Navin Fluorine International Ltd. Financials: Check Share Price, Balance Sheet, Annual Report and Quarterly Results for Company Analysis
Navin Fluorine International Ltd. is a leading Indian chemical company that specializes in manufacturing and selling a range of fluorine-based chemicals. The company has a strong brand presence in the Indian market and is a popular choice among long-term investors. We will provide an in-depth analysis of the company's stock and its various aspects.
Navin Fluorine International Ltd. Share Price
Navin Fluorine International Ltd.'s share price is one of the most important factors that investors consider while making investment decisions. The company's share price has been on an upward trend since its listing on the stock exchanges. The company's share price is influenced by various factors such as market trends, industry performance, and company-specific factors. Long-term investors should focus on the company's fundamentals rather than short-term price fluctuations.
Navin Fluorine International Ltd. Balance Sheet
A company's balance sheet is a snapshot of its financial position at a given point in time. Navin Fluorine International Ltd.'s balance sheet is strong and reflects the company's financial stability. The company has a healthy cash position and low debt levels. Investors can use Ticker pre-built screening tools such as DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis to calculate the fair value of the company's stock based on its balance sheet.
Navin Fluorine International Ltd. Annual Report
Navin Fluorine International Ltd.'s annual report provides a comprehensive overview of the company's performance over the past year. The annual report includes information on the company's financial performance, operational performance, and future plans. The company's annual report is available as a downloadable document on Ticker.
Navin Fluorine International Ltd. Dividend
Navin Fluorine International Ltd. has a consistent track record of paying dividends to its shareholders. The company's dividend payout ratio is healthy and reflects its commitment to rewarding shareholders. Long-term investors should consider the company's dividend history while making investment decisions.
Navin Fluorine International Ltd. Quarterly Results
Navin Fluorine International Ltd.'s quarterly results provide investors with an insight into the company's performance over a three-month period. The company's quarterly results are available as downloadable documents on Ticker. Investors can use our pre-built screening tools such as DCF Analysis, BVPS Analysis, Earnings multiple approach, and DuPont analysis to analyze the company's quarterly results and calculate its fair value.
Navin Fluorine International Ltd. Stock Price
Navin Fluorine International Ltd.'s stock price is influenced by various factors such as market trends, industry performance, and company-specific factors. Long-term investors should focus on the company's fundamentals rather than short-term price fluctuations. Investors can use Ticker pre-built screening tools to analyze the company's stock price and calculate its fair value.
Navin Fluorine International Ltd. Price Chart
Navin Fluorine International Ltd.'s price chart provides investors with a visual representation of the company's stock price over a period of time. The price chart can help investors identify trends and patterns in the company's stock price. Investors can use Ticker pre-built screening tools to analyze the company's price chart and calculate its fair value.
Navin Fluorine International Ltd. News
Navin Fluorine International Ltd.'s news section provides investors with the latest updates on the company's performance, operations, and future plans. Investors can use the news section to stay up-to-date with the company's developments and make informed investment decisions.
Navin Fluorine International Ltd. Concall Transcripts
Navin Fluorine International Ltd.'s concall transcripts provide investors with a detailed insight into the company's performance, operations, and future plans. The concall transcripts are available as downloadable documents on Ticker. Investors can use the concall transcripts to analyze the company's performance and calculate its fair value.
Navin Fluorine International Ltd. Investor Presentations
Navin Fluorine International Ltd.'s investor presentations provide investors with a comprehensive overview of the company's performance, operations, and future plans. The investor presentations are available as downloadable documents on Ticker. Investors can use the investor presentations to analyze the company's performance and calculate its fair value.
Navin Fluorine International Ltd. Promoters
Navin Fluorine International Ltd.'s promoters are experienced professionals who have a deep understanding of the chemical industry. The promoters are committed to the company's growth and have a long-term vision for the company. Investors should consider the promoters' track record while making investment decisions.
Navin Fluorine International Ltd. Shareholders
Navin Fluorine International Ltd.'s shareholders include both institutional and retail investors. The company has a diverse shareholder base, which reflects its popularity among investors. Long-term investors should consider the company's shareholder base while making investment decisions.
Navin Fluorine International Ltd. ROCE
The Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) for Navin Fluorine International Ltd. is an important financial metric that indicates the efficiency and profitability of the company's capital investments. This ratio measures the return generated by the company's capital employed, which includes both long-term debt and shareholder's equity. By analyzing the ROCE, investors can gauge how effectively Navin Fluorine International Ltd. is utilizing its capital to generate profits. The ROCE data can be found in the financials table or the ratio section on this page, allowing investors to make informed decisions based on this key metric.
Navin Fluorine International Ltd. EBITDA
EBITDA, or Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization, is a crucial measure of Navin Fluorine International Ltd.'s operating performance. This metric provides insights into the company's profitability and cash flow generation ability by excluding non-operating expenses and financial factors. EBITDA serves as an indicator of Navin Fluorine International Ltd.'s core operating profitability and helps investors assess the company's ability to cover its debt obligations. To access the EBITDA data for Navin Fluorine International Ltd., refer to the financials table or the ratio section on this page.
Navin Fluorine International Ltd. DPS
Dividends per Share (DPS) is a significant indicator of Navin Fluorine International Ltd.'s dividend policy and its ability to distribute profits to shareholders. DPS measures the amount of dividends paid out for each outstanding share of the company's stock. By analyzing the DPS, investors can evaluate the company's dividend stability and growth potential. The DPS data for Navin Fluorine International Ltd. can be found in the financials table or the ratio section on this page, allowing investors to make informed decisions about dividend income potential.
Navin Fluorine International Ltd. EPS
Earnings Per Share (EPS) is a fundamental measure of Navin Fluorine International Ltd.'s profitability and is widely used by investors to assess the company's financial performance. EPS calculates the portion of the company's profit that is allocated to each outstanding share, providing insights into the company's ability to generate earnings for its shareholders. By analyzing the EPS, investors can gauge the company's profitability trends and growth prospects. The EPS data for Navin Fluorine International Ltd. can be accessed in the financials table or the ratio section on this page, enabling investors to make informed investment decisions.
Navin Fluorine International Balance Sheet Growth
Navin Fluorine International Share Capital Stability
Navin Fluorine International has kept its share capital steady at Rs Cr. 9.91 from March 2020 to March 2024, indicating a stable foundation for the company's equity.
Navin Fluorine International Reserves Surge
The company's total reserves have seen a substantial increase reaching Rs Cr. 2,291.88 by March 2024, up from Rs Cr. 1,379.05 in March 2020. This growth signals stronger financial health and profit retention capabilities.
Navin Fluorine International Debt-Free Status
Remarkably, Navin Fluorine International has maintained a debt-free status from March 2020 to March 2024, showcasing its financial robustness and low-risk profile.
Navin Fluorine International Asset Expansion
The total assets of Navin Fluorine International have grown significantly to Rs Cr. 3,109.04 by March 2024 from Rs Cr. 1,932.96 in March 2020. This includes a notable increase in investments and a substantial rise in net block assets, reflecting strategic expansion and operational investments.
This data provides an analysis based on the Standalone Balance sheet of Navin Fluorine International, showcasing its financial journey and strategic asset management over the analyzed period.
Exploring Navin Fluorine International's financial health can offer investors insights into the company's operational efficiency and investment opportunities in the specialty chemicals sector.