Redington Ltd Financials: Check Share price, Balance Sheet, Annual report and Quarterly Results for company analysis
Redington Ltd's share price analysis provides insightful information for long-term investors. Ticker pre-built screening tools are available on Ticker for investors to make informed decisions.
Redington Ltd Balance Sheet
Redington Ltd's balance sheet analysis can be done using our premium tools available on Ticker. Ticker tools such as DCF analysis, BVPS analysis, earnings multiple approach and DuPont analysis, can help investors calculate the fair value of the company.
Redington Ltd Annual Report
Redington Ltd's annual report analysis provides an in-depth understanding of the company's operational and financial performance. Investors can download the annual report from Ticker.
Redington Ltd Dividend
Redington Ltd dividend analysis provides valuable information for long-term investors. Our tools allow the calculation of dividends and yield to help investors make informed decisions.
Redington Ltd Quarterly Result
Redington Ltd quarterly result analysis provides an update on the company's quarterly performance. Our premium tools, such as DCF analysis, BVPS analysis, earnings multiple approach and DuPont analysis, can help investors calculate the fair value of the company.
Redington Ltd Stock Price
Redington Ltd stock price analysis provides an updated view of the stock's price movements. Ticker pre-built screening tools can help investors track the stock price movements.
Redington Ltd Price Chart
Redington Ltd's price chart analysis provides a graphical view of the stock's price movements. Our pre-built screening tools can help investors analyze the price chart and make informed decisions.
Redington Ltd News
Redington Ltd's news analysis provides recent updates on the company's operational and financial performance. Ticker pre-built screening tools can help investors stay up to date with the latest news.
Redington Ltd Concall Transcripts
Redington Ltd concall transcripts analysis provides valuable information on management's discussion and analysis of the company's performance. Ticker tools allow investors to calculate comprehensive data points from the concall transcripts.
Redington Ltd Investor Presentations
Redington Ltd investor presentations analysis provides valuable insights into the company's strategy and future plans. Ticker pre-built screening tools can help investors analyze the investor presentations and make informed decisions.
Redington Ltd Promoters
Redington Ltd promoters analysis provides information on the company's promoters and their shareholdings. Our pre-built screening tools can help investors analyze the promoters' shareholdings and make informed decisions.
Redington Ltd Shareholders
Redington Ltd shareholders analysis provides insights into the company's shareholding pattern. Ticker pre-built screening tools can help investors analyze the shareholders' shareholdings and make informed decisions.
Redington Ltd ROCE
Redington Ltd's Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) is a critical financial metric that evaluates the company's profitability and efficiency in utilizing capital investments. Our stock analysis page provides comprehensive ROCE data for Redington Ltd, allowing investors to assess the company's ability to generate returns from the capital employed. Access the detailed ROCE information for Redington Ltd in the financials table or ratio section on this page.
Redington Ltd EBITDA
Redington Ltd's Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA) is a key measure for evaluating the company's operational performance and profitability. Our stock analysis page offers comprehensive EBITDA data for Redington Ltd, enabling investors to assess the company's core earnings and financial health. Access the detailed EBITDA figures for Redington Ltd in the financials table or ratio section on this page.
Redington Ltd DPS
Redington Ltd's Dividends Per Share (DPS) indicate the portion of profits distributed to shareholders as dividends. Monitoring DPS is essential for investors seeking a consistent income from dividends. Our stock analysis page features the DPS data for Redington Ltd, allowing investors to track the company's dividend history and payout ratio. Access the detailed DPS information for Redington Ltd in the financials table or ratio section on this page.
Redington Ltd EPS
Earnings Per Share (EPS) is a fundamental financial metric that measures Redington Ltd's profitability on a per-share basis. Our stock analysis page provides detailed EPS information for Redington Ltd, allowing investors to assess the company's earnings performance and growth potential. Access the comprehensive EPS figures for Redington Ltd in the financials table or ratio section on this page to make informed investment decisions.
Redington Balance Sheet Examination
Redington Share Capital Stability
Redington has maintained a stable share capital with a slight increase from Rs 77.82 Cr in March 2020 to Rs 156.35 Cr by March 2024. The incremental change reflects the company’s cautious approach towards equity expansion.
Redington Reserves Growth
The total reserves of Redington showed promising growth, escalating from Rs 1,723.97 Cr in March 2020 to Rs 3,467.91 Cr by March 2024. This marks the company's efficient management and profitability retention over the years.
Redington’s Zero Borrowings Approach
Remarkably, Redington has managed its operations without any borrowings from March 2020 to March 2024, indicating a strong financial discipline and reliance on internal financings.
Redington Current Liabilities Increase
The current liabilities have seen a rise from Rs 3,955.58 Cr in March 2020 to Rs 7,350.19 Cr by March 2024. This increase signifies the company's growing commitments in the short term, emphasising the need for efficient working capital management.
Redington Assets Progression
Total assets of Redington witnessed a growth from Rs 5,782.55 Cr in March 2020 to Rs 10,996.95 Cr by March 2024, majorly supported by a significant rise in current assets. This expansion reflects Redington’s robustness in generating assets.
This analysis represents the Standalone Balance Sheet of the company.
Understanding Redington’s financial health is essential for investors analyzing potential in the technology distribution sector.