Tata Chemicals Ltd. Financials: Check Share Price, Balance Sheet, Annual Report and Quarterly Results for Company Analysis
Tata Chemicals Ltd. is a leading chemical company in India with a diverse portfolio of products and services. In this stock analysis page, we will delve into the various aspects of the company that long-term investors should consider before investing in the company.
Tata Chemicals Ltd. Share Price
The share price of Tata Chemicals Ltd. is an important metric for investors. It reflects the market's perception of the company's future prospects. Our pre-built screening tools allow investors to track the share price of Tata Chemicals Ltd. over time and compare it with other companies in the same industry.
Tata Chemicals Ltd. Balance Sheet
The balance sheet of Tata Chemicals Ltd. provides insights into the company's financial health. It shows the company's assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time. Ticker premium features allow investors to perform fair value calculations using tools such as DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis.
Tata Chemicals Ltd. Annual Report
The annual report of Tata Chemicals Ltd. is a comprehensive document that provides an overview of the company's performance over the past year. It includes financial statements, management commentary, and a discussion of the company's future plans. Investors can download the annual report from Ticker and use it to gain a better understanding of the company's operations.
Tata Chemicals Ltd. Dividend
Tata Chemicals Ltd. has a history of paying dividends to its shareholders. The dividend is a portion of the company's profits that is distributed to shareholders. Our pre-built screening tools allow investors to track the dividend history of Tata Chemicals Ltd. and compare it with other companies in the same industry.
Tata Chemicals Ltd. Quarterly Result
The quarterly result of Tata Chemicals Ltd. provides insights into the company's performance over the past three months. It includes financial statements, management commentary, and a discussion of the company's future plans. Investors can download the quarterly result from Ticker and use it to gain a better understanding of the company's operations.
Tata Chemicals Ltd. Stock Price
The stock price of Tata Chemicals Ltd. is influenced by various factors such as market sentiment, economic conditions, and company-specific news. Our pre-built screening tools allow investors to track the stock price of Tata Chemicals Ltd. over time and compare it with other companies in the same industry.
Tata Chemicals Ltd. Price Chart
The price chart of Tata Chemicals Ltd. provides a visual representation of the company's stock price over time. It allows investors to identify trends and patterns in the stock price and make informed investment decisions.
Tata Chemicals Ltd. News
The news section of Ticker provides investors with the latest news and updates on Tata Chemicals Ltd. It includes company-specific news, industry news, and economic news that could impact the company's stock price.
Tata Chemicals Ltd. Concall
The concall section of Ticker provides investors with access to the company's conference call transcripts. It allows investors to gain insights into the company's management commentary and future plans.
Tata Chemicals Ltd. Transcripts
The transcripts section of Ticker provides investors with access to the company's transcripts from various events such as investor presentations, analyst meetings, and earnings calls. It allows investors to gain insights into the company's operations and future plans.
Tata Chemicals Ltd. Investor Presentations
The investor presentations section of Ticker provides investors with access to the company's presentations to investors and analysts. It includes information on the company's operations, financial performance, and future plans.
Tata Chemicals Ltd. Promoters
The promoters of Tata Chemicals Ltd. are Tata Sons Limited, which is a part of the Tata Group, one of India's largest conglomerates. The Tata Group has a long history of successful businesses in various industries, and its reputation adds credibility to Tata Chemicals Ltd.
Tata Chemicals Ltd.Shareholders
Tata Chemicals Ltd. has a diverse shareholder base, including institutional investors, retail investors, and the Tata Group. Ticker pre-built screening tools allow investors to track the shareholder structure of Tata Chemicals Ltd. and compare it with other companies in the same industry.
Tata Chemicals Ltd. ROCE
Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) is a fundamental tool for analyzing the efficiency with which a company generates profits from the capital employed by it. ROCE of Tata Chemicals Ltd. helps the investors in determining the effectiveness of its capital investments. In the Tata Chemicals Ltd. stock analysis page, you can get access to the ROCE data of the company in the financials table or ratio section.
Tata Chemicals Ltd. EBITDA
EBITDA is a widely used financial metric which gives us the idea of a company's operating profitability. Tata Chemicals Ltd. EBITDA can be found on the Tata Chemicals Ltd. stock analysis page. By analyzing the EBITDA, investors can understand the company's core profitability before accounting for depreciation and amortization expenses and the impact of non-operating items.
Tata Chemicals Ltd. DPS
Dividend per share (DPS) is the portion of a company's earnings that is distributed to its shareholders. The Tata Chemicals Ltd. stock analysis page provides the DPS data of the company in the financials table or ratio section. Investors can use the DPS value to evaluate how much return they are receiving for each share of the company they hold.
Tata Chemicals Ltd. EPS
Earnings per share (EPS) is one of the most useful ratios for investors as it indicates the profitability of a company on a per-share basis. The Tata Chemicals Ltd. stock analysis page provides the EPS of the company in the financials table or ratio section. EPS is a dominant parameter that helps investors gauge the overall performance of Tata Chemicals Ltd. and its future growth prospects.
Tata Chemicals Balance Sheet Growth
The Tata Chemicals' balance sheet reflects a healthy and robust financial state over the years. The company has maintained its share capital at Rs 255 Cr. from March 2022 through March 2024. Remarkably, its total reserves have seen a considerable increase from Rs 11,722.50 Cr. in March 2020 to Rs 18,470 Cr. by March 2024, indicating strong internal growth and profitability.
Tata Chemicals Maintains Zero Debt
A noteworthy aspect of Tata Chemicals’ financial health is its zero borrowing from March 2020 through to March 2024. This unique position underscores the company's strong liquidity and possibly, a conservative financial strategy that avoids leveraging to fund its operations or expansion.
Tata Chemicals Asset Expansion
Tata Chemicals has strategically expanded its assets, with a significant increase in net block from Rs 2,232.18 Cr. in March 2020 to Rs 3,756 Cr. by March 2024, and investments soaring to Rs 12,938 Cr. The growth in capital work in progress (WIP) and intangible WIP underscores ongoing projects and future value creation.
Tata Chemicals Current Assets and Non-Current Liabilities
The company displays a strategic management of liabilities and assets, with other non-current liabilities nearly quadrupling by March 2024 to Rs 990 Cr., reflecting growth investments. Whereas, current assets experienced fluctuation, suggesting responsive adjustments to operational needs and opportunities.
This analysis is based on the standalone balance sheet of Tata Chemicals and provides insights into the company's financial health and strategic positioning.
Tata Chemicals' financial resilience and strategic asset management highlight its potential in sectors listed on NSE and BSE, making it a significant company for investors to watch in the chemicals sector.