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J&K Bank share price

The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd.

NSE: J&KBANK BSE: 532209 SECTOR: Bank - Private  110k   424   97

-2.77 (-2.92%)
BSE: 03 Mar 04:01 PM

Price Summary

Today's High

₹ 95.17

Today's Low

₹ 90.58

52 Week High

₹ 149.7

52 Week Low

₹ 86.7


Ownership Stable
Ownership strength is slightly missing the benchmark.
The stock is at a premium valuation at this point.
The company knows very well the utilization of its assets.
FinancialsVery Stable
The company possesses stable growth history and sound margins.
*It is just an analytical rating of the company and not an investment advice.

Company Essentials

Market Cap

10130.88 Cr.



No. of Shares

110.12 Cr.





Face Value

₹ 1

Div. Yield

2.34 %

Book Value (TTM)

₹  114.1

Net Interest Income

5203.69 Cr.

Cost To Income %


Promoter Holding

59.4 %


₹  19.4




18.01 %



Profit Growth

47.59 %

* Total debt includes long term borrowing, short term borrowing plus current maturities of long-term borrowing
* Ratios are based on latest Audited Financial Result.

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Price Chart 1d 1w 1m 3m 6m 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr


Volume Chart 1d 1w 1m 3m 6m 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr

* Prices are based on daily market changes.
* The chart is based on the standalone earnings of the company. * Negative values and values more than 1000x in PE chart is considered 0.

Peer Comparison

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* The Peers list includes companies operating in the same industry and having comparable market cap.

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1 Year18.01%
3 Year13.67%
5 Year5.74%


1 Year1.18%
3 Year0.81%
5 Year0.35%

Net NPA%

1 Year0.79%
3 Year1.63%
5 Year2.27%


1 Year3.8%
3 Year3.68%
5 Year3.67%



Cost of Liabilities %


PEG Ratio


Advances Growth %


Shareholding Pattern

Promoter Pledging %

Date Promoter % Pledge %
Dec 2024 59.40 0.00
Sep 2024 59.40 0.00
Jun 2024 59.40 0.00
Mar 2024 59.40 0.00
Dec 2023 59.40 0.00
Investors List
* Figures given above are % of equity capital


  • Company has a good Return on Equity (ROE) track record: 3 Years ROE 13.6671333333333%.
  • The company has been consistently maintaining a NIM of 3.67573333333333% since last 3 years.
  • CASA stands at 50.5084% of total deposits.
  • Good Capital Adequacy Ratio of 15.42%.
  • The company has delivered good Profit growth of 59.9182487138525% over the past 3 years.


  • Low other Income proportion of 7.36222107271721%.
  • High Cost to income ratio of 62.2356%.

Quarterly Result (All Figures in Cr.)

PARTICULARS Dec 2023 Mar 2024 Jun 2024 Sep 2024 Dec 2024
Interest Earned 2880.96 2910.18 2994.38 3123.55 3206.08
Other Income 182.34 224.56 194.1 296.08 242.32
Interest Expended 1600.52 1604.06 1625.16 1687.62 1697.4
Operating Expenses 912.25 866.85 968.65 945.02 1002.89
Total Provisions -9.43 -165.05 -17.48 32.53 -9.8
Profit Before Tax 559.96 828.88 612.15 754.46 757.91
Tax 138.88 190.21 196.66 203.54 226.4
Net Profit 421.08 638.67 415.49 550.92 531.51
Net NPA % 0.83 0.79 0.76 0.85 0.94
Gross NPA % 4.84 4.08 3.91 3.95 4.08
Return on Assets % 1.15 1.69 1.08 1.41 1.34
NPM % 14.62 21.95 13.88 17.64 16.58

Profit & Loss (All Figures in Cr. Adjusted EPS in Rs.)

PARTICULARS Mar 2020 Mar 2021 Mar 2022 Mar 2023 Mar 2024
Interest Earned 8446.29 8111.09 8013.48 9355.11 11212.36
Other Income 545.92 692.08 744.01 756.81 825.48
Interest Expended 4739.62 4340.31 4102.25 4609.83 6008.68
Operating Expenses 2727.54 2878.54 3592.78 3643.6 3752.29
Total Provisions 2625.1 1050.24 319.76 74.13 -107.69
Profit Before Tax -1100.05 534.07 742.7 1784.36 2384.57
Taxes 39.36 101.95 241.14 586.98 617.3
Net Profit -1139.41 432.12 501.56 1197.38 1767.27
Adjusted EPS (Rs.) -15.97 6.06 5.38 11.61 16.05

Balance Sheet (All Figures are in Crores.)

Particulars Mar 2020 Mar 2021 Mar 2022 Mar 2023 Mar 2024
Equity and Liabilities
Share Capital 71.36 71.36 93.3 103.16 110.13
Total Reserves 6322.12 6754.25 7920.36 9840.08 12125.55
Deposits 97788.23 108061.15 114710.38 122037.74 134774.89
Borrowings 2019.58 2015.2 2370.82 2892.31 2885
Other Liabilities 2670.81 3389.99 5414.05 11088.98 4631.01
Total Liabilities 108872.1 120291.95 130602.41 145962.26 154526.59
Balance with RBI 2947.48 3685.33 7750.2 7794.06 7250.08
Balance with Banks 6835.35 5812.26 1034.84 1084.6 927.4
Investments 23052.24 30814.24 33834.99 34829.15 34986.71
Advances 64399.07 66841.73 70400.68 82285.45 93762.51
Net Block 2035.7 1970.99 1907.25 2224.22 2207.98
Other Assets 9567.44 11125.97 15628.02 17697.45 15342.41
Total Assets 108872.1 120291.95 130602.41 145962.26 154526.59
* Other Non-current Liabilities include Net deferred Liabilities

Corporate Actions

Investors Details

PARTICULARS Dec 2023% Mar 2024% Jun 2024% Sep 2024% Dec 2024%
promoters 59.40 59.40 59.40 59.40 59.40
chief secretary jammu and... 51.89 51.89 51.89 51.89 51.89
finance secretary ut lada... 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16
secretary finance deptt j... 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35
PARTICULARS Dec 2023% Mar 2024% Jun 2024% Sep 2024% Dec 2024%
investors 40.60 40.60 40.60 40.60 40.60
bowhead india fund - - - - 1.43
investor education and pr... - - - - 0.22
kotak mahindra trustee co... - - - 2.91 3.27
life insurance corporatio... 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33
sanjeev arora . - - - - 1.22
investor education and pr... 0.12 0.22 0.22 0.22 -
sanjeev arora 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 -
kotak india eq contra fun... 1.63 - 2.01 - -
kotak mahindra trustee co... - 1.81 - - -
quant mutual fund - quant... 1.32 1.14 - - -

Ratings & Research Reports

Company Presentations

Company News

Jammu and Kashmir Bank informs about disclosure 5 Feb, 12:44 PM RBI imposes Rs 3.31 crore penalty on Jammu and Kashmir Bank 27 Jan, 4:00 PM J&K Bank - Quaterly Results 20 Jan, 6:21 PM J&K Bank - Quaterly Results 20 Jan, 6:21 PM J&K Bank - Quaterly Results 20 Jan, 6:21 PM Jammu and Kashmir Bank reports 10% growth in total deposits in Q3FY25 6 Jan, 5:21 PM Jammu and Kashmir Bank informs about newspaper advertisement 21 Dec, 1:10 PM Jammu and Kashmir Bank informs about loss of share certificate 19 Dec, 5:24 PM Jammu & Kashmir Bank informs about loss of share certificate 10 Dec, 5:31 PM Jammu & Kashmir Bank informs about loss of share certificate 9 Dec, 4:21 PM Jammu and Kashmir Bank informs about newspaper publication 29 Nov, 5:27 PM Jammu and Kashmir Bank informs about issuance of duplicate share certificate 18 Nov, 5:22 PM Jammu & Kashmir Bank informs about conference call 31 Oct, 5:32 PM Jammu and Kashmir Bank informs about loss of share certificate 31 Oct, 12:29 PM Jammu and Kashmir Bank informs about issuance of duplicate share certificate 29 Oct, 12:50 PM Jammu and Kashmir Bank informs about reviewed financial results 25 Oct, 5:25 PM Jammu & Kashmir Bank informs about related party transactions 25 Oct, 4:50 PM J&K Bank - Quaterly Results 25 Oct, 2:42 PM J&K Bank - Quaterly Results 25 Oct, 2:42 PM Jammu and Kashmir Bank informs about newspaper publication on loss of share certificates 21 Oct, 12:39 PM Jammu and Kashmir Bank informs about loss of share certificates 18 Oct, 12:45 PM Jammu & Kashmir Bank informs about RTA certificate 5 Oct, 3:43 PM Jammu & Kashmir Bank informs about trading window closure 27 Sep, 2:45 PM Jammu & Kashmir Bank informs about updates 17 Sep, 4:02 PM Jammu & Kashmir Bank informs about newspaper publication 29 Jul, 5:05 PM Jammu & Kashmir Bank informs about details of loss of certificate 29 Jul, 4:09 PM J&K Bank - Quaterly Results 27 Jul, 3:37 PM J&K Bank - Quaterly Results 27 Jul, 3:37 PM J&K Bank - Quaterly Results 27 Jul, 3:37 PM Jammu and Kashmir Bank informs about newspaper publication 25 Jul, 12:55 PM Jammu & Kashmir Bank informs about AGM notice 23 Jul, 3:10 PM Jammu & Kashmir Bank informs about loss of share certificate 11 Jul, 4:42 PM Jammu & Kashmir Bank informs about loss of share certificate 27 Jun, 12:45 PM Jammu & Kashmir Bank informs about newspaper publication 26 Jun, 3:44 PM Jammu and Kashmir Bank informs about newspaper publication 12 Jun, 12:40 PM Jammu & Kashmir Bank informs about declaration of unmodified opinion 7 May, 1:24 PM J&K Bank - Quaterly Results 4 May, 6:51 PM J&K Bank - Quaterly Results 4 May, 6:51 PM Jammu & Kashmir Bank enters into agreement with New India Assurance Company 30 Apr, 12:00 PM Jammu and Kashmir Bank informs about disclosure 6 Apr, 3:16 PM Jammu & Kashmir Bank signs agreement with New India Assurance Company 2 Apr, 4:24 PM Jammu & Kashmir Bank informs about closure of trading window 27 Mar, 4:38 PM Jammu & Kashmir Bank informs about loss of share certificates 23 Jan, 1:36 PM The Jammu & Kashmir Bank reports 35% rise in Q3 consolidated net profit 20 Jan, 6:02 PM J&K Bank - Quaterly Results 20 Jan, 4:41 PM J&K Bank - Quaterly Results 20 Jan, 4:41 PM J&K Bank - Quaterly Results 20 Jan, 4:41 PM Jammu & Kashmir Bank informs about press release 18 Jan, 3:01 PM Jammu and Kashmir Bank informs about conference call 16 Jan, 5:25 PM Jammu and Kashmir Bank informs about newspaper publication 4 Jan, 5:23 PM

J&K Bank Stock Price Analysis and Quick Research Report. Is J&K Bank an attractive stock to invest in?


The Indian Banking sector is rising rapidly due to infrastructure spending, favorable government policy, rising disposable income and increasing consumerism and easier access to credit.

The banking industry is in boom with growing demand across India. But is it the right time to invest in banking stocks is the question to be asked? We can look into more details and dig a little deeper into the analysis of the stock.

J&K Bank stock price today is Rs 92.12. Let’s look at how J&K Bank is performing and if it is the right time to buy the stock of J&K Bank with detailed analysis.

  •  For Banking companies, The primary source of Income is interest earned on various loans given to individuals and corporates. J&K Bank has earned Rs 11212.3623 Cr. revenue in the latest financial year. J&K Bank has posted decent revenue growth of 11.3966703467916 % in last 3 Years.

  • In terms of advances, J&K Bank reported 13.9479 % YOY,  rise . If you see 3 years advance growth, it stands at 11.942201964595 %.

  • Currently, J&K Bank has a CASA ratio of 50.5084 %. It’s overall cost of liability stands at 4.3649 %. Also, the total deposits of J&K Bank from these accounts stood at Rs 134774.8949 Cr.

  • J&K Bank has a average ROA track record. The ROA of J&K Bank is at 1.1763 %.

  • The Lender is efficiently  managing it’s overall asset portfolio. The Gross NPA and Net NPA stood at 4.08 % and 0.79 % respectively as on the latest financial year.

  • One other important measure of banks’ financial health is provisioning coverage ratio. The YoY change in provision and contingencies is negative at -245.270753350187 % which means it has decreased from the previous year.

  • Non-Interest income or other incomes are very important for banks as it gives a regular source of income for bank with no additional risk. Other income of J&K Bank surged and is currently at Rs 825.4789 Cr.

  • J&K Bank has a Good Capital Adequacy Ratio of 15.42 .

  • The best metric which provides insights about bank’s valuation is P/B ratio. Currently J&K Bank is trading at a P/B of 0.8063 . The historical average PB of J&K Bank was 0.566935395125636.

  • Share Price: - The current share price of J&K Bank is Rs 92.12. One can use valuation calculators of ticker to know if J&K Bank share price is undervalued or overvalued.

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Brief about J&K Bank

The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. Financials: Check Share price, Balance Sheet, Annual report and Quarterly Results for company analysis

Welcome to The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. Stock Analysis page, specifically designed for long-term investors seeking comprehensive share analysis. Here, we provide detailed insights into various aspects of The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd.'s performance to assist you in making informed investment decisions. Explore topics such as share price, balance sheet, annual report, dividend, quarterly results, stock price, price chart, news, conference call transcripts, investor presentations, promoters, and shareholders. Our website features pre-built screening tools and premium analysis features, including DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis, which can aid your investment analysis. You can conveniently download the company's annual reports and quarterly results from our website for detailed evaluation.

The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. Share Price Analysis

Analyzing The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd.'s share price is crucial for long-term investors seeking comprehensive share analysis. By studying the historical trends and patterns of the stock, investors can gain valuable insights into its performance and evaluate its potential. Utilize our pre-built screening tools on our website to conduct extensive analysis of share price trends and patterns, aiding you in making well-informed investment decisions based on reliable data. A stock's share price is determined by a range of factors such as market sentiment, financial performance, and general economic conditions.

The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. Balance Sheet Analysis

In-depth analysis of The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd.'s balance sheet is an essential aspect of comprehensive share analysis for long-term investors. The balance sheet provides crucial information about the company's assets, liabilities, and equity, enabling you to evaluate its financial health and stability. By examining the balance sheet, investors can gain insights into the company's financial position and make well-informed investment decisions. Downloadable copies of the company's balance sheets are available on our website for comprehensive evaluation.

The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. Annual Report Analysis

The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd.'s annual report is a valuable resource for long-term investors seeking comprehensive share analysis. The annual report provides detailed information about the company's performance, strategies, and future prospects. By studying the annual report, investors can gain a deeper understanding of the company's operations and make well-informed investment decisions. Download the company's annual reports from our website for a thorough evaluation.

The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. Dividend Analysis

Analyzing The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd.'s dividend policy is an essential aspect of comprehensive share analysis for long-term investors. The company's dividend history and policies reflect its commitment to distributing success among shareholders. By studying the company's dividend track record, investors can evaluate the stability of their investments. Historical data on The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd.'s dividends can be found on our website.

The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. Quarterly Results Analysis

Evaluating The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd.'s quarterly results provides valuable insights into the company's short-term financial performance. Analyzing these results allows investors to assess the company's revenue, expenses, and overall profitability. Download the company's quarterly results from our website to delve into the financial standing of The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. and make well-informed investment decisions.

The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. Stock Price Analysis

Analyzing The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd.'s stock price is paramount for long-term investors seeking comprehensive share analysis. By studying the historical trends and patterns of the stock, investors can gain valuable insights into its performance and evaluate its potential. Utilize our pre-built screening tools on our website to conduct extensive analysis of stock price trends and patterns, aiding you in making well-informed investment decisions based on reliable data. Our website provides pre-built screening tools to help investors analyze stock price and performance.

The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. Price Chart Analysis

Technical analysis through price charts is an essential tool for share analysis, allowing investors to identify trends, patterns, and potential entry or exit points. Analyzing The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd.'s price charts provides crucial insights into the stock's performance. Access interactive price charts on our website for detailed technical analysis based on reliable data.

The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. News Analysis

Staying updated with the latest news and developments concerning The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. is essential for long-term investors. Our website features a comprehensive selection of news articles about the company, enabling you to access the latest updates that may impact your share analysis. Stay informed and make insightful investment decisions.

The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. Conference Call Transcripts Analysis

Analyzing The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd.'s conference call transcripts is essential for gaining a deeper understanding of management discussions, strategies, and future plans. Our website provides access to the company's conference call transcripts, allowing you to review and analyze them for valuable insights into the company's prospects and goals. Benefit from these transcripts to enhance your share analysis.

The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. Investor Presentations Analysis

The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd.'s investor presentations offer detailed information about the company's operations, growth prospects, and future plans. By accessing these presentations on our website, investors can thoroughly assess the company's strategies and evaluate its potential. Analyzing investor presentations provides valuable information for long-term investors seeking in-depth share analysis.

The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. Promoters and Shareholders Analysis

Understanding the composition of The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd.'s promoters and shareholders is crucial for analyzing the overall dynamics of the company. Our website offers analysis and reports on the company's promoters and major shareholders, providing insights into the company's corporate structure. Assessing this information aids in making well-informed investment decisions.

In conclusion, The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. Stock Analysis page on our website provides long-term investors with comprehensive insights into various aspects of the company's performance. Our website offers pre-built screening tools and premium analysis features, including DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis, enhancing your investment analysis. Annual reports and quarterly results are available for download, enabling you to conduct thorough evaluations. Explore these resources to make well-informed investment decisions aligned with your long-term investment goals.

Jammu & Kashmir Bank Balance Sheet Analysis

Jammu & Kashmir Bank Equity and Liabilities Trends

Over the past four years, Jammu & Kashmir Bank has exhibited a robust growth in its total liabilities and equity, escalating from Rs 1,08,872.10 Cr in March 2020 to Rs 1,54,526.59 Cr by March 2024. A significant component of this increase is attributed to the surge in deposits from Rs 97,788.23 Cr to Rs 1,34,774.89 Cr, underpinning a growing trust and larger customer base.

Jammu & Kashmir Bank Asset Growth

The asset side of Jammu & Kashmir Bank has matched pace with its liabilities, ensuring a balanced sheet throughout the period. Noteworthy growth was seen in 'Advances,' which soared from Rs 64,399.07 Cr in March 2020 to Rs 93,762.51 Cr in March 2024, highlighting an aggressive lending strategy that caters to an expanding clientele.

Jammu & Kashmir Bank in Investment Sphere

Investments held by Jammu & Kashmir Bank have shown a steady increase from Rs 23,052.24 Cr in 2020 to Rs 34,986.71 Cr by 2024, demonstrating a prudent and effective investment strategy.

This is an analysis for the Standalone Balance Sheet of Jammu & Kashmir Bank. The robust growth and strategic asset allocation reflect the bank's solid financial health and adherence to regulatory frameworks, making it a noteworthy entity in the financial sector landscape, often covered in analyses pertaining to NSE and BSE-listed companies.

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