Ticker > Super Investors > Hitesh Ramji Javeri

Hitesh Ramji Javeri

Total Networth : 547.55 Cr.

Hitesh is a highly skilled trader. His investment strategy includes extensive research before investment, his portfolio has more than 50 companies, invest mostly in penny stocks and look for multibagger stocks to earn higher returns. These are the shares held by Hitesh Ramji Javeri as per the information available by the exchanges. For some companies the latest quarter results might not be available as they may file it later on.

S.No. COMPANY Dec 2023% Mar 2024% Jun 2024% Sep 2024% Dec 2024% ValueCr.
1 Amco India Ltd. 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 0.89
2 Beeyu Overseas Ltd. 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.25
3 Bemco Hydraulics Ltd. 4.75 4.75 2.29 2.29 4.75 16.58
4 Century Enka Ltd. 5.38 5.38 5.38 5.38 5.38 63.67
5 Cindrella Hotels Ltd. 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 0.23
6 Cochin Malabar Estates & Industries Ltd. 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.83
7 Cranex Ltd. 5.20 5.20 5.20 5.20 5.20 2.83
8 Dhunseri Investments Ltd. 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 15.82
9 DIC India Ltd. 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 39.37
10 Eastern Silk Industries Ltd. 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31 0.33
11 Garg Furnace Ltd. 3.25 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.41 2.22
12 Gujarat Poly Electronics Ltd. 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 4.02
13 Haria Exports Ltd. 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 4.34 0.43
14 Harrisons Malayalam Ltd. 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.91 5.00 18.86
15 Hindustan Hardy Ltd. 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.29
16 Howard Hotels Ltd. 5.28 5.28 5.28 5.28 5.28 1.13
17 ITD Cementation India Ltd. 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 222.92
18 Kiduja India Ltd. 4.31 3.69 2.16 2.16 2.16 0.11
19 Kinetic Engineering Ltd. 1.83 1.83 1.83 2.87 2.87 11.26
20 KMF Builders & Developers Ltd. 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 0.60
21 Lippi Systems Ltd. 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 0.15
22 Mahasagar Travels Ltd. 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 0.36
23 MP Agro Industries Ltd. 4.37 4.37 4.37 4.37 4.37 0.22
24 National Oxygen Ltd. 1.59 1.59 1.52 1.52 1.52 0.82
25 Omega Ag-Seeds (Punjab) Ltd. 3.59 3.59 2.28 3.59 3.59 0.23
26 PAOS Industries Ltd 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 0.42
27 Polychem Ltd. 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 1.72
28 Pradhin Ltd. 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 - 0.00
29 Ras Resorts & Apart Hotels Ltd. 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 0.28
30 Rasandik Engineering Industries India Ltd. 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 1.71
31 Roselabs Finance Ltd. 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 0.91
32 Shetron Ltd. 8.34 8.34 8.34 8.34 8.34 9.96
33 Shree Digvijay Cement Company Ltd. 1.50 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 15.04
34 Shree Hanuman Sugar & Industries Ltd. 4.05 4.05 4.05 4.05 4.05 0.41
35 Shree Steel Wire Ropes Ltd. 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.97 0.50
36 Shriram Asset Management Company Ltd. 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 8.75
37 Shrydus Industries Ltd. 1.25 1.25 1.25 2.19 2.19 0.31
38 Standard Batteries Ltd. 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 0.57
39 Stanpacks (India) Ltd. 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 0.50
40 STEL Holdings Ltd. 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 31.74
41 Stellant Securities (India) Ltd. 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 0.36
42 Suncity Synthetics Ltd. 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71 0.54
43 Tainwala Chemicals & Plastics (India) Ltd. 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.61 3.29
44 Tamilnadu Petroproducts Ltd. 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 29.12
45 Tarai Foods Ltd. 5.19 5.19 5.19 5.19 5.19 0.88
46 Thakkers Developers Ltd. 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 2.06
47 W.S. Industries (India) Ltd. 1.93 - - 1.43 1.43 6.37
48 Williamson Magor & Company Ltd. 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 1.65
49 Yunik Managing Advisors Ltd. 14.91 14.91 14.91 14.91 14.91 2.32
50 Zenith Steel Pipes & Industries Ltd. 7.03 7.03 7.03 7.03 7.03 6.50
51 SPEL Semiconductor Ltd. 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 10.43
52 Sinnar Bidi Udyog Ltd. - 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 0.34
53 Bervin Investment & Leasing Ltd. - - 1.84 1.84 1.84 0.57
54 Polylink Polymers (India) Ltd. - - 4.27 4.27 4.27 2.88

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