Apollo Tyres Ltd. Financials: Check Share Price, Balance Sheet, Annual Report and Quarterly Results for Company Analysis
Apollo Tyres Ltd. is one of the leading tire manufacturing companies in India. The company has a strong presence in both domestic and international markets, with a wide range of products catering to various segments. We will take a closer look at Apollo Tyres Ltd. stock analysis page and explore various aspects of the company that can help long-term investors make informed investment decisions.
Apollo Tyres Ltd. Share Price
Apollo Tyres Ltd.'s share price is a reflection of the company's financial performance and growth prospects. The company's stock price has been on a steady upward trend in recent years, driven by its strong financials and growth potential. Investors can track the company's share price on Ticker's stock analysis page, which provides real-time updates on the stock's performance.
Apollo Tyres Ltd. Balance Sheet
Apollo Tyres Ltd.'s balance sheet is a reflection of its financial health and stability. The company has a strong balance sheet, with a healthy mix of debt and equity. Ticker pre-built screening tools such as DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis can help investors evaluate the company's financial performance and calculate its fair value. Investors can access the company's balance sheet on Ticker's stock analysis page, along with other financial data such as quarterly results and profit and loss statements.
Apollo Tyres Ltd. Annual Report
Apollo Tyres Ltd.'s annual report provides a comprehensive overview of the company's performance over the past year. The report includes detailed information on the company's financials, operations, and growth prospects. Investors can download the company's annual report from Ticker's stock analysis page. The report can help investors gain a better understanding of the company's business model, competitive landscape, and growth potential.
Apollo Tyres Ltd. Dividend
Apollo Tyres Ltd. has a track record of paying dividends to its shareholders. The company's dividend policy is based on its financial performance and growth prospects. Investors can access the company's dividend history on Ticker's stock analysis page. Ticker pre-built screening tools can help investors evaluate the company's dividend-paying capacity and calculate its dividend yield.
Apollo Tyres Ltd. Quarterly Result
Apollo Tyres Ltd.'s quarterly results provide a snapshot of the company's financial performance over the past quarter. The results include information on the company's revenue, profits, and margins. Investors can download the company's quarterly results from Ticker's stock analysis page.
Apollo Tyres Ltd. Stock Price
Apollo Tyres Ltd.'s stock price is a reflection of its financial performance and growth prospects. The company's stock price is influenced by various factors such as market trends, investor sentiment, and the company's financials. Investors can track the company's stock price on Ticker's stock analysis page, which provides real-time updates on the stock's performance.
Apollo Tyres Ltd. Price Chart
Apollo Tyres Ltd.'s price chart provides a visual representation of the company's stock price movement over a period. The chart includes information on the company's stock price, volume, and trends. Investors can access the company's price chart on Ticker's stock analysis page. The chart can help investors gain insights into the company's stock price movement and identify trends.
Apollo Tyres Ltd. News
Apollo Tyres Ltd.'s news section provides updates on the company's latest developments and announcements. The section includes information on the company's product launches, partnerships, and collaborations. Investors can access the company's news section on Ticker's stock analysis page. The news section can help investors stay updated on the company's latest developments and make informed investment decisions.
Apollo Tyres Ltd. Concall Transcripts
Apollo Tyres Ltd.'s concall transcripts provide a detailed account of the company's earnings conference call. The transcripts include information on the company's financial performance, growth prospects, and future plans. Investors can download the company's concall transcripts from Ticker's stock analysis page. The transcripts can help investors gain insights into the company's performance and future prospects.
Apollo Tyres Ltd. Investor Presentations
Apollo Tyres Ltd.'s investor presentations provide a detailed overview of the company's business model, operations, and growth prospects. The presentations include information on the company's financials, product portfolio, and competitive landscape. Investors can download the company's investor presentations from Ticker's stock analysis page. The presentations can help investors gain a better understanding of the company's business model and growth potential.
Apollo Tyres Ltd. Promoters
Apollo Tyres Ltd.'s promoters are the key drivers of the company's growth and success. The promoters have a significant stake in the company and are actively involved in its operations and decision-making. Investors can access information on the company's promoters on Ticker's stock analysis page. The information can help investors evaluate the promoters' track record and their contribution to the company's growth.
Apollo Tyres Ltd. Shareholders
Apollo Tyres Ltd.'s shareholders are the owners of the company and have a stake in its financial performance and growth prospects. The company has a diverse shareholder base, including institutional investors and retail investors. Investors can access information on the company's shareholders on Ticker's stock analysis page. The information can help investors evaluate the company's shareholder base and their contribution to the company's growth.
Apollo Tyres Ltd ROCE
Apollo Tyres Ltd ROCE (Return on Capital Employed) is a measure of the company's efficiency in utilizing its capital to generate profits. It indicates the percentage of returns earned relative to the capital employed by the company. The ROCE data can be obtained from the financials table or ratio section provided on this page, allowing investors to evaluate the company's capital efficiency.
Apollo Tyres Ltd EBITDA
Apollo Tyres Ltd EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization) is a key financial metric that provides insights into the company's operational profitability. By excluding non-operating expenses, EBITDA offers a clear view of the underlying profitability of the core business operations. Investors can find detailed EBITDA data for Apollo Tyres Ltd in the above financials table or ratio section of this page.
Apollo Tyres Ltd DPS
Apollo Tyres Ltd DPS (Dividends Per Share) represents the cash distributed to shareholders for each share held. Investors analyze DPS to assess the company's dividend policy and potential returns. To obtain the DPS data for Apollo Tyres Ltd, refer to the above financials table or ratio section provided on this page.
Apollo Tyres Ltd EPS
Apollo Tyres Ltd EPS (Earnings Per Share) is an important metric that indicates the company's profitability on a per-share basis. It is calculated by dividing the company's earnings by the total number of outstanding shares. Investors can find the EPS data for Apollo Tyres Ltd in the financials table or ratio section provided on this page, allowing them to evaluate the company's earnings performance.
Apollo Tyres' Solid Equity and Increasing Reserves
Apollo Tyres has shown remarkable consistency in its share capital at Rs 63.51 Cr from March 2021 through March 2024. Looking into the reserves, there is a substantial growth, with amounts rising to Rs 10,375.91 Cr by March 2024, reflecting a robust backing of retained earnings and a strong financial backbone supporting the company’s growth.
Declining Borrowings on Apollo Tyres' Balance Sheet
Between March 2020 and March 2024, Apollo Tyres' borrowings decreased from Rs 3,208.32 Cr to Rs 2,448.57 Cr. This reduction in financial liabilities reflects prudent fiscal management, lowering interest costs, and improving the company's credit outlook.
Steady Net Block and Asset Management by Apollo Tyres
Apollo Tyres' net block represents a significant part of its assets, with a slight decrease to Rs 11,296.45 Cr by March 2024. The company's overall asset base as of March 2024 totals Rs 20,043.90 Cr, demonstrating solid capital investment in tangible assets.
A Consistent Increase in Apollo Tyres' Current Assets
The current assets of Apollo Tyres have increased steadily over the years, showcasing liquidity and operational efficiency, reflected in the Rs 5,689.42 Cr by March 2024. It indicates the company's capability to cover short-term obligations and investment in readily convertible assets.
This data is an analysis for the standalone balance sheet of Apollo Tyres, providing an objective view for potential stakeholders. Such financial scrutiny plays a crucial role for investors and market analysts keeping track of the automotive sector and its listed entities on NSE and BSE indices.