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Coromandel Interntl. share price

Coromandel International Ltd.

NSE: COROMANDEL BSE: 506395 SECTOR: Fertilizers  199k   1k   186

+9.15 (0.46%)
BSE: Today, 04:01 PM

Price Summary

Today's High

₹ 2020

Today's Low

₹ 1960.55

52 Week High

₹ 2032

52 Week Low

₹ 1071.05


Ownership Below Par
Stock price may face volatility due to ownership structure.
The stock is at a premium valuation at this point.
The company knows very well the utilization of its assets.
FinancialsVery Stable
The company possesses stable growth history and manageable debt.
*It is just an analytical rating of the company and not an investment advice.

Company Essentials

Market Cap

58339.47 Cr.

Enterprise Value

55587.82 Cr.

No. of Shares

29.46 Cr.





Face Value

₹ 1

Div. Yield

0.61 %

Book Value (TTM)

₹  365.71


2751.94 Cr.


0.29 Cr.

Promoter Holding

56.97 %


₹  59.78

Sales Growth



19.94 %



Profit Growth

-15.5 %

* Total debt includes long term borrowing, short term borrowing plus current maturities of long-term borrowing
* Ratios are based on latest Audited Financial Result.

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These are the brands of Coromandel International Ltd.

Dispersogen Emulsogen Hostapon Glucotain Plantasens Hostacor Hostagliss Exolit Liocare Hostaflot Ecocircle

Index Presence

The company is present in 29 Indices.

Price Chart 1d 1w 1m 3m 6m 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr


Volume Chart 1d 1w 1m 3m 6m 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr

* Prices are based on daily market changes.
* The chart is based on the standalone earnings of the company. * Negative values and values more than 1000x in PE chart is considered 0.

Peer Comparison

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* The Peers list includes companies operating in the same industry and having comparable market cap.

 Group Companies

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Sales Growth

1 Year-25.6%
3 Year15.88%
5 Year10.78%

Profit Growth

1 Year-15.5%
3 Year9.41%
5 Year19.22%


1 Year19.94%
3 Year24.44%
5 Year25.58%


1 Year28.45%
3 Year34.8%
5 Year32.73%



Price to Cash Flow


Interest Cover Ratio


CFO/PAT (5 Yr. Avg.)


Shareholding Pattern

Promoter Pledging %

Date Promoter % Pledge %
Dec 2024 56.97 0.01
Sep 2024 57.17 0.01
Jun 2024 57.31 0.01
Mar 2024 57.32 0.01
Dec 2023 57.33 0.01
Investors List
* Figures given above are % of equity capital


  • The company has shown a good revenue growth of 15.8822104864347% for the Past 3 years.
  • The company has significantly decreased its debt by 4.21 Cr.
  • Company has been maintaining healthy ROE of 24.4350947641412% over the past 3 years.
  • Company has been maintaining healthy ROCE of 34.802669388034% over the past 3 years.
  • Company is virtually debt free.
  • Company has a healthy Interest coverage ratio of 13.2671.
  • The company has an efficient Cash Conversion Cycle of 48.9516 days.
  • Company has a healthy liquidity position with current ratio of 2.1038.
  • The company has a good cash flow management; CFO/PAT stands at 1.34082370670671.
  • The company has a high promoter holding of 56.97%.


  • The company has shown a poor profit growth of 9.41354350843542% for the Past 3 years.
  • Promoter pledging has increased from 0.00712716046283281% to 0.01% in 1 quarter.

Quarterly Result (All Figures in Cr.)

PARTICULARS Dec 2023 Mar 2024 Jun 2024 Sep 2024 Dec 2024
Net Sales 5450.33 3899.84 4713.3 7432.31 6925.83
Total Expenditure 5092.09 3631.05 4206.27 6448.98 6198.35
Operating Profit 358.24 268.79 507.03 983.33 727.48
Other Income 59.71 127.14 54.48 77.06 111.83
Interest 37.83 60.9 56.01 64.33 71.77
Depreciation 60.36 61.78 62.15 65.59 67.39
Exceptional Items 0 0 0 0 0
Profit Before Tax 319.76 273.25 443.35 930.47 700.15
Tax 77.25 63.79 112.39 234.61 174.97
Profit After Tax 242.51 209.46 330.96 695.86 525.18
Adjusted EPS (Rs) 8.24 7.11 11.24 23.63 17.83

Profit & Loss (All Figures in Cr. Adjusted EPS in Rs.)

PARTICULARS Mar 2020 Mar 2021 Mar 2022 Mar 2023 Mar 2024
Net Sales 13117.19 14156.2 19088.26 29609.55 22029.21
Total Expenditure 11390.96 12186.58 17052.57 26691.79 19628.37
Operating Profit 1726.23 1969.62 2035.69 2917.76 2400.84
Other Income 37.69 74.49 143.17 174.76 279.09
Interest 235.29 105.62 75.43 189.28 185.25
Depreciation 157.27 172.45 172.02 181.2 222.2
Exceptional Items 0 0 0 0 0
Profit Before Tax 1371.36 1766.04 1931.41 2722.04 2272.48
Tax 312.19 453.46 518.96 687.37 553.23
Net Profit 1059.17 1312.58 1412.45 2034.67 1719.25
Adjusted EPS (Rs.) 36.15 44.74 48.12 69.21 58.4

Balance Sheet (All Figures are in Crores.)

Particulars Mar 2020 Mar 2021 Mar 2022 Mar 2023 Mar 2024
Equity and Liabilities
Share Capital 29.3 29.34 29.35 29.4 29.44
Total Reserves 4359.74 5183.26 6268.66 7838.56 9373.79
Borrowings 0 0 0 0 0
Other N/C liabilities 463.01 441.53 458.68 468.18 521.21
Current liabilities 5365.71 3294 4456.35 5855.33 5757.33
Total Liabilities 10217.76 8948.13 11213.04 14191.47 15681.77
Net Block 2022.91 2006.69 2082.79 2192.41 2776.82
Capital WIP 49.19 75.68 119.82 375 203.08
Intangible WIP 15.56 13.47 21.39 22.95 22.67
Investments 334.64 334.34 266.78 219.97 495.28
Loans & Advances 43.75 52.85 458.98 1041.73 67.2
Other N/C Assets 1.76 1.49 4.49 4.13 4.26
Current Assets 7749.95 6463.61 8258.79 10335.28 12112.46
Total Assets 10217.76 8948.13 11213.04 14191.47 15681.77
* Other Non-current Liabilities include Net deferred Liabilities

Cash Flows (All Figures are in Crores.)

PARTICULARS Mar 2020 Mar 2021 Mar 2022 Mar 2023 Mar 2024
Profit from operations 1371.36 1766.04 1931.41 2722.04 2272.48
Adjustment 536.2 141.96 246.41 215.52 130.67
Changes in Assets & Liabilities 322.14 2681.17 392.98 -1667.97 -322.39
Tax Paid -363.02 -464.05 -477.56 -709.12 -618.98
Operating Cash Flow 1866.68 4125.12 2093.24 560.47 1461.78
Investing Cash Flow -219.24 -1240.31 -1647.44 656.26 -1321.12
Financing Cash Flow -1726.01 -2263.51 -442.08 -543 -412.25
Net Cash Flow -78.57 621.3 3.72 673.73 -271.59

Corporate Actions

Investors Details

PARTICULARS Dec 2023% Mar 2024% Jun 2024% Sep 2024% Dec 2024%
promoters 57.33 57.32 57.31 57.17 56.97
a vellayan 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
a venkatachalam 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
ar. lakshmi achi trust - 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
arun alagappan 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
arun venkatachalam 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.05
e.i.d.parry (india) limit... 56.20 56.19 56.18 56.18 56.16
lakshmi chockalingam 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
lakshmi ramaswamy family ... - 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
lalitha vellayan 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
m a m arunachalam 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
m m muthiah family trust(... 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.07 0.07
m m veerappan family trus... 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.07 0.07
m m venkatachalam family ... 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01
m v ar meenakshi 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02
m v muthiah family trust ... 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02
m v subramanian family tr... 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02
m.a.alagappan - - 0.01 0.01 0.01
m.a.alagappan grand child... 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
meyyammai venkatachalam - - 0.04 0.04 0.03
saraswathi trust (m v sub... 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
shambho trust (m v subbia... 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.03
sigapi arunachalam - - 0.02 0.02 0.02
v arunachalam 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
v narayanan 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
valli annamalai 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
valli arunachalam 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 -
vellachi murugappan 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 -
lakshmi venkatachalam fam... 0.06 0.02 0.02 - -
m a alagappan 0.01 0.01 - - -
meyammai venkatachalam 0.04 0.04 - - -
sigappi arunachalam 0.02 0.02 - - -
ar. lakshmi achi trust 0.01 - - - -
PARTICULARS Dec 2023% Mar 2024% Jun 2024% Sep 2024% Dec 2024%
investors 42.67 42.68 42.69 42.83 43.03
axis elss tax saver fund - - - - 1.57
dsp quant fund - - - - 2.05
groupe chimique tunisien 1.63 1.63 1.63 1.63 1.63
investor education and pr... - 1.37 1.37 - 1.39
kotak mahindra trustee co... - - - - 5.48
lici new endowment plus-g... - - - - 2.34
sbi arbitrage opportuniti... - 1.80 - - 1.45
uti small cap fund - - - - 1.41
axis mutual fund trustee ... 1.58 1.35 - 1.52 -
dsp midcap fund - - - 2.15 -
investor education and pr... 1.37 - - 1.37 -
kotak mahindra trustee co... - - - 5.54 -
lic new pension plus grow... - - - 2.66 -
sbi contra fund - - - 2.05 -
uti elss tax saver fund 1.36 - - 1.42 -
axis mutual fund trustee ... - - 1.32 - -
dsp equity savings fund - 2.65 2.31 - -
kotak mahindra trustee co... - - 4.91 - -
life insurance corporatio... 1.47 - 3.22 - -
sbi nifty 200 quality 30 ... 1.80 - 1.91 - -
uti-mid cap fund - 1.47 1.27 - -
kotak mahindra trustee co... - 4.83 - - -
lici new pension plus gro... - 2.71 - - -
dsp regular savings fund 3.09 - - - -
kotak equity hybrid 4.90 - - - -

Ratings & Research Reports

Company Presentations

Company News

Coromandel International inks pact to acquire majority stake in NACL Industries 13 Mar, 9:35 AM Coromandel Interntl. - Quaterly Results 30 Jan, 2:58 PM Coromandel Interntl. - Quaterly Results 30 Jan, 2:58 PM Coromandel Interntl. - Quaterly Results 30 Jan, 2:58 PM Coromandel International informs about disclosure 23 Jan, 5:15 PM Coromandel International inaugurates advanced soil, leaf testing laboratory in Andhra Pradesh 20 Jan, 3:30 PM Coromandel International, Mahindra Krish-e partner to provide drone spraying services 17 Dec, 3:29 PM Coromandel International informs about press release 17 Dec, 3:13 PM Coromandel International informs about allotment of equity shares under ESOP scheme 7 Dec, 12:02 PM Coromandel International to acquire additional 6.67% stake in CCPP 25 Oct, 12:58 PM Coromandel Interntl. - Quaterly Results 24 Oct, 5:05 PM Coromandel Interntl. - Quaterly Results 24 Oct, 5:05 PM Coromandel Interntl. - Quaterly Results 24 Oct, 5:05 PM Coromandel International incorporates Wholly-Owned Subsidiary in Vietnam 18 Oct, 9:29 AM Coromandel International informs about disclosure 27 Sep, 5:06 PM Coromandel International's arm gets nod to acquire 8.82% in BMCC 25 Sep, 3:12 PM Coromandel Interntl. - Quaterly Results 7 Aug, 2:54 PM Coromandel Interntl. - Quaterly Results 7 Aug, 2:54 PM Coromandel Interntl. - Quaterly Results 7 Aug, 2:54 PM Coromandel International executes agreement to subscribe equity shares in CCPP 19 Jul, 3:27 PM Coromandel International informs about press release 17 Jul, 4:27 PM Coromandel International informs about press release 17 Jun, 5:01 PM Coromandel International, ICAR-NBSS&LUP sign MoU 17 Jun, 3:29 PM Coromandel International unveils Nano Fertiliser plant in Andhra Pradesh 10 Jun, 9:50 AM Coromandel International informs about press release 5 Jun, 5:10 PM Coromandel International introduces 10 new crop protection products 24 May, 3:12 PM Coromandel International informs about updates 13 May, 5:31 PM Coromandel International informs about outcome of board meeting 6 May, 2:41 PM Coromandel International’s arm subscribes 3.13% share capital of Ecozen 3 May, 9:21 AM Coromandel International starts activity to set up Phosphoric, Sulphuric Acid Plants in Andhra Pradesh 30 Apr, 11:08 AM Coromandel Interntl. - Quaterly Results 25 Apr, 3:27 PM Coromandel Interntl. - Quaterly Results 25 Apr, 3:27 PM Coromandel Interntl. - Quaterly Results 25 Apr, 3:27 PM Coromandel International informs about disclosure 25 Apr, 2:51 PM Coromandel International informs about details of loss of certificate 20 Mar, 1:03 PM Coromandel International informs about loss of share certificate 27 Feb, 5:15 PM Coromandel International informs about disclosure 6 Feb, 10:27 AM Coromandel International informs about press release 31 Jan, 4:38 PM Coromandel International gets nod to set up Phosphoric Acid and Sulphuric Acid Plants at Kakinada 31 Jan, 9:17 AM Coromandel Interntl. - Quaterly Results 30 Jan, 2:53 PM Coromandel Interntl. - Quaterly Results 30 Jan, 2:53 PM Coromandel Interntl. - Quaterly Results 30 Jan, 2:53 PM Coromandel International informs about allotment of equity share under ESOP 27 Jan, 9:45 AM Coromandel International informs about disclosure 28 Dec, 4:05 PM Coromandel International unveils Nanotechnology Center in Coimbatore 16 Nov, 4:57 PM Coromandel International incorporates wholly-owned subsidiary 2 Nov, 12:07 PM Coromandel Interntl. - Quaterly Results 26 Oct, 2:53 PM Coromandel Interntl. - Quaterly Results 26 Oct, 2:53 PM Coromandel Interntl. - Quaterly Results 26 Oct, 2:53 PM Coromandel International informs about compliance certificate 19 Oct, 5:27 PM

Coromandel Interntl. Stock Price Analysis and Quick Research Report. Is Coromandel Interntl. an attractive stock to invest in?


Stock investing requires careful analysis of financial data to find out the company's true net worth. This is generally done by examining the company's profit and loss account, balance sheet and cash flow statement. This can be time-consuming and cumbersome. An easier way to find out about a company's performance is to look at its financial ratios, which can help to make sense of the overwhelming amount of information that can be found in a company's financial statements.

Here are the few indispensable tools that should be a part of every investor’s research process.

  • PE ratio: - Price to Earnings' ratio, which indicates for every rupee of earnings how much an investor is willing to pay for a share. A general rule of thumb is that shares trading at a low P/E are undervalued (it depends on other factors too). Coromandel Interntl. has a PE ratio of 33.154244767012 which is high and comparatively overvalued .

  • Share Price: - The current share price of Coromandel Interntl. is Rs 1982.1. One can use valuation calculators of ticker to know if Coromandel Interntl. share price is undervalued or overvalued.

  • Return on Assets (ROA): - Return on Assets measures how effectively a company can earn a return on its investment in assets. In other words, ROA shows how efficiently a company can convert the money used to purchase assets into net income or profits. Coromandel Interntl. has ROA of 11.5103 % which is a bad sign for future performance. (higher values are always desirable)

  • Current ratio: - The current ratio measures a company's ability to pay its short-term liabilities with its short-term assets. A higher current ratio is desirable so that the company could be stable to unexpected bumps in business and economy. Coromandel Interntl. has a Current ratio of 2.1038 .

  • Return on equity: - ROE measures the ability of a firm to generate profits from its shareholders investments in the company. In other words, the return on equity ratio shows how much profit each rupee of common stockholders’ equity generates. Coromandel Interntl. has a ROE of 19.9379 % .(higher is better)

  • Debt to equity ratio: - It is a good metric to check out the capital structure along with its performance. Coromandel Interntl. has a D/E ratio of 0 which means that the company has low proportion of debt in its capital.

  • Inventory turnover ratio: - Inventory Turnover ratio is an activity ratio and is a tool to evaluate the liquidity of a company's inventory. It measures how many times a company has sold and replaced its inventory during a certain period of time. Coromandel Interntl. has an Inventory turnover ratio of 4.9025 which shows that the management is inefficient in relation to its Inventory and working capital management.

  • Sales growth: - Coromandel Interntl. has reported revenue growth of -25.601 % which is poor in relation to its growth and performance.

  • Operating Margin: - This will tell you about the operational efficiency of the company. The operating margin of Coromandel Interntl. for the current financial year is 10.8984389363032 %.

  • Dividend Yield: - It tells us how much dividend we will receive in relation to the price of the stock. The current year dividend for Coromandel Interntl. is Rs 12 and the yield is 0.606 %.


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Brief about Coromandel Interntl.

Coromandel International Ltd.Financials: Check Share Price, Balance Sheet, Annual Report and Quarterly Results for Company Analysis


Coromandel International Ltd. is a leading Indian agrochemicals and fertilizers company. The company has been in operation for over 50 years and is known for its commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability. In this stock analysis page, we will take a closer look at the company's share price, balance sheet, annual report, dividend, quarterly result, stock price, price chart, news, concall, transcripts, investor presentations, promoters, and shareholders.

Coromandel International Ltd. Share Price

Coromandel International Ltd.'s share price has been relatively stable over the past year. The company's stock has been trading in a range between Rs. 600 to Rs. 800 per share. The stock has been impacted by various factors such as global economic conditions, government policies, and market sentiment. Ticker pre-built screening tools allow investors to track the stock's performance and monitor any changes in the share price.

Coromandel International Ltd. Balance Sheet

Coromandel International Ltd.'s balance sheet is a reflection of the company's financial health. The company has a strong balance sheet with a healthy debt-to-equity ratio. Our premium features, including DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis, allow investors to calculate the fair value of the stock based on the company's balance sheet.

Coromandel International Ltd. Annual Report 

Coromandel International Ltd.'s annual report provides investors with a comprehensive overview of the company's operations, financial performance, and growth prospects. The annual report is available for download on Ticker. The report includes information about the company's strategy, key initiatives, and future outlook. Investors can use the information in the annual report to make informed investment decisions.

Coromandel International Ltd. Dividend 

Coromandel International Ltd. has a history of paying consistent dividends to its shareholders. The company's dividend payout ratio is healthy, and the dividend yield is attractive. Investors can use our pre-built screening tools to track the company's dividend history and monitor any changes in the dividend payout.

Coromandel International Ltd. Quarterly Result 

Coromandel International Ltd.'s quarterly results provide investors with an insight into the company's financial performance over a specific period. The company's quarterly results are available for download on Ticker. Ticker premium features, including DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis, allow investors to analyze the company's quarterly results and make informed investment decisions.

Coromandel International Ltd. Stock Price 

Coromandel International Ltd.'s stock price is impacted by various factors such as global economic conditions, government policies, and market sentiment. Ticker pre-built screening tools allow investors to track the stock's performance and monitor any changes in the share price. Investors can use the information to make informed investment decisions.

Coromandel International Ltd. Price Chart 

Coromandel International Ltd.'s price chart provides investors with a visual representation of the company's stock price performance over a specific period. Our pre-built screening tools allow investors to customize the price chart and track the stock's performance over different time frames.

Coromandel International Ltd. News 

Coromandel International Ltd.'s news section provides investors with timely updates about the company's operations, financial performance, and growth prospects. Our pre-built screening tools allow investors to track the company's news and monitor any changes in the company's operations.

Coromandel International Ltd. Concall Transcripts 

Coromandel International Ltd.'s concall transcripts provide investors with an insight into the company's management's views on the company's operations, financial performance, and growth prospects.  

Coromandel International Ltd. Investor Presentations 

Coromandel International Ltd.'s investor presentations provide investors with a comprehensive overview of the company's operations, financial performance, and growth prospects. The company's investor presentations are available for download on Ticker. Investors can use the information in the investor presentations to make informed investment decisions.

Coromandel International Ltd. Promoters 

Coromandel International Ltd.'s promoters are a group of individuals who have a significant stake in the company. The promoters are committed to the company's long-term growth and are actively involved in the company's operations. Investors can use our pre-built screening tools to track the promoters' activity and monitor any changes in the company's operations.

Coromandel International Ltd. Shareholders 

Coromandel International Ltd.'s shareholders are a group of individuals who own a stake in the company. The company has a diverse shareholder base, including institutional investors and retail investors. Investors can use our pre-built screening tools to track the company's shareholder activity and monitor any changes in the company's operations.

Coromandel International Ltd. ROCE

Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) for Coromandel International Ltd. reflects the company's efficiency in generating profits from its capital employed. It is a key measure of the company's profitability and indicates how effectively it utilizes its capital. You can find the data for ROCE in the financials table or the ratio section on this page.

Coromandel International Ltd. EBITDA

Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA) is a significant indicator of Coromandel International Ltd.'s operational performance. It provides insights into the core profitability of the company. For EBITDA data, please refer to the financials table or the ratio section on this page.

Coromandel International Ltd. DPS

Dividends per Share (DPS) is a measure of the cash dividends distributed to shareholders on a per share basis. It reflects the company's commitment to rewarding its shareholders. You can access the DPS data for Coromandel International Ltd. in the financials table or the ratio section on this page.

Coromandel International Ltd. EPS

Earnings Per Share (EPS) is a critical financial metric that indicates Coromandel International Ltd.'s profitability on a per share basis. It is commonly used by investors to evaluate the company's performance. The EPS data for Coromandel International Ltd. can be found in the financials table or the ratio section on this page.

Coromandel International Balance Sheet Overview

The balance sheet of Coromandel International showcases noteworthy growth and stability over the years from March 2020 to March 2024.

Coromandel International's Equity and Liabilities Growth

Starting with Equity and Liabilities, Share Capital saw a slight increase from Rs 29.30 Cr in March 2020 to Rs 29.44 Cr by March 2024. A significant surge was observed in Total Reserves, climbing from Rs 4,359.74 Cr to Rs 9,373.79 Cr, indicating robust financial growth. Interestingly, the company maintained Borrowings at zero, reflecting a debt-free status. Other Non-Current Liabilities and Current Liabilities saw fluctuations but reflected a general trend of growth aligning with the expansion activities of the company.

Analyzing Coromandel International's Asset Growth

On the assets side, Net Block witnessed a considerable jump from Rs 2,022.91 Cr to Rs 2,776.82 Cr, suggesting substantial investment in physical assets. Loans & Advances soared from Rs 43.75 Cr in 2020 to Rs 1,041.73 Cr in 2023 before scaling back to Rs 67.20 Cr, indicating dynamic financial maneuvering. Current Assets increased significantly from Rs 7,749.95 Cr to Rs 12,112.46 Cr, ensuring the company's liquidity remains strong.

This data analysis refers to the Standalone Balance Sheet of the company, emphasizing its financial stability and growth over the years.

Investors monitoring the NSE BSE indices for potential opportunities might find Coromandel International an interesting case reflecting the sector's growth trajectory.

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