Ltd. - Shareholders
Understanding the shareholding pattern of JSW Holdings Ltd. can provide insights into the company's ownership structure and the confidence of institutional investors. Our website offers access to detailed information about the shareholders of JSW Holdings Ltd., including institutions, mutual funds, and individual investors. This data can help you assess the level of institutional interest and investor sentiment towards the company.
By providing comprehensive information and analysis on topics such as company profile, share price, balance sheet, annual report, dividend, quarterly results, stock price, news, concall transcripts, investor presentations, promoters, and shareholders, our website aims to assist long-term stock investors in making informed decisions based on thorough stock analysis. Additionally, our pre-built screening tools and premium features equip investors with the necessary tools for fair value calculation and evaluation of JSW Holdings Ltd. as a potential investment. Visit our website to access these resources and stay updated with the latest developments in JSW Holdings Ltd.
JSW Holdings Balance Sheet Overview
JSW Holdings' Reserves Expansion
An intriguing aspect of JSW Holdings' financial health is the substantial growth in total reserves, climbing from Rs Cr. 7,052.44 in March 2020 to a staggering Rs Cr. 24,462.87 by March 2024. This remarkable increase manifests the company's ability to accumulate earnings, which could be a signal of its operational efficiency and profitability over the years.
JSW Holdings Boasts No Borrowings
An exceptional highlight from the balance sheet data is JSW Holdings' zero borrowings from March 2020 through to March 2024. This indicates a strategic financial management approach, steering clear from debt, which in turn reflects a strong financial standing and potentially lowers financial risks for the company.
JSW Holdings' Asset Allocation
Investments have been the cornerstone of JSW Holdings' assets, with a significant jump from Rs Cr. 7,230.43 in March 2020 to Rs Cr. 27,230.53 by March 2024. Such a hefty portion allocated to investments could signal strategic moves aimed at long-term value creation. Meanwhile, current assets have also seen a steady increase, from Rs Cr. 430.21 in March 2020 to Rs Cr. 1,055.69 by March 2024, enhancing the company's liquidity position.
This data presented is an analysis of the Standalone Balance Sheet of JSW Holdings, shedding light on its financial dynamics without drawing any buy or sell conclusions.
Such thorough balance sheet assessments are crucial for investors who rely on detailed stock analysis to guide their investment decisions within the broader context of the NSE BSE indices.